View Full Version : Mickey's Background!

08-04-2005, 15:18
Mickey Miller first appeared on screen in April 2003.
Mickey sold Spencer Moon some dodgy goods. Spencer was angry at first but eventually forgave him and they became friends.
Mo helped Mickey with his get-rich-quick schemes.
Even though he lived outside the Square, Mickey soon became familiar with everyone. Before long, he was wheeling and dealing with a new partner in crime, Mo Harris. They've sold all manner of dubious items.
Kareena gave Mickey a good reason to keep coming back
They shared a passionate kiss but Kareena called it off as she was in love with Tariq - unaware that he was her half-brother. Never one to give up, Mickey tried again with Kareena a few months later and she finally fell for his cheeky charm.
Mickey tried to go straight for a while...
Mickey landed a 'sensible' job as trainee mechanic at the Arches, but he was sacked for slacking off. He returned to his true calling when he went into partnership with Juley on a jewellery market stall called 'Lords of Bling'.
Mickey finally moved into the Square with his family
Mickey's family caused a stir when they arrived in Walford in September 2004. Rosie and Keith caused animosity by stealing Sonia and Martin's new bed. His 13 year-old sister, Demi raised eyebrows by revealing that she was pregnant. :love:

08-04-2005, 15:46
Have they ever told us who Mickeys real Dad is? I know the twins belong to Keith but not Mickey. I have never heard Rosie mention Mickeys Dad. Have you?

08-04-2005, 15:49
Have they ever told us who Mickeys real Dad is? I know the twins belong to Keith but not Mickey. I have never heard Rosie mention Mickeys Dad. Have you?

On the family tree game on the EE website, it just says "name unknown" for Mickey and Dawn's dad

08-04-2005, 16:28
Thanks Siobhan for the info, now you have me curious about Mickeys sister Dawn. I wonder why Rosie never confided in her about her money troubles? Do you think we will ever see her in the Square?

08-04-2005, 16:41
I don't know.. I guess we can when she is needed.. they don't seem to talk much about her at all and we have no background on why she is not with them...

Future story lines maybe....

08-04-2005, 20:58
Wasn't Dawn supposed to be on holidays with her fiancee? Presumably they'll have split and that'll be why she's rejoined her family if she does appear in the Square. And I remember seeing anarticle about the Millers in a magazine where it gave Mickey's dad's real name, but I can't remember it - maybe someone else saw it too? It might have been Tim something, but I'm not sure - it did mention that Rosie was married to him though, not like with Keith.

11-04-2005, 09:30
If a magazine gave his real dad's name then wouldn't EE have it on the site.. they should know, they invent these characters????

11-04-2005, 09:57
I did wonder about that, but it seemed a bit precise for the magazine to just have pulled out of nowhere - maybe it's because he hasn't been mentioned on the show, not yet anway? I know Dawn is on the official site, but they did initially intend for her to join just after the rest of the family and her name was mentioned in the script. Or of course, the magazine could have just gotten it wrong, lol!

11-04-2005, 10:51
did know half of that thanks for posting :thumbsup: