View Full Version : 30th and 31st Aug Ep guides

16-08-2005, 17:58
Tuesday 30th August

30th August 2005 Tuesday

Hauled in front of Acting Superintendent Amanda Prosser (Serena Gordon) for her drunk and disorderly behaviour, Inspector Gina Gold (Roberta Taylor) is reprimanded and is in serious trouble. She retaliates by writing an impressive proposal outlining her initiative against anti-social behaviour caused by drinking, and Amanda is forced to eat her words much to Gina’s delight.

Suffering from a hangover, Sergeant Dale Smith (Alex Walkinshaw) tries his best to retract what he told PC Sheelagh Murphy (Bernie Nolan) accusing PC Gabriel Kent (Todd Carty) of raping Kerry Young. Smithy admits his confession to Gina who makes him convince Sheelagh it was just drunken nonsense. Unable to forget Smithy’s words, Sheelagh asks Gabriel about the allegation – will her curiosity land her in deeper danger with the crazed cop?

DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) leads his team to find concrete evidence of his son Benjamin’s (Kieran Bew) ‘Grab-A-Gram’ drugs business. The proof is eventually found on a lap top kept in his gym locker and DC Terry Perkins (Bruce Byron) arrests him. Benjamin begs DS Samantha Nixon (Lisa Maxwell) to let him see his father and after hearing some choice words from Jack, Benjamin pleads guilty to all charges and agrees to provide detailed information on all his contacts.

PC’s Amber Johannsen (Myfanwy Waring) and Honey Harman (Kim Tiddy) are paired up and Amber is given her first ‘death visit’ to deal with. Helpful Honey gives her tips on how to break the news to a mother whose son has passed away in an accident and Amber tries her best to be sympathetic to Mrs Linos (Mia Soteriou) when telling her the bad news. It turns out the deceased had a stolen passport with him and Amber has broken the devastating news to the wrong woman, leaving Amber distraught.

Wednesday 31st August

Shocked and upset, Sergeant June Ackland (Trudie Goodwin) can’t believe her eyes when she receives a visiting order from her thirteen year old rapist, Ross Trescot (Jack O’Connell). Fellow Sergeant Dale Smith (Alex Walkinshaw) shows concern when the news starts to affect June’s work and is amazed when she decides to face her attacker…

Hoping she’ll follow in her mother’s footsteps, PC Sheelagh Murphy (Bernie Nolan) brings her daughter Siobhan (Kirsty Wood) into the station to experience a day in the life of a police officer. Smithy places Siobhan in the back of the area car with PC’s Gabriel Kent (Todd Carty) and Reg Hollis (Jeff Sewart). Throughout the day and after an exciting car chase, she warms to the idea of becoming a copper and also encourages her mother to make up with Gabriel.

DI Neil Manson (Andrew Lancel) rushes to wife Pippa’s (Lucy Cohu) aid when he hears she has been assaulted in court. The estranged couple who have been leading separate lives, realise their future together might be worth fighting for.
After Siobhan’s intervention, Gabriel accepts Sheelagh’s apology of accusing him of raping Kerry and they kiss and make up. Not wanting to two-time Sheelagh, Gabriel visits secret girlfriend Zoe Dowman (Viva Duce) to verbally degrade her and call off their ‘relationship’.

Led by DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse), the CID team continue to investigate where the fake passports are being printed. They come across a graphics company which was saved from going bust with a £100,000 investment from Jamil Fenton (Patrick Myles). When seeing Jamil with Pete Larson’s (Graham McTavish) messenger boy, they know for a fact that Larson is involved in the scam. DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen) arrests Jamil but DC Zain Nadir (TJ Ramani) is infuriated when he refuses to admit Pete Larson is the financial backer. Zain decides to visit Larson who threatens him not to investigate into his personal affairs any further, or else…

16-08-2005, 17:59
Thursday 1st September

Sergeant June Ackland (Trudie Goodwin) reluctantly visits Ross Trescot (Jack O’Connell) at the secure training centre. Her 13-year-old rapist begs June to drop the charges when he tells her of his own #### abuse by his uncle. June remains resolute, she wants to prosecute the teenager, no matter what the outcome…

PC’s Roger Valentine (John Bowler) and Laura Bryant (Melanie Kilburn) investigate a mugging involving a polish woman called Rumali (Zelda Tinska). Roger takes an instant liking to her housemate Anka (Ivana Basic) who is also later attacked. Discovering Anka worked as a prostitute, Roger takes Laura by surprise by threatening Anka’s attacker Paul (Morgan Jones) not to go anywhere near the girls again. Romeo Roger is silently pleased when Anka says she wished they had met under different circumstances…

DI Neil Manson (Andrew Lancel) pays wife Pippa (Lucy Cohu) a visit and quizzes her when she declines to press charges against her attacker, Toby. She denies it has anything to do with her father’s history with rent boys and says that if they are to have a future together, Neil must trust her. Later, Neil is left questioning his wife when DC Jo Masters (Sally Rogers) and DC Susie Sim (Wendy Kweh) present him with photographs revealing Gavin (a suspected pimp of under-age boys) with his father-in-law…

Inspector Gina Gold’s (Roberta Taylor) impressive initiative on anti-social behaviour proves a success in Sun Hill. However, she is infuriated by Acting Superintendent Amanda Prosser (Serena Gordon) taking all the glory when congratulated by the Borough Commander. How will Gina wipe the smug smile from Prosser’s face?

samantha nixon
16-08-2005, 18:55
these look really good and its on 3 days

16-08-2005, 19:09
Cheers Suze

Crazy Gal 88
16-08-2005, 19:26
sounds good. still nothing about phil and sam though!!! :(

16-08-2005, 22:48
hi crazygal does neil still kiss sam when shes upset.

17-08-2005, 06:39
Please do not turn this into another Neil Sam and Phil thread. There are enough of them already. Can we get onto that subject when the guides say something remotely in that direction.. which I doubt anyway.

From the guides it is clear that Neil and his estranged wife are the focus of Neils attention....will his father in law and the rent boys plot EVER go away!!!

Wonder if Gina believes that Gabriel raped Kerry though she would know there is nothing she can do about it. Wonder if that is why she tells Smithy to sort it out and go back on what he said. After all it is better for Smithy to see Gabriel dig his own grave without pulling another officer into it with him (Sheelagh)

17-08-2005, 08:58
These sound great - thanks. I think Gina believes something went on between Gabriel and Kerry and certainly not a mutual relationship kind of thing either - but like you say, she can't do anything now, so I think you're right Suze

17-08-2005, 09:52
Thanks for posting these, sounds great :D

17-08-2005, 10:47
it sounds good

17-08-2005, 13:42
I wonder it June will drop the charges about the rape :hmm:

17-08-2005, 15:40
sounds good

Crazy Gal 88
17-08-2005, 16:33
i dont think they kiss.

17-08-2005, 16:58
Still can't get over Gabriel having any woman interested in him... YUCK

17-08-2005, 17:07
why dont you think they should kiss crazygal

Crazy Gal 88
17-08-2005, 18:07
i never said that i dont THINK they should kiss. i want them too. i just said that it doesnt look they are going to in the next few episodes that all. sorry if i caused any confusion but i NEVER said that i DONT WANT THEM TO KISS!!!

samantha nixon
17-08-2005, 18:08
it doesnt even look like they have any storylines together for a little while aswell

17-08-2005, 19:26
why do you want them to kiss what storylines sam

17-08-2005, 19:31
Still can't get over Gabriel having any woman interested in him... YUCK

i know what you mean who in there right mind would go out with him :sick:

17-08-2005, 19:34
which storyline sam having

17-08-2005, 21:34
Oh for goodness sakes.. please confine this to the Neil, Sam and Phil threads and not on every other thread....

The on going kiss not kiss kiss not kiss... has no bearing on this thread.

17-08-2005, 23:01
what you mean by on going kiss

samantha nixon
18-08-2005, 09:41
she means it aint gonna happen

18-08-2005, 18:34
Oh for goodness sakes.. please confine this to the Neil, Sam and Phil threads and not on every other thread....

The on going kiss not kiss kiss not kiss... has no bearing on this thread.

Too right. Keep this thread relevant :angry:

18-08-2005, 19:15
yeah the last thread on sam and phil was full up of ongoing rubbish about Neil and Sam, KEEP IT TO THE DESIGNATED THREAD!!

18-08-2005, 22:47
shut it i just saying wish neil sam was reliable. spoiler

samantha nixon
18-08-2005, 22:49
everyones allowed there own oppinion and to say there thoughts

18-08-2005, 22:57
shut up thats stupid i think they will in the end why rumours about neil sam if not true. phil sam no no. big no no not phil he dont suit sorry there was rumours about phil sam they were true

18-08-2005, 22:58
sorry bit drunk im old enough to drink so

samantha nixon
18-08-2005, 22:59
i was only saying that everyone has the right to say what they think including you but i dontthink its right if you go round telling people to shut up

edit sorry posted at the same time

18-08-2005, 23:13
PLEASE KEEP THREAD ON TOPIC Its so good of Suze to give us such great spoilers. If you want to talk about a fantay kiss please start a new thread

18-08-2005, 23:14
what fantasy kiss

18-08-2005, 23:15
PLEASE KEEP THREAD ON TOPIC Its so good of Suze to give us such great spoilers. If you want to talk about a fantay kiss please start a new thread

don't start a new thread there is to many threads sam phil and neil

19-08-2005, 06:25
Those spoiler sound great. Sounds like everyones out on the P (re: smithy/Gina LOL)

Wonder if all this is leading up to Gabriel's exit, personally I feel pretty sure that it will have something to do with the real David Kent turning up.

Thanks Suze:)

Bad Wolf
19-08-2005, 07:56
can you please be reminded to keep things on topic or start a new thread, (it stops the board getting messy).

cheers m'dears xxxxxxxx

19-08-2005, 07:58
i've never thought about the real david kent showing up

Crazy Gal 88
19-08-2005, 11:08
yeh i agree with rach! all the phil and sam spoiler posts get messed up. please try and keep this one to the relevant topic!!!!!!!!!!

19-08-2005, 17:45
im sorry if i was being a cow last night went clubbing got hammered. didnt mean to say shut it was drink talking.

samantha nixon
20-08-2005, 17:01
it doesnt matter

21-08-2005, 16:51
still was said though

31-08-2005, 13:54
yey three days yey... this week sounds so good... yesterday's eppy was brill...

31-08-2005, 16:16
wasn't it? i can't wait for tonight though. and tomorrows