View Full Version : missing you already

12-08-2005, 15:47
Showing no finale nerves, Eugene is already talking about missing the House and his Housemates and what he described as a "wonderful experience".

"I'm going to miss the House quite a lot. I'm going to miss the people I've met. I've met a few interesting characters," he told Big Brother.

Asked if anything had surprised him on the House, he said, "Yes. How the dynamics change when someone leaves and two groups that were apart come together to form a new group."

He also said he was surprised by his subdued mood on the final day. He's not as "loud and annoying" as he would have expected.

Eugene thinks he's learnt something from his stay. "I think I've definitely become more assertive and I've learnt I can look after myself."

He is still stressing over his decision to take £50,000 of the prize money though, describing it as "quite selfish". He said leaving the money would have been "the grown up thing to do."

Asked how he'd like to be remembered, he said as, "A good contributor. Friendly and nice. Intelligent and, most of the time, making the right decisions."

But now the decision is yours...

12-08-2005, 15:53
Eugene to win :cheer: :cheer:

12-08-2005, 18:21
Very childish to take money Eugene..