View Full Version : brosnan felt a phoney playing bond

15-08-2005, 10:38
Pierce Brosnan has admitted that he often felt like a fraud when playing James Bond.

The actor, who was told that he had been dropped from the role last year, has played 007 in four films, but claims to be glad that he won't be appearing in the next movie, Casino Royale.

"I had all these stupid one-liners and loathed them," Pierce told The Mirror. "I felt like such a phony. It never felt real to me and I never felt I had complete ownership of the role. I'd look at myself in the suit and tie, and think 'What the heck am I doing here?'"

Brosnan has also revealed that he immediately felt relieved after being informed in a telephone call that he had been axed.

He added, "After that kind of titanic jolt to the system, there was a great sense of calm. I thought, '******* it, I can do anything I want to do now.' I'm not beholden to them or to anyone. I'm not shackled by some contracted image.

"So there was a sense of liberation. The money was amazing, but I'm just glad it's not my problem any more. One phone call, that's all it took."