View Full Version : Sister

12-08-2005, 13:33
Dear Aunt Sally,

I can't take my sister any longer. I really can't even say sister. I never got along with her, she is only 6 as well!! She makes me very miserable and when me and my brother who is 3 try to play she comes and gets him hurt or ruins our games. She always does everythin her way and then when I complain to mum no one backs me up. I try seeing it from her point of view and my parents but however it is, it turns out Im right. In other situations I can unserdtand when I 'put myself in others shoes' but when it comes to her it don't.

Just now, downstairs, she came and lay next to me with my brother while I sat on the foot stool watch TV, which I really don't like her.. (I think Im the only one who is very drastic about their sister) I ignored it but then she starts hitting me!! I told her to let go of me and I shoved up a little and then she moved and my mum goes to me. Why don't you just move when I was there for 10 minutes and she jsut came!! Why do I have to move!?

I know Im older than her but I think she has brains of her own.. she even wins over my lil brother. I don't understand her.. it..

Please help me.. Aunt Sally... maybe Im the one with the issues but I just don't get along with her and she gets it her own way, my aunt gets along with her and always takes her side and buys her everything. Im not the one to easily get jealous but it really annoys me how she wins everytime. Only my dad understand me a little since he was the eldest in his family, I tried talk about it with mum but she keeps telling me off!! :thumbsdow

12-08-2005, 13:34
Sounds like she's jelouse that your paying your brother attention and playing with him, try giving them equal attention and play games all of you can get involved in.

12-08-2005, 14:44
I am the eldest in my family too, and I agree that it seems unfair when you always have to give in.

Remember that the bickering between you and your sister will be getting to your parents, too. They appeal to you to move or whatever because you are older and can understand where as she is still at the 'Universe should revolve around me!' stage. They are probably desperate for peace!

Your sister will have been only 3 when your brother was born, and I imagine that she would have had her nose put quite seriously out of joint. As Jude says she is probably jealous, but isn't yet articulate enough to explain how she feels.

Rightly or wrongly older children are always called upon to be responsible. Younger children will always be the family baby. Maybe you should feel sorry for your sister, she is a middle child and doesn't have such a defined role.

Bad Wolf
12-08-2005, 14:55
i know how you feel, i was an only child until the age of twelve then sam came along, he drives me crazy when i go home.....he gets upset when i'm traeted differently because i'm grown up- like sitting in the front seat of the car etc, he doesnt get why its two rules, why i'm allowed to listen to conversations and he gets kicked out the room,

he had me in tears before he could walk (i was sat on the floor and he decided to pincer me in between the eyes...it ruddy hurt)

i do think its a jealously issue, as the eldest you get more attention, and responsibility, and they just get told off......she will grow out of it, i'm hoping sam will xxx

12-08-2005, 15:00
I agree with jude jude, being the middle child is worse, I know I was the middle one, you get ignored most of the time, its the youngest that gets the attention,so you take it out on the older one, try playing with her on her own and make it know no younger one allowed, do this a few times for short periods, then try the all play together, and see if that helps. My sister was 5 when I was born then when I was 7 my other sister was born. so the gaps meant I was on my own alot cos big sis was at school,so she got all the attention as soon as she come home. We grow up to be the best of friends and inseperable,my eldest sister died 3 years ago and oh how I wish we could be together now. So you will love her one day believe me.

03-09-2005, 17:31
me and my brothe were the same but it does get better

29-01-2006, 00:09
Try talking to your parents, they may make it a bit more bearable.
Try and give your sister some more attention as she may be jealous of the attention you give to your brother

29-01-2006, 00:37
how is things with your sister now spicy ?? still not good hun ?? - i hope it is all ok, when you get older trust me you'll grow closer and lil things happen along the way where its sister instinct to help each other and it helps you bond. i hope it gets easier babes *huggles* x x x

29-01-2006, 00:42
My brother and sister gang up on my because they're around the same age. I have a really bad temper too

29-01-2006, 03:22
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv anaz cant you gang up on them back ?? lol ok best not too but try get involved with what they do and maybe it will help ?

29-01-2006, 11:00
Awww the joys of being an only child! Hope things are ok with your sister now, spicy.

29-01-2006, 11:05
Awww the joys of being an only child! Hope things are ok with your sister now, spicy.
I was a only child for 7 years.. yeah it was good :D :p

29-01-2006, 11:06
how is things with your sister now spicy ?? still not good hun ?? - i hope it is all ok, when you get older trust me you'll grow closer and lil things happen along the way where its sister instinct to help each other and it helps you bond. i hope it gets easier babes *huggles* x x x
Still don't get along with her but if she does something I tell mum straight away and go abck to what I was doing.. I just keep out of her way really.. my lil angel and sis don't get along very well so I always back up my brother unless if he starts it I just go "No stop it." lol :p

Thanks for asking guys :)

29-01-2006, 16:21
Awww hope everythings all right now Spicy :) I know what its like to have a little sister like that, we got along better now were older though, hope you and your sister are better now :) x

29-01-2006, 16:24
ive got a younger sister. I liked the 5 years of being an only child better. being the oldest is such a pain, the younger child manages to blame everything on you. 2 years till i can leave home. I hope.

07-03-2006, 21:45
I don't have a younger sister. I only have cloeth. So sorry! I can't really be of much help! :(