View Full Version : Hundreds complain over Davina interview

16-08-2005, 18:47
Over 450 viewers are thought to have complained to TV regulator Ofcom over Davina's interview with Makosi on Friday.

The number is more than double that who complained over Kinga's encounter with a bottle earlier this month.

Makosi, who was subjected to crowd heckling on an unprecedented level throughout her 15-minute interview, admitted that she found the experience "distressing".

Despite the call for assistance, viewers argue, Davina appeared to encourage the taunts, accusing Makosi of showing "no remorse" for her behaviour in the house.

On Monday Makosi told The Sun that she had lost "all respect" for Davina as a result of the experience.

Ofcom said it would be investigating the incident.

16-08-2005, 18:57
OMG Davina did nothing wrong, Makosi brought it all on herself! I love Davina, she was just being herself and asking questions we wanted the answers to

16-08-2005, 19:03
how can davina stop the crowd from shouting stuff she did not ster nothing up it is jst makosi she is a lair and to be honest i was shouting at the tv for her toget of she was getting on my nervoues saying she might be pregneat and they did it in the pool as if anthoney would do it with her. who would actually. we all no that she did not do it in the pool. Davina was doing what she ment to do have a interview wih the people who come out the house she is not their to controll the audience.

16-08-2005, 19:12
450 viewers, that not that many considereing how many people actually watched it!

she did nothing wrong

16-08-2005, 19:13
how can davina stop the crowd from shouting stuff she did not ster nothing up it is jst makosi she is a lair and to be honest i was shouting at the tv for her toget of she was getting on my nervoues saying she might be pregneat and they did it in the pool as if anthoney would do it with her. who would actually. we all no that she did not do it in the pool. Davina was doing what she ment to do have a interview wih the people who come out the house she is not their to controll the audience. Well said! You're right, Davina is not there to control the crowd!

17-08-2005, 13:39
Yeah its not like she was joinig in with the crowd so i dont see what all the fuss is about? :searchme:

17-08-2005, 22:57
Its unbelievable how many sad peple actually complained they would need to get themselves a life as Makosi deserved every bit of it as she was a horrid housemate and didnt show no remorse. As for Davina she is a top presenter and she has been around longer than Makosi and will remain around for years to come whereas Makosi wont!!!!

Whos Makosi = A Waste of time, effort and space!!!

18-08-2005, 09:53
Maybe her own relatives and people who are so annoying like her?..

18-08-2005, 09:55
i think davina stirred it up a little
but its makosis own fault and she had a lot of questions to answer so no woder she took a long time

Carrie Bradshaw
18-08-2005, 11:04
It wasn't Davina's fault that Makosi got a bad reception from the crowd. Davina might have stirred it a little, but I thought it was just to give Makosi a chance to apologise for some of the things she had done.

Bad Wolf
18-08-2005, 11:06
its a pantomine!!!!

18-08-2005, 11:06
Is there any way in which Davina could have controlled the crowd even if she wanted to....Makosi knew what she was doing right through BB - she deserved everything she got and if the producers of the show thought Davina did wrong, then surely she wouldn't have been offered another contract..

18-08-2005, 11:34
Davina did nothing wrong

18-08-2005, 11:35
Davina did nothing wrongExactly Stacey, if she'd done wrong, they wouldn't have wanted to renew her contract - GO DAVINA!! :cheer:

18-08-2005, 11:41
if i was there i would have joined in the booing and shouting of liar too

Bad Wolf
18-08-2005, 11:42
personally i thought the helium balloons of bottles were more offensive- funny tho

18-08-2005, 11:43
yeah i was laughing
kinga must have felt so ashamed

Bad Wolf
18-08-2005, 11:47
so funny,

davina was ok, a bit mean but nothing major- makosi is just trying to fefect attention from what she did by accusing someone else

18-08-2005, 11:48
and selling her story for money

Bad Wolf
18-08-2005, 11:50

do you think the poolgate scandal is the worst thing to happen in the house??? after teen big bro, fight night last year etc??

18-08-2005, 11:52
i dont know
i found the fight funny last year

18-08-2005, 12:07
oh dear

18-08-2005, 15:56

18-08-2005, 16:39
OMG Davina did nothing wrong, Makosi brought it all on herself! I love Davina, she was just being herself and asking questions we wanted the answers toI think Makosi is just looking for someone to blame.
However in previous years when there's been a bad reception Davina has always tried to defuse the crowd which she failed to do this year.
I wouldn't say she behaved out of order though but her dislike for Makosi certainly showed.

18-08-2005, 17:28
She was just saying what we were all thinking... made the interview more interesting

18-08-2005, 19:14
she had the longest interview because she had so many questions to answer

18-08-2005, 19:17
yeah, she had a lot to answer to. She was a great housemate when you think about it. Very controvastal, and very entertaining, even if it was for a bad reason

18-08-2005, 19:18
lol she got such a bad reception

19-08-2005, 12:18
I love davina but she was biased and unprofessional in this instance. Makosi played the game till the end and davina verged on rude at time, but for sam evicted at the start of the show, Davina donned a bikini for her! EXCUSE ME, WHAT DID I MISS.

phils little sister
19-08-2005, 12:34
OMG Makosi saying she lost a lot of respect for Davina?? What is that weirdo on? she has no shame and deserved to be booed at the sick freak :angry:

20-08-2005, 14:22
she got everything she deserved!!!
davina did nothing wrong at all!!!

05-09-2005, 18:32
Davina was interviewing her like she did the other housemates, if she didnt stand up for makosi that was her choice and she done it. GET OVER YOURSELF MAKOSI!!!!!!!

07-09-2005, 13:27
Davina did nothing wrong

07-09-2005, 17:41
Davina did nothing wrong
Exactly. I don't understand what all those people were complaining about? :searchme: It wasn't Davina shouting stuff at her.

07-09-2005, 17:44
I wonder how many of the 450 calls were from Makosi and Makosi's family and friends

I totally agree Davina didnt give her an easy ride but after all the horrid stuff she (Makosi) did who can blame her?

07-09-2005, 17:44
I wonder how many of the 450 calls were from Makosi and Makosi's family and friends


07-09-2005, 17:46

they would know which calls were from her - they would all say "do you know who you are talking to? "

07-09-2005, 17:58
Yeah lol! "Don't you know who I am?" :rotfl: :lol:

07-09-2005, 18:27
omg! I cant believe that! Makosi is a horrible liar! LOL Davina didnt do anythin!