View Full Version : Lost Episode 21 Cont

15-08-2005, 19:03
We FLASHBACK to Sayid playing soccer with Essam, who reveals that while he doesn't know where the explosives are or where the attack is planned, he knows there will be a martyr. Sayid stops and looks into his old friends eyes, realizing that Essam is to deliver the explosives. Essam admits that he doesn't think he can do it. Concerned, Sayid meets with the agents and tells them that Essam is in over his head. He feels that he can get Essam to turn himself in. But that doesn't satisfy them. They instruct Sayid to talk Essam into being the martyr so that he will lead them to the explosives. When Sayid refuses, they threaten to pick up Nadia as an enemy combatant living abroad with a terrorist record. They tell Sayid that if he wants any chance of seeing her again, he'll talk Essam into blowing himself up.

Back on the island, Sayid tells Shannon that he believes what happened to Boone was an accident. Shannon doesn't understand why Locke lied, but Sayid assures her that he didn't mean to harm her brother. Not satisfied with the explanation, Shannon walks away from Sayid.

On the beach, Walt's fear of leaving on the raft is apparent as he asks Michael, "What if we die?" Michael tries to be confident when he tells his son that they aren't going to die. But Walt points out the Boone died, leaving Michael without a response. Charlie approaches with the crying baby looking for Sun. He realizes that when Sawyer speaks up, the baby quiets down, so Charlie starts to follow Sawyer around.

Meanwhile, Jack wakes up with Kate by his side. She offers him some soup, which he wisely declines - he wants to be awake. He reaches down for his neck and realizes the key to the Halliburton case is no longer around it. Jack runs out of the tent and immediately points a finger at Locke. Sayid thinks otherwise as we ... ... FLASHBACK to Sayid sitting with Essam, who is seriously having second thoughts and worried about all of the innocent lives that will be lost in the attack. But Sayid does what was asked of him and manipulates his friend into committing to the task. He tells Essam it's for the greater good. He also reminds Essam about Zahraa and shares his own loss. He says that by doing this, they can honor their loved ones who are gone. And Essam buys into it, completely convinced that Haddad was right - they were brought together by fate. He asks Sayid to do the mission with him and Sayid accepts.

Back on the island, Sayid, Kate and Jack run into the jungle, but Jack is weak and stumbles. Kate goes back for him as Sayid presses on. He comes upon Locke, kneeling on the ground, hands in the air. He turns to see Shannon standing a few feet away with one of the guns trained at Locke's head. Shannon screams over the rain, convinced that Locke killed her brother. Sayid can see that she's not thinking rationally and begs her to put the gun down. Instead, she cocks it - and though she has never fired a gun before, she fires off a shot to prove that she capable. Sayid tells Shannon that if she kills Locke, she can never take it back, as we...

FLASHBACK to Sayid as he's pulled into a van with Essam and Haddad, who tell him the time has come. The van pulls into a garage and comes to a stop. Haddad gets out and opens the back of another truck with an office supply store logo on the side to reveal the explosives, covered in plain cardboard boxes. Haddad gives Sayid and Essam two company work shirts, guns and instructions. He tells them they are heroes and wishes them good luck before leaving in the first van. Sayid and Essam climb into the cab of the truck - Sayid in the driver's seat, Essam next to him. Essam begins to pray when Sayid reveals that he's working with the CIA and offers him a ten minute head start before he calls them. Essam is shocked and hurt, unable to believe that his friend set him up; that he used Zahraa; that he said he lost someone too. Sayid tells Essam about Nadia and the deal he made to find her. But Essam pulls a gun on Sayid - his eyes wild, unable to grasp that his friend would do this to him for a woman. And just as we think Essam is about to blow Sayid's head off, he turns the gun on himself, puts it under his chin and pulls the trigger. And the sound of the gunshot smashes us back to... ... the jungle, where Shannon isn't backing down, demanding to know what really happened to her brother, as Jack and Kate arrive at the scene. She tells Locke that she hopes he suffers as much as her brother did before she pulls the trigger. And what happens next happens quickly as Sayid dives on top of Shannon, knocking the gun out of her hand. Locke falls to the ground, blood on his head. Jack stands frozen as Kate runs to Locke's side. For a moment, we think he might be dead, but then he sits up, only grazed and locks eyes with Jack, who never made a move to help him.

On the beach, Sawyer reads from car magazine to keep the baby quiet. Claire approaches, amazed at the effects of Sawyer's voice and amused by his reading glasses. Further down the beach, Kate and Sayid talk. Kate tells Sayid that Shannon will be fine; to just give her some time. But Sayid thinks he made a mistake, and while Kate argues that he had no choice, Sayid responds, "There's always a choice." And off those words we...

... FLASHBACK to Sayid, meeting with his CIA and ASIS contacts. They hand over information on Nadia's whereabouts and an Oceanic plane ticket to Los Angeles. They remind Sayid that though what he did was hard, he saved hundreds of lives. Sayid inquires about Essam's body to learn that with nobody to claim it, he will be cremated. Sayid points out that Muslims are supposed to be buried and offers to claim the body himself. But the ASIS agent points out that he'll be on a flight to LA by the time they wrap up all the paperwork. Sayid refuses to leave Essam and demands they change his flight to the following day, thus putting him on the fateful Oceanic Flight 815.

Back on the island, Locke thanks Sayid for what he did, knowing full well what it cost him. Sayid tells Locke that he did it because he thinks that Locke may be their best hope at surviving on the island - though that doesn't mean he trusts him. To gain that trust, Sayid asks Locke to take him to the hatch. And Locke finally relents. The episode ends as Sayid stares down in amazement at the hatch.

19-08-2005, 10:08
What has happened to Jack, has his hero dust run out?