View Full Version : Lost Episode 24 III

15-08-2005, 19:18
Back at the caves, Sun does her best to comfort Claire who is in agony over the loss of her baby. She tells Claire that Charlie will bring him back to her. "How do you know," she asks Sun. "Because he said he would. Charlie will bring your baby back."

And we find Charlie resuming his mad dash through the jungle with Sayid when they see the baby wrapped in its blanket at the foot of a tree. "There," Charlie shouts and takes off running towards it, but Sayid tells him to wait. Charlie picks up the baby and pulls back the blanket to reveal…a log. And picking it up has released a booby trap of rocks hanging in the tree canopy above him. By the time he looks up his head is split wide open by the falling rocks. Sayid sees him bleeding badly. He tells Charlie he'll have to go back, but we all know that's not going to happen. "You're a soldier, Sayid, what do you do when someone is wounded?" Sayid has an idea. And he pulls a bullet from his gun and removes the lead from the cartridge. He then pours the gunpowder in the open wound and strikes a match. "This is not going to be pleasant," he says. And from the pitch of Charlie's scream we know he is correct.

We FLASHBACK to a hotel room. The sun is clearly up, but Hurley is very much unaware of this as he snores peacefully. Something causes him to open his eyes and when he checks the clock on the bedside table, it is blank. He goes to turn on the light, but nothing happens. There must have been a power outage. And by the time Hurley realizes what time it is he realizes that he is in very serious danger of missing his flight home. And he can't miss this flight -- his mother's birthday is tomorrow. Well, today, actually when you consider the whole time change thing and…well, forget it.

In a "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" series of mishaps that simply must be seen to be believed, Hurley finally manages to get to the gate just as they close the door for boarding. He pleads with the gate agent to let him on board and when she calls down to the plane Hurley has his answer: "This is your lucky day."

Back in the jungle, Hurley is repeating the numbers, those prophetic numbers over and over again in his head. When Kate overhears him repeating the number 23 she asks if the number has some special significance to him. But Hurley isn't ready to talk. "It's just a number," he says and they go to catch up with Jack and Locke.

And speaking of Jack and Locke, push is coming to shove. What starts as an argument about how they handled the situation at the Monster's hole turns into a much broader discussion. Locke tells Jack that he appreciates that Jack is a man of science, but that he himself is a man of faith. Locke believes that the island has all brought them here, every one of them for a reason, to take them down a certain path. And that path ends at the hatch. "All of it happened so that we could open the hatch," Locke says. Jack replies that they are opening the hatch so that they can survive. "I don't believe in destiny," Jack says. "Yes, you do," Locke replies. "You just don't know it yet."

Back on the raft, Michael and Sawyer argue about how often to check the radar screen. Sayid said every hour is the way to do it, but the battery could run out and they have no idea how long they are going to be out there. When Sawyer begins to question Michael's disciplining (or lack thereof) of his son, Michael learns that Sawyer's own father killed himself when he was eight years old. And them Michael makes a connection. There are only two reasons someone like Sawyer would want on a mission as crazy as this raft: "You're either a hero…or you want to die." And Sawyer's answer only confirms what Michael already knows. "I ain't no hero, Mike." And then, the radar BLEEPS. Michael and Sawyer can hardly believe their eyes, but as they look at the screen. It shows a contact, at 8 o'clock. Something…is out there.

FLASHBACK to the Sydney airport. Locke is waiting to be loaded onto the plane when the gate agent tells him the special wheelchair they use to get handicapped passengers on and off the plane is missing. They will have to carry him. And as the look of helpless frustration colors his face we CUT to the island… and this new version of Locke. Steady and confident, he leads the explosives team to the hatch. And Locke begins to direct the team on how to prepare the charges and the fuse.

Meanwhile, Sayid and Charlie have followed the smoke to a large fire burning on a yet unseen section of beach. They carefully make their way to the edge of the brush, guns in hand. But the fire on the beach is untended. There aren't even any footprints. Just as Charlie and Sayid wonder what is going on, they hear the baby crying from the jungle and they shout for Rousseau to come out. She does, crying, Aaron safe in her arms. She tells them that nobody was here when she arrived. All she wanted was to get her Alex back. She thought if she gave them the baby… Charlie has Aaron in his arms and accuses Rousseau of making the whole thing up. She tells them she is sure she heard them whispering. She is certain they said they were coming for the boy…

Back at the hatch, Locke and Jack share an uncomfortable moment finalizing the shape charges on the Hatch. When they finish, they go to the end of the fuse where Locke volunteers to light it, telling the others to take cover. He'll have enough time to get clear after lighting it. Jack calls Hurley over from where he was guarding the other dynamite and goes to take cover with Kate. She indicts him for taking the dynamite in his pack and Jack stands up for himself, saying everyone wants him to be a leader until he makes a decision that they disagree with. If she wants to continue second-guessing him that's fine, but if they get through this night alive, Jack says, "We're going to have a Locke problem."

Hurley makes his way back across the hatch on his way to where Jack and Kate are when he spots the numbers written on the hatch. And he freaks out. "Stop! We can't do it, the numbers are bad!" Jack Kate and Locke don't know how to react, but Hurley repeats his warning over and over. Locke hasn't come this far to stop now and he lights the fuse sending them down a path towards… the unknown. And when Hurley tries desperately to stamp out the fuse before it reaches the dynamite, it is all Jack can do to tackle him to safety before the charges go off and the night is pierced by the rocket of flame and the blast wave shakes the canopy violently in its wake.