View Full Version : the tension to win

12-08-2005, 17:29
Nerves are jangling in the Big Brother House as the gang get ready to face tonight's thrilling finale.

To ease the tension, Davina called all the Housemates to the dining table, then told them to, "Stand up, sit down, stand up, turn 360 degrees..." which they all did dutifully.

They were then told to have a group hug, as Davina asked, "Can you feel the love?"

They did. Despite the nerves, they are all supporting each other in the last day. Kinga has spent much of the day bigging up Makosi with unusual compliments. "You have lovely hair, babe. It's nicer than other hair."

Kinga wished Makosi luck for tonight, telling her, "You're fantastic. You'll do well."

"Thank you," she replied. "You're so sweet sometimes."

Anthony chatted with Eugene about his Big Brother experience, asking him, "What was the first thing you did when you came in?"

Eugene replied, "I made a cup of tea and washed five mugs." Oh, the glamour.

"Davina must have p***ed herself," said Kinga.

After 78 days the Housemates are getting on better than ever. It's a shame it has to end...

12-08-2005, 17:30
Im nervous too!!