View Full Version : Lost Episode 22

15-08-2005, 19:06
"Born to Run"

A green convertible pulls into the parking lot of a hotel located next to a thriving cornfield and comes to a stop. Although we can't see her face we see a blonde woman get out of the car and open the trunk. Inside are license plates for at least a dozen states. She very deftly removes the Nebraska plate and replaces it with one from Ohio. In the background, a family is checking out of their room, leaving the door open behind them while the chambermaid pushes her cart along her appointed rounds. Very casually, the blond woman takes her bag and walks right past the departing family. While the maid is in another room, the blond woman takes two towels and two bottles of shampoo from her cart and then slips into the recently vacated room, closing the door behind her and hanging the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the handle.

We follow the girl inside and watch her go to the sink and remove her shirt. She pulls a bottle of hair coloring out of her bag and begins to apply it to her hair. A moment later we see her in the shower as the excess dye drips down the drain. Her hair is now a dark brown and as she turns to continue washing her hair, we finally get our first look at her face…and it's Kate!

We follow her to the lobby where she asks the clerk for a letter that should be held there for her. He asks her name. "Joan Hart," she tells him, and sure enough there is a letter. Back in her car, we see the wad of cash that was enclosed and we realize that this is how she must be surviving on the run. But there is something else with the money this time, a handwritten letter. And something in that letter hits Kate hard because she begins to cry as we go to…

The beach. Kate is playing with the toy plane she so desperately wanted from the case the Marshal was carrying. Charlie comes along and sits beside her and he's in very good spirits. He explains to Kate that, once the raft sets sail and rescue comes as a result, they are all going to be famous. "Don't you want to be famous," Charlie asks. But the look on Kate's face makes it unnecessary to answer. Further down the beach another of the survivors, Dr. Arzt is explaining that monsoon season is coming any day now and the trade winds will shift directions when it does. Every day they wait to launch increases the chance that they will die out there. Michael decides that tomorrow will be the day to launch and he sets out to make the final arrangements, but Kate is shadowing him the whole way. When he finally asks Kate why she is suddenly so interested in the raft she drops a bombshell on him: "Because I'm coming with you."

Michael explains that the raft is full. There are 4 spots and those are already spoken for. Kate tries her best to sell herself as the best candidate for the raft and even goes as far as to suggest to Michael that the raft is too dangerous for Walt. But this only edifies Michael's position. He is the only one who is going to decide what is right for his son. And right now, what's best is to get him off this island.

We FLASHBACK to a hospital where we see Kate carrying a bouquet of flowers down the hall. She is heading for a certain room when she spots a police officer sitting guard in front of the door. She quickly blocks herself from view with the flowers and walks right by, pretending to be going somewhere else.

Later, a doctor heads to his car in the parking structure after a long day at work. As he climbs in we hear a voice from the back seat: "Hi, Tom." After his initial scare, Tom recognizes Kate. He asks her what she is doing there and she tells him Diane is dying of cancer and she thought she owed it to her to come and see her. But she needs his help…

Back on the island, Jin is making some last minute adjustments to the rigging when Sun approaches and asks him if he is going to be leaving on the raft. He admits that he is, causing Sun to turn and walk away.

Meanwhile, Sayid is leading Jack through the jungle where they finally meet up with Locke. Jack and Locke still carry a palpable distrust and Jack is very suspicious as Locke asks him to follow him. Jack does and they reveal the hatch, much further along in its excavation. This is the first time Jack has seen it and his reaction is profound. Locke is typically understated: "I guess it's time we talked about this…"

Back at the raft Sawyer asks Michael why they need to pack so much salted fish, can't they just catch their own on the raft? Michael begins to wonder just how fit Sawyer is for the duty and admits that he has other interested parties. This gets Sawyer over to Kate in a hurry and when he arrives we see her burning the protective coating off of a passport, which she quickly hides once Sawyer arrives. Sawyer lays it out in plain English: Don't mess with me. He tells her he knows who she really is and how badly she needs to get on that raft, but that just isn't going to happen. No way. Kate's response is even more to the point. "I want your spot, I'll get your spot."

Back at the raft, Michael is taking a much deserved water break and explaining to Walt that it might be difficult to send help back to an island this remote. As he is doing so, he keels over in pain. Something is very wrong. Walt runs through the jungle looking for help and finds Sun and Kate. He tells them what is wrong and Kate sends Sun back to Michael with Walt while she runs off to try and find Jack.

But Jack is at the hatch and he's not too happy to find out about this so late in the game. He demands to know why Locke kept this from him for three weeks. Locke asks Jack how long he knew about the guns in the Marshal's case before he decided to tell the rest of them. "So how do we open it," Jack asks, but this sends Sayid into a frenzy. He brought Jack out here to talk Locke out of trying to open the hatch. Besides, Sayid asks, if the door was meant to be opened, why doesn't it have a handle on the outside?

While making their way back, Locke, Jack and Sayid finally bump into Kate, who tells them about the problem with Michael. Once back, they find Michael in dire condition. Jack tries to make his diagnosis, but all Michael has been doing is eating the same food and drinking the same water as everyone else. Adding to his agony, Michael is ordered to stay on his back until Jack can get more information.

In FLASHBACK, we see Kate looking at some snapshots stuck to the refrigerator door with magnets. They show the doctor with a lovely woman and a beautiful baby boy. Tom tells Kate that his name is Connor and we can see how idyllic his life is. And how much that life lays in contrast to Kate's. Tom says that he managed to get Diane into the MRI room at 5am and that Kate should get some private time with her then. When they realize that they have 3 hours to kill, Kate asks Tom a cryptic question: "Do you think it's still there?" Tom's car pulls to the base of a tree in the middle of a cow pasture. They remove two shovels out of the trunk, walk off six paces and begin to dig.

19-08-2005, 10:11
I am soo confused!

26-11-2005, 11:39
this is so werid but good