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View Full Version : Tonights E4 episode

17-08-2005, 21:56
Did anybody see it?

17-08-2005, 22:01
Did anybody see it?Yeah I saw it, and I'm not looking forward to the next couple of episodes, I hate it when people die.

17-08-2005, 22:06
Yeah i did, that was so sad, and it seemed so dramatic.

The Hen night thing was funny though

17-08-2005, 22:13
The hen night was hilarious!

It really was sad. There's been such a build up to this epidsode but still it didn't really disapoint. Just goes to show the damage bullies do. And how your actions can really effect someone. Nicole was such a b*tch!

17-08-2005, 22:14
Nicole is really peeing me off! Shut up woman! :D

18-08-2005, 10:49
I know i cant believe Nicole said that to Ali and all that stuff at the table not wantign him to be there, she's just tryingto act cool infonr of conner i couldnt believe her, Ali was so upset!

I though it was great last night, so sad! Its like (EE Leo all over again! But not as sad) i cant believe that Justin picked up that knife, oh what he's gone and put him self into! lol

It was all so sad and happend so quick!

18-08-2005, 12:17
It happened so quickly that I'm not even sure exactly what happened. Macki picked up the brick and Justin ran at them, and next thing I know Macki is lying on the ground. I got the impression that Macki practically walked into the knife. Can anyone fill me in on exactly what they think happened?

18-08-2005, 12:51
I thought that it was really clever the way they had all laughs at the hen party and then the devestation of the knife and death. It was really sad but really good at the same time if you know what i mean.

Bad Wolf
18-08-2005, 12:58
it was done really well, roll on 7pm for the aftermath!!!

18-08-2005, 12:59
i know i cant wait. I might be out so i might have to catch it on channel 4

18-08-2005, 16:55
Ooh I haven't seen it yet! I take it that it was good episode then!?

24-08-2005, 20:09
Tonights eppy on e4 was so good i thought, the wedding. Both Becca and Frankie looked really nice, they had really nice outfits.

Glad to see Debbie back, but what was Steph and Nancy wearing! Debbies wasnt all that great for a wedding either.

I thought it was really sad to see Ali's exam results, all A's and A*s. I felt sorry for Justin as well with the whole Becca thing, did he get his B for english or didnt it say, i didnt see.

Lisa was so pathetic in tonights, i really cant stand her charactor at the minute.

24-08-2005, 20:50
Yeah I saw it too. Totally agree about Lisa - PATHETIC! :mad: :rolleyes:

24-08-2005, 21:18
i saw it too. Frankie looked really nice. I wanted to screem at LIsa why was she so upset.

24-08-2005, 21:29
Lisa was pathetic, _ I can't stand that girl

24-08-2005, 21:33
i cant even understand what on earth she was having a tantrum for.

24-08-2005, 21:52
I agree, I don't think there was much need for her to have a tantrum! :searchme: Although to be fair, I think she was more upset about what happened with Jake, and how shes hated because of it. And she has had psychological problems in the past, with her self harming and everything. But she might just be a spoilt brat lol! Shes one of my fave characters, but I don't like what the writers are doing to her at the moment!

24-08-2005, 23:30
I think she got upset because Ben knew that she wasn't happy about the wedding or the fact that he is best man but he still didn't call to make sure she was ok. Deep down she is probably just worried that he doesnt love her like she loves him and that she is 2nd best like in her previous relationships i.e. Jake and the collage guy and since she has has problems in the past it causes her to act out.

01-09-2005, 22:56
I reckon Lisa is loosing it!!!She goes crazy at the slightest thing at the moment!!! :angry: