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12-08-2005, 21:46

12-08-2005, 21:47
I thought Lesley has lost some weight but she's still fat!

12-08-2005, 21:50
Kemal - Hotpants - NO!!!:sick: :sick:

12-08-2005, 21:58
I know I laughed my @rse off at what Kemal was wearing!

12-08-2005, 22:05
the head dress was cool, but Hotpants NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

But I prefer my blokes in trousers!

12-08-2005, 22:09
the head dress was cool, but Hotpants NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

But I prefer my blokes in trousers!He's a woman though isn't he? Well not quite but he might as well be! If that was my son I couldn't support him however shallow that would make me I just wouldn't stand by him :thumbsdow
I know I'm terrible but atleast I'm being honest about it and saying I couldn't do it. It would be so easy to say "yes I would support him" etc but it would be bad enough without him flouncing like that on the TV!

12-08-2005, 22:21
Fab interview with Makosi she really worked it like a diva good on her for not crumbling under all the name calling. It was all very panto though and she really went for it she remained composed and answered her questions.

12-08-2005, 22:22
Right, I think Anthony's gonna win!

12-08-2005, 22:23
i think sam was on about some on line porn thing!!!!

12-08-2005, 22:23
I think Anthony or Eugene will win :D

12-08-2005, 22:23
I think Anthony will, but I want Eugene to

12-08-2005, 22:23
i think sam was on about some on line porn thing!!!!I don't see how she could get involved with porn she's got no boobs!

12-08-2005, 22:24
Fab interview with Makosi she really worked it like a diva good on her for not crumbling under all the name-calling. It was all very panto though and she really went for it she remained composed and answered her questions.

I can't believe the crowd! I know she's been two faced, but there was need whatsoever for that appaling reaction from the crowd. They're being awful!

Katie :)

12-08-2005, 22:24
Makosi, your boobs are suposed to be inside your dress love!!

(Sorry, being really bitchie tonight)

12-08-2005, 22:25
I knew the dullard would win!

12-08-2005, 22:25
I can't believe the crowd! I know she's been two faced, but there was need whatsoever for that appaling reaction from the crowd. They're being awful!

Katie :)She dealt with it quite well though I thought!

12-08-2005, 22:26
Makosi, your boobs are suposed to be inside your dress love!!

(Sorry, being really bitchie tonight)

she looked really cheap and trashy!!! get a dress that fits love!!!!

12-08-2005, 22:27
Makosi, your boobs are suposed to be inside your dress love!!

(Sorry, being really bitchie tonight)
Kinga was worse! :eek:

12-08-2005, 22:27
She dealt with it quite well though I thought!

Its because she really doesnt give a ......

12-08-2005, 22:28
I don't see how she could get involved with porn she's got no boobs!

but she is a right sla**er so thats probably what they like!!!

12-08-2005, 22:29
but she is a right sla**er so thats probably what they like!!!

She'll probably get them done again

12-08-2005, 22:30
more than likely, maybe she will try and be the next jordan!!!(doubt it!!!)

12-08-2005, 22:31
more than likely, maybe she will try and be the next jordan!!!(doubt it!!!)

Oh dear not another one!!!

Michell from last year, the bunny boiler one!!! works for a porn channel now!

12-08-2005, 22:38
but she is a right sla**er so thats probably what they like!!!I thought you had to have killer baps to go into the porn industry :)

12-08-2005, 22:39
Its because she really doesnt give a ......Well it's a good attitude to have I suppose :searchme:

12-08-2005, 22:39
I thought Eugene was quite nice in his interview I still don't like him though!

12-08-2005, 22:40
I thought Eugene was quite nice in his interview I still don't like him though!

I prefer him to the midget dancer though

12-08-2005, 22:42
I prefer him to the midget dancer thoughOh definately he wasn't as dull!

Anthony has obviously got the housewife vote and the totty vote.

I thought Eugene would have had the housewife vote but he must have just got the sympathy one! :)

12-08-2005, 22:43
I dont find anthony attractive in the slightest, he may have got the teen vote though

12-08-2005, 23:01
I dont find anthony attractive in the slightest, he may have got the teen vote thoughI don't find him attractive either.

12-08-2005, 23:02
That's it guys! BB is over!

12-08-2005, 23:03
I normally cry when "BigBrother" is over but I am not really that upset at the end of this series. I'll still miss it and it was good but I just don't feel as emotional as I usually would. That's why this series has been good it's been fab but you don't become as emotionally involved.

12-08-2005, 23:04
I hate it on "E4" because you can watch a bit of live streaming with the house empty! They've just turned my internet feed off now I still have access to the video clips but I've seen them all already :)

12-08-2005, 23:05
Did I get my moneys worth from the internet feed? Mmmm well I've been adding it up and in total I've watched 327 full hours so I would say that's decent enough for 11 weeks?

12-08-2005, 23:06
I thought Lesley has lost some weight but she's still fat!
tell it like it is wq,love it 'she's still fat! ' :rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:07
im gutted. eugene should have won this. anthony did nothing and he won?? how on earth did that happen. FIXED!!!!

loved the makosi interview she deserved evrything she got she really did. i loevd the fact that that they booed her the whole way through.LOL

12-08-2005, 23:07
Kemal - Hotpants - NO!!!:sick: :sick:
he's a right minger,what a idiot

12-08-2005, 23:07
tell it like it is wq,love it 'she's still fat! ' :rotfl:Did she that skirt she had on with her big fat lard @rse?

12-08-2005, 23:07
tell it like it is wq,love it 'she's still fat! ' :rotfl:

she is though!! thoight she had lost weight???

12-08-2005, 23:08
Did she that skirt she had on with her big fat lard @rse?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:08
he's a right minger,what a idiot
If you got on top of him you'd snap him :lol:

12-08-2005, 23:08
I can't believe the crowd! I know she's been two faced, but there was need whatsoever for that appaling reaction from the crowd. They're being awful!

Katie :)
loved it

12-08-2005, 23:08
If you got on top of him you'd snap him :lol:
ooo god i perish the thought

12-08-2005, 23:09
im gutted. eugene should have won this. anthony did nothing and he won?? how on earth did that happen. FIXED!!!!

loved the makosi interview she deserved evrything she got she really did. i loevd the fact that that they booed her the whole way through.LOLI think Makosi must have been absolutely barmey to lie about having sex with Anthony and being pregnant and can only assume she did it for the drama in the house. I don't really agree with what she done but I did think she handled her interview well tonight.

12-08-2005, 23:10
loved it
Fair play to her for handling it quite well though!

12-08-2005, 23:10
ooo god i perish the thought
I wonder where he keeps his internal organs?

12-08-2005, 23:11
Did she that skirt she had on with her big fat lard @rse?
yeah i mean if you knew you were goin to be on tv you just wouldnt wear that kinda thing would you,also is it just me or was sakia looking a bit on the podgy side too? miaow!

12-08-2005, 23:12
I think Makosi must have been absolutely barmey to lie about having sex with Anthony and being pregnant and can only assume she did it for the drama in the house. I don't really agree with what she done but I did think she handled her interview well tonight.
but why didnt she just admit she lied? she just made it ten times worse for herself

12-08-2005, 23:13
yeah i mean if you knew you were goin to be on tv you just wouldnt wear that kinda thing would you,also is it just me or was sakia looking a bit on the podgy side too? miaow!I can't stand that fat dog Saskia either!

12-08-2005, 23:13
I hope she doesnt keep poping up on TV

12-08-2005, 23:14
I can't stand that fat dog Saskia either!
her voice is really common

12-08-2005, 23:14
I hope she doesnt keep poping up on TV
which one? makosi or saskia?

12-08-2005, 23:14
Kemal - Hotpants - NO!!!:sick: :sick:

what was that headress all about????? :rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:15
but why didnt she just admit she lied? she just made it ten times worse for herselfTrue but she did handle all the booing and shouting quite well. Like I say I don't agree with what she did and she should have admitted she had said it for the drama atleast that way she might have saved herself a bit of credibility but it was her decision to make and I think she made the wrong one by still maintaining that they had sex in there! I do think she was treated too harsh because at the end of the day she was an entertaining housemate however much of a cow she was and I think she handled that interview well. A lot of people would crack up under that strain but she held it together and managed to stay composed. It looked like she was welling up a bit at the end but that was okay the important thing is she didn't burst into tears on the stage and ruin her interview.

12-08-2005, 23:15
Fab interview with Makosi she really worked it like a diva good on her for not crumbling under all the name-calling. It was all very panto though and she really went for it she remained composed and answered her questions.

i was hoping she would break down in tears and leave the stage sobbong!!!!

imagine the cheers :rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:16
what was that headress all about????? :rotfl:He looked like a clown! :)

12-08-2005, 23:16
I hope she doesnt keep poping up on TVWho Makosi? I agree :)

12-08-2005, 23:16
which one? makosi or saskia?

I did mean Makosi but now you mention it Saskia as well, she's a pig

12-08-2005, 23:16
i was hoping she would break down in tears and leave the stage sobbong!!!!

imagine the cheers :rotfl:That's what most people would have done and that's why I'm reasonably impressed (I have to say) with her interview.

12-08-2005, 23:17
I did mean Makosi but now you mention it Saskia as well, she's a pigYes she's a big fat porker!

12-08-2005, 23:17
He looked like a clown! :)

he looked awful!! :rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:17
True but she did handle all the booing and shouting quite well. Like I say I don't agree with what she did and she should have admitted she had said it for the drama atleast that way she might have saved herself a bit of credibility but it was her decision to make and I think she made the wrong one by still maintaining that they had sex in there! I do think she was treated too harsh because at the end of the day she was an entertaining housemate however much of a cow she was and I think she handled that interview well. A lot of people would crack up under that strain but she held it together and managed to stay composed. It looked like she was welling up a bit at the end but that was okay the important thing is she didn't burst into tears on the stage and ruin her interview.

She did handle it well, but i'm not convinced she knows the difference between what really happened and what lies she told

12-08-2005, 23:18
Makosi will only make things worse for herself if she sells a story to the papers or a magazine still maintaining that she had sex with Anthony and thought she was pregnant! A chance for her to redeem herself could be a confession that she said it for the drama :)

12-08-2005, 23:18
Yes she's a big fat porker!

she did look like she had put on a lot of weight!!!!!

12-08-2005, 23:18
Yes she's a big fat porker!

Oink, oink

12-08-2005, 23:19
i was hoping she would break down in tears and leave the stage sobbong!!!!

imagine the cheers :rotfl:
lol i was hoping she would do that too but the bitch stayed composed she did handle it well i must admit.

12-08-2005, 23:19
She did handle it well, but i'm not convinced she knows the difference between what really happened and what lies she toldI'm convinced she does know whether she did have sex or not in the house. She probably didn't and she should just admit that.

12-08-2005, 23:19
Makosi will only make things worse for herself if she sells a story to the papers or a magazine still maintaining that she had sex with Anthony and thought she was pregnant! A chance for her to redeem herself could be a confession that she said it for the drama :)

she wont do that she believes everything she said on that programme. she is screwed up! she wants to sell her stories and i expect she will be in the NOTW on sunday telling all

12-08-2005, 23:20
he looked awful!! :rotfl:That's a bit of an understatement!

12-08-2005, 23:20
Oink, oink


12-08-2005, 23:20
Makosi will only make things worse for herself if she sells a story to the papers or a magazine still maintaining that she had sex with Anthony and thought she was pregnant! A chance for her to redeem herself could be a confession that she said it for the drama :)

Gaurentee, she will be in the NOTW on Sun. She maybe being clever and do the whole confession thing

12-08-2005, 23:20
lol i was hoping she would do that too but the bitch stayed composed she did handle it well i must admit.

yeah she did handle it well :mad:

12-08-2005, 23:21
she wont do that she believes everything she said on that programme. she is screwed up! she wants to sell her stories and i expect she will be in the NOTW on sunday telling allI think she does know in her own mind but I feel if she thought she could get away with saying she did have sex with Anthony then she would go for it but now she knows she can't she is bound to confess she said it for the drama eventually.

12-08-2005, 23:21
anthony said again he wouldnthave taken the money! but he admitted in the diary room he would have.oh god and what about all that posing on the floor,made him self looked so big headed!

12-08-2005, 23:21
Gaurentee, she will be in the NOTW on Sun. She maybe being clever and do the whole confession thing

i just said that!!! :rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:21
yeah she did handle it well :mad:

Much to my own discust!

12-08-2005, 23:22
Makosi could be milking this I agree with judejude.

She will be able to sell the story on why she claimed that she did have sex with Anthony for a lot of money!

12-08-2005, 23:22
anthony said again he wouldnthave taken the money! but he admitted in the diary room he would have.oh god and what about all that posing on the floor,made him self looked so big headed!

didnt he do that same pose when he entered the house and didnt he get booed for it??????

12-08-2005, 23:22
i just said that!!! :rotfl:

lol thats twice today!

12-08-2005, 23:22
well at least she got the horribe reaction we were all hoping for anyway

12-08-2005, 23:23
Much to my own discust!

ive had to go and cry to myself having to admit that!!!!

12-08-2005, 23:23
Oh it's sad watching it on "E4+1" now :(

We still have some BB treats to come a couple of shows they normally do a reunion party thing in the house that we get to see some of and last year they ran some shows on "E4" following some of the housemates in their lives outside the house.

Tomorrow they will probably do a highlights show from tonight as well :)

12-08-2005, 23:24
lol thats twice today!

LOL you are reading my mind!!!! scary

12-08-2005, 23:24
well at least she got the horribe reaction we were all hoping for anyway

it was better than i could have ever hoped for :)

12-08-2005, 23:24
Makosi could be milking this I agree with judejude.

She will be able to sell the story on why she claimed that she did have sex with Anthony for a lot of money!

about a fiver, if the newspapers have any sense:rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:25
well at least she got the horribe reaction we were all hoping for anywayI don't like some of the things she did but she was entertaining at the same time as Davina told her. Davina summed her up nicely by telling her she'd done some bad things but she was a good housemate. I think that's a pretty fair way to sum Makosi up I'm just glad we got to hear her interview and she didn't crack under the stress and was still able to talk.

12-08-2005, 23:26
about a fiver, if the newspapers have any sense:rotfl:They'll probably run a scoop on it!

12-08-2005, 23:26
I don't like some of the things she did but she was entertaining at the same time as Davina told her. Davina summed up nicely by telling her she'd done some bad things but she was a good housemate. I think that's a pretty fair way to sum Makosi up I'm just glad we got to hear her interview and she didn't crack under the stress and was still able to talk.

Davina was great, she was being really subtle about the fact she really didnt like Makosi.

12-08-2005, 23:27
Oh it's sad watching it on "E4+1" now :(

We still have some BB treats to come a couple of shows they normally do a reunion party thing in the house that we get to see some of and last year they ran some shows on "E4" following some of the housemates in their lives outside the house.

Tomorrow they will probably do a highlights show from tonight as well :)

yeah they usually have the last day on the sat after and then the reunion is on at 9pm on sunday night!!:cheer:

and all next week on e4 there is a what they did after bb programme!!

12-08-2005, 23:28
On another note, Davina, did you get dressed in the dark?

That outfit was GRIM!!

far too shiny and the camera flashes were bouncing off it left right and center

12-08-2005, 23:28
Davina was great, she was being really subtle about the fact she really didnt like Makosi.You could tell a mile off Davina seriously did not agree with some of things Makosi had done in the house!

12-08-2005, 23:28
Davina was great, she was being really subtle about the fact she really didnt like Makosi.

i couldnt have kept my dislike in!! well done davina.

other sites are slating davina for that interview?? why???

12-08-2005, 23:29
i couldnt have kept my dislike in!! well done davina.

other sites are slating davina for that interview?? why???I don't think she looked after Makosi as much as she could have done but she shouldn't have to really.

12-08-2005, 23:29
Oh it's sad watching it on "E4+1" now :(

We still have some BB treats to come a couple of shows they normally do a reunion party thing in the house that we get to see some of and last year they ran some shows on "E4" following some of the housemates in their lives outside the house.

Tomorrow they will probably do a highlights show from tonight as well :)
when is the reunion party?

12-08-2005, 23:29
On another note, Davina, did you get dressed in the dark?

That outfit was GRIM!!

far too shiny and the camera flashes were bouncing off it left right and center

she should have stuck to the black she always wears, instead of that bit of tinfoil!

12-08-2005, 23:29
i couldnt have kept my dislike in!! well done davina.

other sites are slating davina for that interview?? why???
why what are they saying debs?

12-08-2005, 23:29
On another note, Davina, did you get dressed in the dark?

That outfit was GRIM!!

far too shiny and the camera flashes were bouncing off it left right and center
I agree it was awful but it made a change from the black she usually wears though!

12-08-2005, 23:29
i couldnt have kept my dislike in!! well done davina.

other sites are slating davina for that interview?? why???

I dont know what are they saying?

12-08-2005, 23:30
when is the reunion party?

sunday at 9pm on channel4!!

12-08-2005, 23:30
yeah they usually have the last day on the sat after and then the reunion is on at 9pm on sunday night!!:cheer:

and all next week on e4 there is a what they did after bb programme!!
That's good, last year they had a reunion BBQ with Dermot :wub: in the afternoon that was quite a good show!

12-08-2005, 23:30
when is the reunion party?

when they all go back to the house, Dermot :wub: normally presents it

12-08-2005, 23:30
I dont know what are they saying?I think it's on the "Official BigBrother Forum" :)

12-08-2005, 23:31
when they all go back to the house, Dermot :wub: normally presents it
Dermy :wub:

Hands off b!tch he's mine!

12-08-2005, 23:31
you cah hes mine, stay away from my man!!!

12-08-2005, 23:32
you cah hes mine, stay away from my man!!!Get your hands off him you CAHHHH!

12-08-2005, 23:33
why what are they saying debs?

they are saying that she treated makosi awfully, that she is dull at her interviews, complaining to channel4, all sorts

12-08-2005, 23:33
I like Davina!! she's great!!

12-08-2005, 23:33
he's a bit short dont you think?

12-08-2005, 23:33
they are saying that she treated makosi awfully, that she is dull at her interviews, complaining to channel4, all sortsEven if Davina did lose her sparkle I don't think it would work if they replaced her!

12-08-2005, 23:34
Dermy :wub:

Hands off b!tch he's mine!

you can have him roberto is the man i want!!

12-08-2005, 23:34
i dont like davina anyway

12-08-2005, 23:34
I like Davina!! she's great!!Me too she's definately one of the best presenters in the industry!

12-08-2005, 23:34
i dont like davina anywayI don't think "BigBrother" would be the same without her on board!

12-08-2005, 23:34
Get your hands off him you CAHHHH!

Look i've told you before STAY AWAY!!!, I've just spoke to Dermot and he said he's not lifting the restraining order!:)

12-08-2005, 23:34
you can have him roberto is the man i want!! :angry: :nono:

12-08-2005, 23:34
Even if Davina did lose her sparkle I don't think it would work if they replaced her!

no way i couldnt imagine bb without her! or even dermot for that matter

12-08-2005, 23:35
you can have him roberto is the man i want!!
Eurgh :sick:

12-08-2005, 23:35
i dont like davina anyway

:searchme: she is fab. i lov her!!

12-08-2005, 23:35
Me too she's definately one of the best presenters in the industry!

It would be good if her and Dermot :wub: could do a joint effort on the main show

12-08-2005, 23:36
Look i've told you before STAY AWAY!!!, I've just spoke to Dermot and he said he's not lifting the restraining order!:)

Okay he's all yours :D

I surrender a broken woman!

12-08-2005, 23:36
:angry: :nono:

look chance face it he is mine all mine!!!

12-08-2005, 23:36
its weird this time i havent watched 1 bblb,and i used to watch that all the time with the other ones

12-08-2005, 23:36
It would be good if her and Dermot :wub: could do a joint effort on the main showI think they're both suited to the roles they have!

12-08-2005, 23:37
i have not been as interested in bblb this time either. i guess im not really liked the houdemates on it so couldnt be bothered to watch

12-08-2005, 23:37
its weird this time i havent watched 1 bblb,and i used to watch that all the time with the other onesI used to watch loads of them especially last year but I've missed a lot of it this year and I kept turning it on recently and cricket was on "Channel 4" so I haven't watched any recently atall.

12-08-2005, 23:38
And what about Kinga's baps hanging out over that top? That was just :eek: :sick: if you ask me!

12-08-2005, 23:38

Okay he's all yours :D

I surrender a broken woman!

lol we could do alternate days?

12-08-2005, 23:39
And what about Kinga's baps hanging out over that top? That was just :eek: :sick: if you ask me!

she has always got them hanging out!! you just cant restrain boobs her size!!!

12-08-2005, 23:39
lol we could do alternate days?I don't mind sharing!

12-08-2005, 23:40
she has always got them hanging out!! you just cant restrain boobs her size!!!She needs to get some of that fat sucked out of the beasts then doesn't she?

12-08-2005, 23:40
And what about Kinga's baps hanging out over that top? That was just :eek: :sick: if you ask me!

I thought Makosi's were just as bad

12-08-2005, 23:40
is anthony the most boring winner ever or is it cameron?

12-08-2005, 23:40
And Lesley with that @rse and them tractor tyres!!! I was in hysterics yes she has lost a little bit of weight but she still has a mammoth butt!

12-08-2005, 23:41
I thought Makosi's were just as bad
yeah you got to see her nipple at one point then she yanked it up

12-08-2005, 23:41
She needs to get some of that fat sucked out of the beasts then doesn't she?

:rotfl: at least she wont be one of the housemates who have to have a boob job as soon as she comes out like most of them do!! well i mean she could but she would topple over

12-08-2005, 23:41
She needs to get some of that fat sucked out of the beasts then doesn't she?
have it sucked out of hers and put in to mine!

12-08-2005, 23:41
is anthony the most boring winner ever or is it cameron?In all fairness I have to say Cameron even though it was such a long time ago I have a very good memory and that was just awful mind you there was only Anouska or whatever she was called who was lively in that house and she got the boot first!

12-08-2005, 23:41
is anthony the most boring winner ever or is it cameron?

Camron, closley followed by Anthony

12-08-2005, 23:42
is anthony the most boring winner ever or is it cameron?

cameron was boring but that thing is worse

12-08-2005, 23:42
:rotfl: at least she wont be one of the housemates who have to have a boob job as soon as she comes out like most of them do!! well i mean she could but she would topple over:rotfl:

12-08-2005, 23:42
have it sucked out of hers and put in to mine!

I think there's enough for both of us?

12-08-2005, 23:42
I thought Makosi's were just as bad

that dress probably fitted her when she went in the house but she got so fat that it just dosent now!!

12-08-2005, 23:43
I thought Makosi's were just as bad
Maybe but they're a lot smaller!

12-08-2005, 23:43
all that posing from ant thuogh,i was just here thinking... knob!
the interview was naff also

12-08-2005, 23:44
Maybe but they're a lot smaller!

No they wernt quite so in your face, but there was more out than in!

12-08-2005, 23:44
all that posing from ant thuogh,i was just here thinking... knob!
the interview was naff alsoI agree I thought the interview was a bit rubbish too!

12-08-2005, 23:44
all that posing from ant thuogh,i was just here thinking... knob!
the interview was naff also

nearly sent me to blooming sleep!! then i very nearly didnt get a chance to watch it as i threw the remote at the telly in temper at him winning!!

12-08-2005, 23:44
I think there's enough for both of us?
i should think so,i reckon i could go up to a f cup and still there would be some left over for you

12-08-2005, 23:44
No they wernt quite so in your face, but there was more out than in!Oh definately but my eyes were just drawn to Kingas!

12-08-2005, 23:45
Maybe but they're a lot smaller!

they were a lot saggier!! she looks likeshe has fed about 16 kids off them!!

12-08-2005, 23:45
I dont really understand what he did to deserve to win, bloody midget dancer,

12-08-2005, 23:45
What about Makosi's hair though? Her real hair is awful and I don't know what she did to it but it looked a lot better tonight infact that was even better than her black wig afro or that other wig she had on in the house!

12-08-2005, 23:45
Oh definately but my eyes were just drawn to Kingas!

you couldnt miss them!! daves eyes were popping out of his head!!!

12-08-2005, 23:46
I dont really understand what he did to deserve to win, bloody midget dancer,I know he was so boring! It's probably the stalker saga that swung it for him and the way he dealt with it like Davina said!

12-08-2005, 23:46
cant believe that eejit won

12-08-2005, 23:46
they were a lot saggier!! she looks likeshe has fed about 16 kids off them!!

12-08-2005, 23:46
What about Makosi's hair though? Her real hair is awful and I don't know what she did to it but it looked a lot better tonight infact that was even better than her black wig afro or that other wig she had on in the house!

Her hair looked great tonight

12-08-2005, 23:47
cant believe that eejit won
I know! I don't like Eugene but I didn't want Anthony to win!

12-08-2005, 23:47
cant believe that eejit won

:rotfl: eejit! i not heard that word for yonks

12-08-2005, 23:47
Her hair looked great tonightShe should keep it like that. If she is going to have a real afro she needs her real hair sorting out first!

12-08-2005, 23:48
nearly sent me to blooming sleep!! then i very nearly didnt get a chance to watch it as i threw the remote at the telly in temper at him winning!!
'what have you learnt about yourself?': nothing
'would you have taken the money?':no
'what was the highlight?':winning

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

12-08-2005, 23:48
anthony really gave it all he got didnt he! and he was right to! im over the moon that he won , i always loved max ant and saskia they were brilliant! makosi looked gorgeous tonight the way she got booed so much was unfair and yelling for her to get off the stage! so uncalled for! and bless we eugene he was so chuffed! i loved it but i cant not wait for the reunion bblb party thing that will be amazing! there is bound to be some fights just ready to crash the party! o and it was great seeing mary again id forgotten about her she was amazing!

12-08-2005, 23:48
she actually looked the best tonight (from the neck up) she's looked throughout the whole thing

12-08-2005, 23:49
anthony really gave it all he got didnt he! and he was right to! im over the moon that he won , i always loved max ant and saskia they were brilliant! makosi looked gorgeous tonight the way she got booed so much was unfair and yelling for her to get off the stage! so uncalled for! and bless we eugene he was so chuffed! i loved it but i cant not wait for the reunion bblb party thing that will be amazing! there is bound to be some fights just ready to crash the party! o and it was great seeing mary again id forgotten about her she was amazing!

Makosi is a bully and a liar, she gets kicks out of making people feel bad, she deserves all the boos she got

12-08-2005, 23:49
she actually looked the best tonight (from the neck up) she's looked throughout the whole thingShe is quite bonnie I supose when she makes the effort!

12-08-2005, 23:49
'what have you learnt about yourself?': nothing
'would you have taken the money?':no
'what was the highlight?':winning

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

:wall: :wall: :wall: why did you win?? how did you win????? :wall: :wall:

12-08-2005, 23:50
Saskia is a bully, she gets kicks out of making people feel bad, she deserves all the boos she gotI agree she was just too in your face when she was arguing with somebody and laying down the law!

12-08-2005, 23:50
:rotfl: eejit! i not heard that word for yonks

:lol: but thats what he is. Eugene was the best tonight

12-08-2005, 23:50
'what have you learnt about yourself?': nothing
'would you have taken the money?':no
'what was the highlight?':winning

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzHe lied about taking the money because he said in the "Diary Room" that he would have done!

12-08-2005, 23:51
anthony really gave it all he got didnt he! and he was right to! im over the moon that he won , i always loved max ant and saskia they were brilliant! makosi looked gorgeous tonight the way she got booed so much was unfair and yelling for her to get off the stage! so uncalled for! and bless we eugene he was so chuffed! i loved it but i cant not wait for the reunion bblb party thing that will be amazing! there is bound to be some fights just ready to crash the party! o and it was great seeing mary again id forgotten about her she was amazing!I hated "Team Saskia" they got away with everything they would moan about other people not pulling their weight then boast that they didn't and got away with it! The irony of it all is astonishing and certainly wasted on them!

12-08-2005, 23:51
makosi looked gorgeous tonight the way she got booed so much was unfair and yelling for her to get off the stage! so uncalled for!


the booing of makosi made my night

she didnt look gorgeous she was wearing a dress that didnt fit. it was like watching jade goody all over again!!

i was hoping some one had eggs to throw at her

12-08-2005, 23:51
yeh i noticed that to! be hey i still love him!

12-08-2005, 23:52
I reckon all of them would have taken the money given half the chance. That was actually a really good twist

12-08-2005, 23:52
This years winner got there through one of the sagas in the house "Stalker-gate"!!!

Without a doubt that is why he won if it wasn't for Craig keeping things interesting with Anthony then he would have gone a long time ago!

12-08-2005, 23:53

the booing of makosi made my night

she didnt look gorgeous she was wearing a dress that didnt fit. it was like watching jade goody all over again!!

i was hoping some one had eggs to throw at her

I have to disagree with the way she looked, she did look gorgeous, fair enough the dress didnt do her any favours but her hair looked nice and her face looked really pretty , but i was so glad she got NO cheers what so-ever she deserved that

12-08-2005, 23:53
I reckon all of them would have taken the money given half the chance. That was actually a really good twistAnthony should have been more honest about it we know he was lying because he told "BigBrother" in the "Diary Room" that he would take the money!

12-08-2005, 23:53
if someone had anthonys personality but were ugly there would be no way that he would have won if you know what i mean

12-08-2005, 23:54
Anthony didnt really do anything. I agree with WQ if it wasnt for stalker-gate anthony would be long gone

12-08-2005, 23:54
I have to disagree with the way she looked, she did look gorgeous, fair enough the dress didnt do her any favours but her hair looked nice and her face looked really pretty , but i was so glad she got NO cheers what so-ever she deserved thatI agree with you she was quite pretty. The dress didn't do her any favours but her hair was on top form tonight! I thought she was going to look a horror when she first revealed her real hair but whatever she did with it I have to say it looked amazing :D

12-08-2005, 23:55
Anthony didnt really do anything. I agree with WQ if it wasnt for stalker-gate anthony would be long gone
Exactly he was just a total tit apart from when he was being stalked!

12-08-2005, 23:55
if someone had anthonys personality but were ugly there would be no way that he would have won if you know what i mean

I think he got alot of the younger vote.

12-08-2005, 23:55
I have to disagree with the way she looked, she did look gorgeous, fair enough the dress didnt do her any favours but her hair looked nice and her face looked really pretty , but i was so glad she got NO cheers what so-ever she deserved that

BB gave in and gave her a wig!! she shouldnt have got one at all! it was her choice to wear that stupid afro in there and it was her choose to take it out she should have been told toughj youll have to just do something with your hair!!

12-08-2005, 23:55
if someone had anthonys personality but were ugly there would be no way that he would have won if you know what i meanOh definately I agree 100%!

12-08-2005, 23:56
BB gave in and gave her a wig!! she shouldnt have got one at all! it was her choice to wear that stupid afro in there and it was her choose to take it out she should have been told toughj youll have to just do something with your hair!!I thought that was her real hair! It was still pretty though and she should have her own hair styled like that if she can! She'll need to grow it a lot longer though first :)

12-08-2005, 23:57
She is very pretty from the neck up

12-08-2005, 23:57
I think he got alot of the younger vote.
Agreed although the lady who lives across the road from me had a big poster in her window about him being fit etc and she's divorced, lives on her own and is 42!

12-08-2005, 23:57
but she has an ugly personaity

12-08-2005, 23:57
did you see the way he went back to the cameras at the end and laid down on his front with his legs crossed,not an attractive look if you ask me

12-08-2005, 23:57
She is very pretty from the neck upHer real hair lets her down so she needs to sort it out!

12-08-2005, 23:58
did you see the way he went back to the cameras at the end and laid down on his front with his legs crossed,not an attractive look if you ask me:sick: That was repulsive he got booed for that when he first went into the house!

12-08-2005, 23:58
I thought that was her real hair! It was still pretty though and she should have her own hair styled like that if she can! She'll need to grow it a lot longer though first :)

no it said on bb site earlier that she had been given a wig!!

12-08-2005, 23:58
Agreed although the lady who lives across the road from me had a big poster in her window about him being fit etc and she's divorced, lives on her own and is 42!

Dont see the attraction myself, could be the housewives as well then

12-08-2005, 23:58
Agreed although the lady who lives across the road from me had a big poster in her window about him being fit etc and she's divorced, lives on her own and is 42!
the lady across the road needs to get out more

12-08-2005, 23:59
but she has an ugly personaityOh definately it's up to her if she wants to be a better person or not though!

12-08-2005, 23:59
the lady across the road needs to get out more

and maybe make an appointment at specsavers!!

12-08-2005, 23:59
the lady across the road needs to get out moreMy sentiments exactly you could hear her cheering tonight out on the street!

12-08-2005, 23:59
no it said on bb site earlier that she had been given a wig!!
i also thought it was her real hair although i did wonder how she managed to get it so straight and long

12-08-2005, 23:59
and maybe make an appointment at specsavers!!

13-08-2005, 00:00
and maybe make an appointment at specsavers!!

but take the rabbit off the stove before she goes

13-08-2005, 00:00
LOL im watching repeat of bb final in e4!! makosi has just been told she has come 3rd so im gonna watch her interview again!! just to see her get booed

13-08-2005, 00:00
i also thought it was her real hair although i did wonder how she managed to get it so straight and longI was wondering about that too it just didn't seem long or thick enough I'm glad they gave her a wig because it looked loads better.

13-08-2005, 00:00
but take the rabbit off the stove before she goes


13-08-2005, 00:01
LOL im watching repeat of bb final in e4!! makosi has just been told she has come 3rd so im gonna watch her interview again!! just to see her get booedAwww you're evil!

13-08-2005, 00:01
Craig and Michelle are two classic "BigBrother bunny-boilers" but I have to say Craig has taken the crown from Michelle and has to be the worst!

13-08-2005, 00:01
Awww you're evil!

i just love the fact that she got sooo booed. not even one cheer was heard!!!

ill watch it agin tomorrow if its on as weelll!!!

13-08-2005, 00:02
Craig and Michelle are two classic "BigBrother bunny-boilers" but I have to say Craig has taken the crown from Michelle and has to be the worst!

oh god yeah he was 100 times worse than michelle

13-08-2005, 00:02
i just love the fact that she got sooo booed. not even one cheer was heard!!!

ill watch it agin tomorrow if its on as weelll!!!I don't think they should have booed her as much because whatever she did that was so awful she made up for it by being entertaining!

13-08-2005, 00:03
oh god yeah he was 100 times worse than michelleAtleast Stuart wanted her slobbering allover him!

13-08-2005, 00:03
oh god yeah he was 100 times worse than michelle

Michelle got her man though!

13-08-2005, 00:03
Michelle got her man though!Craig won't! HA! :D

13-08-2005, 00:04
mary looked pretty dont you think?

13-08-2005, 00:04
I don't think they should have booed her as much because whatever she did that was so awful she made up for it by being entertaining!

Oh yea all the people that booed her tuned in every night to watch her. This series would have been really rubbish without her, as much as I dislike her she was entertaining

13-08-2005, 00:04
mary looked pretty dont you think?Yes I agree with that one.

13-08-2005, 00:04
mary looked pretty dont you think?

no she looks realy scary to me!!

13-08-2005, 00:05
E4 On Now Makosi Interview!!!!!!!!!!

13-08-2005, 00:05
Yes I agree with that one.

Me as well

Mary, who was mary? :rotfl:

13-08-2005, 00:05
Oh yea all the people that booed her tuned in every night to watch her. This series would have been really rubbish without her, as much as I dislike her she was entertainingI couldn't imagine this series without Makosi in it she was fab at the game playing! :thumbsup:

13-08-2005, 00:06
E4 On Now Makosi Interview!!!!!!!!!!I've got it saved on my computer so I can watch it time and time again I'll have to send you some clips on MSN sometime diva!

13-08-2005, 00:06
Michelle got her man though!
they have split now though havent they

13-08-2005, 00:07
they have split now though havent they

Oh I dont know

13-08-2005, 00:07
I've got it saved on my computer so I can watch it time and time again I'll have to send you some clips on MSN sometime diva!

OH YEAH i would love em!! just send me like a couple of mins a night!!! id love that!!

13-08-2005, 00:07
Oh I dont knowYeah they have!!!

13-08-2005, 00:08
they have split now though havent theyI don't think they were ever truly in love though, what do you think?

13-08-2005, 00:08
maxwell was just a right wally though wasnt he

13-08-2005, 00:09
LOL makosi tripped on top step i would have laughed and laughed if she had fallen right to the bottom!!!!!

13-08-2005, 00:09
maxwell was just a right wally though wasnt he
Yeah what a muppet!

13-08-2005, 00:09
A complete wide boy wannabe

13-08-2005, 00:09
LOL makosi tripped on top step i would have laughed and laughed if she had fallen right to the bottom!!!!!That's not very nice :p

13-08-2005, 00:09
maxwell was just a right wally though wasnt he

what was all the sticking out of his tongue???

he did it the night he was evicted too??

13-08-2005, 00:09
I don't think they were ever truly in love though, what do you think?
nah all for publicity,kept it up for a year then bb comes around again so they split during it to get the papers attention while its still on cus they know that the papers arent going to be interested in last years contestants after tonight

13-08-2005, 00:09
A complete wide boy wannabeHe looked like a right div!

13-08-2005, 00:10
what was all the sticking out of his tongue???

he did it the night he was evicted too??
what was it he was saying also

13-08-2005, 00:10
That's not very nice :p

:rotfl: :rotfl:

well she dosent deserve nice!!! :p

13-08-2005, 00:10
nah all for publicity,kept it up for a year then bb comes around again so they split during it to get the papers attention while its still on cus they know that the papers arent going to be interested in last years contestants after tonightThey faded into the background so knew they had to get one final payout from it all!

13-08-2005, 00:11
sams given like 30 seconds to say something and she goes on about picking men up from porn sites,very classy

13-08-2005, 00:11
what was it he was saying also

god knows but i did notice at one point he was standing up waving or something at the crowd and saskia was trying to get him ot sit down!!

13-08-2005, 00:11
:rotfl: :rotfl:

well she dosent deserve nice!!! :p
I still believe she did some bad things but she was entertaining so I wouldn't wish harm on her because she entertained me!

13-08-2005, 00:12
sams given like 30 seconds to say something and she goes on about picking men up from porn sites,very classy

Yea classy bird!

13-08-2005, 00:12
sams given like 30 seconds to say something and she goes on about picking men up from porn sites,very classy

yeah what was she talking about???

13-08-2005, 00:12
sams given like 30 seconds to say something and she goes on about picking men up from porn sites,very classyI know what a silly little cah she is!

13-08-2005, 00:12
kemal used the word 'fabulous' twice in a space of 20 seconds thinking its a great catch phrase thats catching on because of him

13-08-2005, 00:12
god knows but i did notice at one point he was standing up waving or something at the crowd and saskia was trying to get him ot sit down!!I noticed that too! She obviously thinks he was behaving like a prat too!

13-08-2005, 00:13
I still believe she did some bad things but she was entertaining so I wouldn't wish harm on her because she entertained me!

i dont wish harm on her just would have been really funny

13-08-2005, 00:13
kemal used the word 'fabulous' twice in a space of 20 seconds thinking its a great catch phrase thats catching on because of him

13-08-2005, 00:14
i dont wish harm on her just would have been really funny
I just feel you're being too hard on her you can't deny this series wouldn't have been as good without her in it!

13-08-2005, 00:14
I noticed that too! She obviously thinks he was behaving like a prat too!

I give them six months

13-08-2005, 00:14
I give them six months

thats generous:p

13-08-2005, 00:14
derek got lots of cheers though

13-08-2005, 00:15
I give them six monthsThey have to stick together for a while so it doesn't look like it was fake but they will eventually split! That's what I predict anyways but I could be wrong :)

13-08-2005, 00:15
Yea it is a bit maybe 3?