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View Full Version : Debbie's mobile fone

25-02-2005, 15:50
Not sure if anyone saw the number on Debbie's mobile but in america everyone did & started foning. On shows in the states they have a "dead prefix" which consists of 555 as an area code but this is a proper number that the producers at 24 bought a line & conected it so it would ring & the shot was bagged but fans started to dial it & bemussed cast & crew have keeped the fone going kim raver who plays Audery heller was answering questions live on air on the JIMMY KIMMELL SHOW.

The number is 310-597-3781 but add "001" when ur out side the u.s.a as its still in use but tomorrow on fox there will be a new number as they watch episode 10.

To listen to the cast & crew chat with the fans you can visit THE FAN FONE SITE (http://www.mnobt.com/24scellphonetk/news.php) or read up on the latest fanfone news HERE (http://www.tvrules.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=7013) or you can even try HERE (http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1106779810528&call_pageid=968867495754&col=969483191630&DPL=IvsNDS%2f7ChAX&tacodalogin=yes)

tell the cast & crew i send my love :cool:

26-02-2005, 00:08
hee hee you should give them a call mad :cool: .

thanks for posting