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12-08-2005, 12:08
marlon and donna are also going to get married at christmas

21-08-2005, 19:07
i am glad they are getting married i think they are a great couple

21-08-2005, 19:10
Yeah, there both the same type of people, they make a sweet couple. I miss Tricia still though, but i always though she could do better, Marlon isnt the best looking guy in the Dales, lol. But he is dead sweet

21-08-2005, 19:21
yeah i no what you mean i miss tricia to but good luck to them

21-08-2005, 19:55
they make a good couple

21-08-2005, 19:56
Their both quite dippy so thats why they match lol

21-08-2005, 20:10
I hope they have a happy marriage unlike most soap couples

21-08-2005, 21:17
they are a good couple,but she annoys the hell out of me

22-08-2005, 12:01
They suit each other. Don't know about them having a happy marriage though - is there such a thing in soaps?

22-08-2005, 12:05
dont think so

22-08-2005, 12:06
they are so cute together :wub:

22-08-2005, 12:09
last night was funny

eastenders mad
22-08-2005, 13:16
yeah it was really good. Is it tonight that tony Crisite comes in or is it tomorro night?

22-08-2005, 13:16
what happened last night i missed it?

22-08-2005, 15:15
theyre a bit of a strange pairing tho. Still make an ok couple tho i guess. i liked marlon and trisha tho

22-08-2005, 15:58
what happened last night i missed it?he left without her

lisa cullumbine
22-08-2005, 16:54

22-08-2005, 19:44
lol I know that'll be really good!

lisa cullumbine
23-08-2005, 08:55
I Actually Felt Sorry For Viv Monday Night When She Did That Competition With Bob And Then He Went Of With His New Women

23-08-2005, 08:57
Yeah i noticed that too.....it's not very often i feel sorry for viv but last night was sad

23-08-2005, 12:08
me too

24-08-2005, 09:56
and me

24-08-2005, 15:11
i think Viv and Bob make a good couple, they are well suited! also Marlon and Donna are great, i didnt think it would last but they proved me wrong! the wedding's should be fun!

lisa cullumbine
24-08-2005, 16:12

25-08-2005, 21:25
Yeah and hopefully Viv and Bob will last this time!

lisa cullumbine
26-08-2005, 09:02
:thumbsup: LETS HOPE SO AYE

26-08-2005, 10:33
thats what i love about emmerdale,they do the serious stuff and the comedy stuff all in one eppy so we dont sit there depressed,also they just get things out in the open straight away like the donna/marlon break up last what one episode? in ee it would have been 3-4 months!

26-08-2005, 14:39
Emmerdale is definitely my favourite soap at the moment. EE is so depressing.

26-08-2005, 17:28
i think Viv and Bob make a good couple, they are well suited! also Marlon and Donna are great, i didnt think it would last but they proved me wrong! the wedding's should be fun!

Thats exactly what I think!

26-08-2005, 17:29
Oh i cant wait for the wedding - this is going to be one wedding(s) that i am not going to get bored hearing about

26-08-2005, 17:30
and me lol

26-08-2005, 23:23
Yep cant wait!

29-08-2005, 08:50
i think Viv and Bob make a good couple, they are well suited! also Marlon and Donna are great, i didnt think it would last but they proved me wrong! the wedding's should be fun!
the wedding should be fun and a didnt think donna and marlon would last

31-08-2005, 11:53
Me neither.

02-01-2014, 00:06
is donna returning?

02-01-2014, 23:36
is donna returning?

Emmerdale exec Kate Oates has revealed that the soap will welcome back some former cast members in 2014.

The producer refused to reveal exactly which characters would be returning to the ITV programme, adding that she hopes viewers will "enjoy the surprise".

Marlon and Laurel's lives will be shaken by a "blast from the past"

She told the soap's site: "As well as the new faces in the village, there are some old faces returning. I don't want to tell you too much about that - I wan't you to watch it, I want you to enjoy it."

Oates also suggested that recently-engaged Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) and Laurel Thomas's (Charlotte Bellamy) happiness will be disturbed by a "blast from the past".

She revealed: "I really enjoyed 2013 for Marlon and Laurel because we saw them get engaged.

"2014 does see a real challenge for them. There's going to be a bit of a blast from the past coming their way.

"It's really going to shake things up for that character group, and Paddy (Dominic Brunt) and Rhona (Zoe Henry) with them."

Oates has teased several Emmerdale storylines for the upcoming year including a "life-changing" time for Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper), a "new direction" for the Pollards and a secret for the Barton family.

I think she is

02-01-2014, 23:36

08-01-2014, 12:18
Emmerdale bosses have announced that Verity Rushworth is reprising her role as Marlon Dingle's ex-wife Donna Windsor.

The actress will return to filming at the ITV soap next month and appear back on screen in March.
Verity Rushworth
© Rex Features / David Fisher
Verity Rushworth

Show chiefs have warned that Donna's comeback could spark trouble in the village as she threatens Marlon's happiness with his new fiancée Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy).

However, there are further twists in store as there is more to Donna's return than first meets the eye.

Rushworth said today (January 8): "I'm thrilled to be re-joining the wonderful Emmerdale team. The emotional journey my character is set to experience will be wonderfully challenging to play, and of course working with some of my oldest friends is going to be a real treat!''

Emmerdale's series producer Kate Oates added: "I'm delighted to welcome Verity back to the show. Donna left under a real cloud with Marlon - so her return should ruffle some serious feathers in the village. I'm really excited to see the impact she has on the friends and family she left behind!"

Rushworth last appeared on Emmerdale in 2009 and has since been concentrating on stage work.

08-01-2014, 13:34
Hmm, wonder why she's back??

08-01-2014, 15:52
I think she was a Police Officer when she left, maybe she comes back as the same or now works for an insurance company to investigate Declan and the fire ?

sarah c
08-01-2014, 16:02
Hmm, wonder why she's back??

Wants half of tall trees as divorce settlement?

sarah c
08-01-2014, 16:02

08-01-2014, 20:51
Hmm, wonder why she's back??

is she divorced from marlon?

09-01-2014, 00:15
I think she was a Police Officer when she left, maybe she comes back as the same or now works for an insurance company to investigate Declan and the fire ?

That would be good

I wonder is she still with Paddy's cousin Ross?

09-01-2014, 04:47
I wonder is she still with Paddy's cousin Ross?

They broke up because Donna still loved Marlon and he went back to where he came from, Newcastle I think but not sure

09-01-2014, 04:47
I wonder is she still with Paddy's cousin Ross?

They broke up because Donna still loved Marlon and he went back to where he came from, Newcastle I think but not sure

09-01-2014, 14:43
They broke up because Donna still loved Marlon and he went back to where he came from, Newcastle I think but not sure

Oh I thought they left together so thanks Perdita

09-01-2014, 14:43
Do you think maybe she returns with a kid by Marlon?

sarah c
09-01-2014, 16:48
Do you think maybe she returns with a kid by Marlon?

Was she not at Viv's funeral after she left, where bob saw her.? No mention of child or pregnancy then, and bob is hardly discreet

sarah c
09-01-2014, 16:52
Do you think maybe she returns with a kid by Marlon?

Was she not at Viv's funeral after she left, where bob saw her.? No mention of child or pregnancy then, and bob is hardly discreet

10-01-2014, 14:32
Was she not at Viv's funeral after she left, where bob saw her.? No mention of child or pregnancy then, and bob is hardly discreet

The child could be with a friend

10-01-2014, 14:32
I wonder will we see Kelly and Elliot again now too

11-03-2014, 00:06
Emmerdale airs Verity Rushworth's return scenes next week as her character Donna Windsor arrives back in the village with a big surprise in store.

When Donna pays a visit to her stepfather Bob Hope, she's not alone as she has a 4-year-old daughter named April with her. As she settles back into the village, Donna is forced to reveal that her ex-husband Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) is the little girl's father…

Here, Verity reveals all the gossip on her Emmerdale return and how she feels about reprising the role of Donna after five years away.

What has Donna been up to since leaving the village?
"Donna left the village five years ago, after the affair she had with Ross Kirk. She transferred to Essex Police, so that's where she's been. It turns out that when Donna left the village, she was pregnant at the time but she wasn't sure whether the baby was Marlon's or Ross's. As it turns out, she's had Marlon's baby - a daughter called April who is four and a half years old now.

"Donna ended up meeting somebody else, who knew the baby wasn't his but took on the responsibility. However, that relationship has now fallen apart too."

Why did Donna hide the truth from Marlon for so long?
"I think she was scared, because their relationship ended so badly and she thought that he wouldn't want to know. She didn't know whose baby it was, and once she'd left it for a year, she thought that she'd left it too long."

Why does Donna return at this point?
"Everything has gone wrong, as Donna is a single mum in Essex who is struggling with a daughter. Because April is reaching a certain age, she's starting to ask questions about who her daddy is.

"Donna knows that she's got to go home and finally put it right. She needs her family support network for her daughter, and she needs to tell Marlon what's happened and face the music. Donna has been burying her head in the sand and it's time to come home and sort it out."

When were you first approached to come back to Emmerdale?
"I had a phone call in November last year. I was doing Chicago, which I finished at the end of January. They phoned and asked if I'd be interested in coming back from mid-February. I thought it sounded perfect, and the storyline that we were told about was too good to be true. It's absolutely jam-packed full of drama.

"I'm back for five months, so it's a really nice, juicy dramatic story with lots of twists and turns. It's been really exciting. I absolutely loved my time on Emmerdale and it's been great to come back and see everyone as well."

So it was an easy decision to come back?
"When I heard how good the storyline was, it was a bit of a no-brainer. I've played lots of different roles while I've been away and ticked some really big boxes, like playing Maria in The Sound of Music and making my West End debut with Michael Ball. I never thought all of that would happen!

"I feel really happy that I've been able to accomplish things that I've always wanted to do. Now feels like as good a time as any to come back. It feels like I've come full circle."

What was your first day back on set like?
"I was absolutely petrified. I was in the car driving into the village and it all came flooding back. It was 6am and it was dark and raining so I was like, 'Oh yeah, I remember this well!' The first morning was a little bit of a blur, but thank God that my first scenes were with Mark, because it felt like I'd never been away. I slipped straight back into it, but I was really nervous and excited."

Where did the nerves come from?
"I think it was just a case of wanting to do it justice. I've been doing a lot of theatre, so when you've been doing a certain discipline for so long and move on to something else, you want to make sure that you do everything the right way. Performing on camera means being a lot more natural compared to being on stage, so all of that is running through your mind. I just wanted to do a good job, really."

How does it feel to come back and not have your on-screen mum Viv around?
"That's really sad, isn't it? It is quite strange to go back and see Bob and Brenda, but we do reference Viv and remember her. We talk about all the fun things that Viv brought to our lives, so she isn't forgotten but it is strange not having her there."

Will we see any tension between Donna and Laurel?
"Not really, as Laurel handles the situation amazingly well. The mum in her comes through, as there are obviously children involved. Laurel is the calming influence in the rift between Marlon and Donna. When Marlon understandably flies off the handle over Donna hiding the truth from him for so long, Laurel is the one who soothes everything and sorts everything out."
Could old feelings be reawakened for Donna and Marlon?
"The story is not so much about Donna and Marlon and romance - I don't think that's the point. That's not why Donna has gone back. There's going to be high drama, but I don't think that would be on the cards for them."

Has Donna kept in touch with Bob?
"Yes, they have kept in touch and Bob and Brenda have been to visit Donna. Donna and Brenda didn't have much to do with each other when I left the village, but with the way I've arrived back, it's hugs all round so they've obviously visited. Bob knew about April but he didn't know that Marlon is April's dad, so that's new to him as well. That really rocks the boat at home!

"It turns out that Viv knew everything, but she passed away. So Bob welcomes Donna back with open arms, but then it all comes out of the woodwork. Bob thinks, 'I've brought you back and now you've done this!' There's also a bond between Brenda and Donna now, because they've both lost people in their lives. Brenda welcomes Donna with open arms."

Had you been asked back to Emmerdale before?
"No, this was the first time. There's been lots of different producers since I left. When I left, Kath Beedles was our producer and my departure was supposed to be a bit of a sabbatical, but I carried on. Then different producers and storyliners came in. It was the lovely Kate Oates who came up with this particular story and it's fantastic.

"The show has also been amazing in general. Even though I left and wasn't part of Emmerdale, I'm so proud of the siege scenes and everything else. The show is so impressive and really flying high, so I can't imagine anybody not wanting to go into it."

Did you always think that you'd come back at some point?
"I'm not sure. It was a funny time, because I started on Emmerdale when I was 12 in 1998. I grew up there and I did 11 years. I was so lucky, but it's an unusual upbringing. If you go in as an adult rather than growing up on the show, you'll have a completely different experience.

"I knew that I needed to go out and do something different, otherwise I wouldn't have experienced anything else as an adult apart from where I'd grown up. Going back now after having five years out is more exciting than it was before. I can now appreciate it as an older person."

How has the show changed?
"The stories and the scripts are getting better and better. It's exciting and it's brilliant. When I was here before, I always used to chat to the background artists, who worked on all of the different soaps and they'd always say that Emmerdale was the friendliest. That hasn't changed - it's a warm and happy building. Everyone has welcomed me back with open arms and they seem happy that I'm back."

What's it like to work with Tony Audenshaw (Bob) and Sammy Winward (Katie) again?
"I haven't worked with Sammy yet, but she's one of my closest friends away from the show. I'm really excited to get to do some stuff with Donna and Katie. We have a real history in the show and outside of it.

"Tony is also a dream to work with - he's so endearing as a person. The first thing he did was just put his arms around me. He's been really supportive while I've been away and he's come to see me in shows and things like that. Mark has done that too."

As you said, you're back for five months. Would you have been tempted to agree to a longer stint, or was this definite length part of the attraction?
"I think it made returning to the show an easier decision because of the storyline, everything that happens and how dramatic, exciting and action-packed it is. It's difficult because I've just got married and bought a house. We live in London, so if I was coming back for longer, I would have had to sleep on it! It would have been very tempting, though."

Could Donna return again?
"I'm not going to give away the ending, but the story is very high drama and I think it's just the five months."

11-03-2014, 00:06

16-03-2014, 16:44
Though Rushworth confirmed that her character and Marlon will not be rekindling their relationship, the actress remained coy when asked if there might be anyone else.

"[Marlon is] not the reason she goes back," she told Daily Star Sunday's TV Extra magazine. "Romance with someone else might be quite nice.

"I can't say just yet, but I think it's possibly on the cards."

Rushworth also promised "action-packed" storylines dealing with her being in the police.

"[It's a] great story, and it's very high drama," she stated. "I won't give away anything about the end part, but it's very dramatic. She goes back to the police force, so it's very action-packed and heavy."

Rushworth previously told Digital Spy that Donna will have a 4-year-old daughter named April with her, and that Marlon will find out he's the father.

She explained: "Everything has gone wrong, as Donna is a single mum in Essex who is struggling with a daughter. Because April is reaching a certain age, she's starting to ask questions about who her daddy is.

"Donna knows that she's got to go home and finally put it right. She needs her family support network for her daughter, and she needs to tell Marlon what's happened and face the music."

Read more: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s12/emmerdale/news/a557924/emmerdales-verity-rushworth-hints-at-new-donna-romance-on-return.html#ixzz2w92g87ZQ

16-03-2014, 21:18
who could she be paired with sam, ross or robbie are only free men around or maybe vanessa if she is gay again?

17-03-2014, 22:49
I think she will be involved with Debbie and Ross's stolen car dealing ring at the garage so maybe romance with Pete or Ross is likely perhaps

23-03-2014, 21:52
did she date andy or his brother robert in the past?

24-03-2014, 04:48
did she date andy or his brother robert in the past?

She dated Robert for a while

24-03-2014, 04:48
did she date andy or his brother robert in the past?

She dated Robert for a while

24-03-2014, 13:55
I think Robert cheated on her with Katie

24-03-2014, 14:22
Yes, he did, despite Katie being engaged to Andy at the time

01-04-2014, 00:18
Marlon Dingle makes a life-changing decision next week as he gives Donna Windsor his blessing to move back to the village with their daughter April.

Marlon is forced to throw caution to the wind when Donna (Verity Rushworth) gives him a final ultimatum - urging him to decide whether he wants April in his life or not.

Here, Mark Charnock - who plays Marlon - reveals the reasoning behind his character's choice and why the shocks in this storyline are only just beginning…

Why does Donna return to the village again next week?
"Marlon makes a deal with Donna, asking her to come back for another visit. He really didn't want to see her, but he's been talked into it. First of all, Rhona has been nagging on about how she wants Leo to have a sister to help look after him in the future. Laurel also turns on Marlon and calls him selfish. That knocks the wind out of Marlon and makes him see sense.

"Marlon rings Donna and asks her to come back, but he tells her not to bring April because he doesn't want to see her. He can't even cope with looking at his daughter, because it's just a reminder of how devastated he is that he's missed out on her first few years."

But Donna doesn't follow his instructions…
"No, Marlon finds out that Donna has brought April back even though he's asked her not to. Once again, he's angry and disappointed with her - but Donna tells Marlon that April knows he's her dad as she found a wedding picture of them."

Why is Marlon so reluctant for Leo and April to know that they're siblings?
"Because Marlon still doesn't know whether he wants April in his life. He doesn't want to confuse Leo by getting some kind of sibling relationship going when April might not always be there.

"The bottom line is that Marlon doesn't trust Donna. He doesn't trust her not to take April away from him again. Marlon has been through so many awful things in his life, and he's really acutely frightened of being heartbroken. Donna's behaviour has been unpredictable in the past, so that's why Marlon is being so careful about it."

Donna urges Marlon to make a decision on whether he wants her to move back to the village with April. How does he react?
"Marlon is not happy about it. He feels cornered by Donna's ultimatum, and he feels as though she is trying to take control of the situation when he wants to do it on his terms. Marlon feels like Donna has got this emotional cattle-prod and she's backing him into a corner, wanting him to make the decision now.

"Marlon is not ready to make a decision, because he wants to go about it slowly, methodically and carefully. He wants to find out if Donna is trustworthy and whether he trusts himself to give into all of this emotion that he's trying to suppress."

How does Marlon feel about April knowing she is his daughter?
"Marlon is absolutely furious, because he thinks it's more of Donna's manipulation and that she's done it deliberately. Marlon doesn't believe that April just stumbled across these wedding photos of the two of them. It's a really unlikely scenario, so Marlon thinks that Donna has done it to force his hand.

"Marlon doesn't know Donna's agenda and the audience don't know it either yet. He feels that she's using the little girl to get what she wants. He's confused by it, deeply suspicious and very angry."

Later in the week, Marlon sees Donna and April packing up the car to leave again. How does he react?
"Beforehand, Marlon says that he doesn't think he'll ever be ready for this situation with Donna at the centre of it. Afterwards, he sees them packing the car and April says, 'Daddy', runs over to him and tells him off for shouting at her mum.

"Marlon thinks that April is going to go away thinking for the rest of her life that he's a monster and an awful human being. He steps in front of the car and stops them from going."

What happens next?
"When Marlon steps in front of the car, Donna bangs her head. She's a bit woozy from bumping her head and goes for a quick check-up at the hospital, so Marlon offers to look after April while she's gone.

"What follows are some quite funny scenes where Marlon and April make absolutely no progress whatsoever in terms of hitting it off. It's the first time Marlon has been with his daughter, but it's a disaster and she doesn't want to know him. He can't find a way through to her, but he wins her round the following day and he's absolutely thrilled."

Are Laurel and Donna pleased?
"Laurel is really pleased for him at this point. Like Rhona, she's been trying to get Marlon to see sense. Laurel knows Marlon well enough to know that if he doesn't do this now, he will regret it. She's doing the right thing and her love for him is pushing her to get involved. She's with him all the way and she's overjoyed when Marlon asks Donna to stay.

"Donna is also chuffed to bits. Marlon nervously asks her whether he can take April out for the day, and Donna is overwhelmed and gives him a big hug. It's a friendly hug, but Rhona starts to become suspicious at this point that Donna is here for reasons other than introducing Marlon to April…"

Where is the story heading in the longer-term?
"Donna has got massive stuff coming up with me, massive stuff with April and massive stuff with other characters.

"The angles that the story takes are all very acute and genuinely shocking. When I first heard about them, I genuinely had my mouth open with shock. I don't think the audience have seen anything like this for a long while. Some of the stuff coming up is genuinely jaw-dropping and it's very exciting to be part of it…"

01-04-2014, 00:18

10-04-2014, 22:44
Emmerdale has aired the first big twist in Donna Windsor's return storyline with the revelation that she has a terminal illness.

Donna, played by Verity Rushworth, discussed the news with a doctor in the first of Thursday's episodes (April 10).

The storyline saw Donna's stepfather Bob Hope take her to the hospital as she felt woozy after hitting her head.

Donna was forced to go along with making the trip, but once alone with a doctor, she admitted that there was nothing that the hospital could do for her.

She said: "I know what's wrong with me and you're not going to be able to sort it. I did bang my head, but that's not why I went dizzy. I've got Mesothelioma."

After confirming that her medication sometimes affects her balance, Donna added: "I have regular check-ups back home. They monitor me - there's nothing they can do, really. It's terminal."

Emmerdale bosses did not release details of Donna's illness before the episode, as they wanted the storyline to play out on screen rather than being revealed beforehand.

Digital Spy has been aware of the twist for a number of weeks, but kept it a secret to provide an element of surprise for viewers.

Donna's illness, which is a rare form of cancer, explains why she has been so keen for her ex-husband Marlon Dingle to get to know their daughter April. The Woolpack's chef was unaware of the youngster's existence until recently.

When Donna tries to get through to Marlon on her own, he tells her to pack her bags and leave the village for good.

Mark Charnock, who plays Marlon, has previously said that the Donna storyline will have a number of surprising twists.

He said earlier this month: "The angles that the story takes are all very acute and genuinely shocking. When I first heard about them, I genuinely had my mouth open with shock.

"I don't think the audience have seen anything like this for a long while. Some of the stuff coming up is genuinely jaw-dropping and it's very exciting to be part of it."

Rushworth is back on screen as Donna for a five-month period.

11-04-2014, 00:48
Sad that Donna has to die, she is good with Marlon better than Laurel imo and April is so cute

20-06-2014, 11:24
Emmerdale star Verity Rushworth has hinted that there is big drama coming up for her character Donna Windsor.

Donna has teamed up with Ross Barton since returning to the village earlier in the year in order to pull off various money-making schemes.

Viewers know that Donna has a terminal illness and is desperate to provide for her young daughter April when she dies.

Speaking in a video on Emmerdale's official website, Rushworth said: "Things are really going to step up for Donna. I can't say too much but there is something huge coming up.

"It's to do with the big robbery and of course, it doesn't go to plan. The stakes are going to get higher, there is going to be more action and there is going to be a lot more steam with Ross."
Donna and Ross see Gary approaching
Donna has teamed up with Ross

Rushworth also admitted that she feels very sad for Donna and what she is involved in because of her illness.

She said: "I think it's really sad what she is having to deal with at the moment. Through sheer desperation and panic, she has turned to crime which is completely out of character.

"She's panicking and having this weird moment of facing death. What is happening to her body is obviously sending her a little bit crazy as I am sure it would."

10-07-2014, 11:05
Emmerdale star Verity Rushworth has said that her character Donna Windsor's current crime storyline is set to get deeper.

Viewers know that Donna is suffering from a terminal illness and have seen her team up with Ross Barton in recent months to pull off various schemes.

Speaking about the storyline on Lorraine today (July 10), Rushworth said: "It's action-packed and the stakes get really high, and this is the tip of the iceberg for her.

"The crime gets really deep and we get into sticky waters. The cancer is one element, and then there is a whole load of other things on top of that. It's going to be good."

Tonight's episode of the soap will see Donna finally confide in ex-husband Marlon (Mark Charnock) about her illness in emotional scenes.

Discussing why Donna has kept her illness a secret for so long, Rushworth said: "She doesn't want to be seen as a victim and as soon as everybody knows, it's going to break Marlon's heart.

"How do you tell a 5-year old girl that her mum is going to die of cancer? I just can't imagine the people that have to go through that. It's absolutely horrific. I think she wants to grasp onto happiness for as long as she can, while she can."

Emmerdale airs tonight at 7pm and 8pm on ITV.

05-08-2014, 01:15
Emmerdale airs Donna Windsor's final scenes next week as her emotional and dramatic storyline reaches its conclusion.

Details of exactly how Donna bows out are being kept strictly under wraps, but fans can expect explosive scenes as her final dodgy job with bad boy Ross Barton (Michael Parr) goes horribly wrong.

Here, Verity Rushworth - who plays Donna - chats about the tense episodes and how she felt about filming her exit scenes.

How is Donna's health in her final week on screen?
"Donna's health has deteriorated, unfortunately. The last time she had a scan, she was told that she could have a year, which was an estimate. By this point, though, she's been told that it could be anything up to 12 weeks, which is really sad. Donna is obviously in a bad way and she's suffering with it in secret."

How would you describe Donna's feelings for Ross at this point?
"Donna is completely in love with Ross, but she can't tell him that because it would be unfair. Ross doesn't know about her illness, but she's definitely in love with him. Donna is feeling conflicted because she wants to tell him about the illness but she feels that she can't."

What are her feelings for Marlon?
"With Marlon, the fact that he now knows about her illness is a big relief for her. The way that Marlon found out was a bit upsetting for her because it caught her off-guard, but I don't think she'd ever have been able to tell him otherwise, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Now that Marlon knows, she is really glad of the support and she really appreciates him being there for her.

"Donna also needs Marlon and April to have a good relationship for after she's gone. She wants him and Laurel to be a strong unit for April, so she is pushing for him to consider Laurel in all of this just as much as he is considering Donna and April."
How have things changed between them since Donna told Marlon the truth?
"I think Marlon obviously now looks at Donna in a different way. That's unfortunate for Donna, as she didn't want that to happen. She's seen as a victim now and Marlon wants to care for her. He's talking about death and what happens afterwards, but she wanted to avoid all that. Now the relationship has altered, but Donna doesn't want to talk about death because she wants to be positive."

How does Donna react when Ross reveals that he's made plans for them to leave the village together after their final job?
"It's really heartbreaking, because we've finally seen Ross's vulnerable side. He's opened up to Donna and fallen for her. Ross has decided that he wants to run away with Donna, look after her and look after April. That's all Donna wants and she'd love to do that, but she knows she can't because April needs to be with Marlon and she's not going to be around.

"Donna needs Ross to believe that it's going to happen in order to get through this job. She has to lead him on and say that she will go with him, but deep down she knows it will never happen."

What is the final job?
"The job is about setting up Gary North. There are dodgy photos of him that he wouldn't want anybody to see, so Ross and Donna are trying to get hold of them so they can use them as blackmail. Unfortunately, it all goes wrong and it doesn't go according to plan.

"The photos are locked away in a safe in a nightclub, so Ross and Donna need to get into the safe in the nightclub manager's office. If they give Gary North his photos back, the deal is over and he won't seek revenge - they'll be quits and he'll leave them alone. But that doesn't quite happen…"

What would the consequences be if it all goes wrong?
"Gary North is a massive threat, so I don't think anyone would come out of it okay! Donna would go to prison or somebody could possibly end up dead. The worst thing that could happen would be Gary North getting his hands on April, which would be horrendous."

On the day before the job, Donna faces April's birthday party. What is her mood like there?
"Donna actually quite sombre, understandably. She knows that it's going to be the last one she'll be at, so she gives April a locket with a photo of her in. She also has her own locket with a photo of April in, so they'll always have that connection. Donna wants to be a good mum, be happy and be part of the party, but actually she's quite reflective and it shows.

"Donna has got Ross and Adam waiting to hear from her at this point, as they need to get together and hatch a plan. So Donna has got a lot of drama going on! She's worried about what's going to happen with Gary North while she's supposed to be celebrating her daughter's birthday."

Does Donna feel guilty about being distracted at the birthday party?
"Oh yeah, she's full of guilt. Donna feels guilty that she hasn't told April about the cancer and she also feels guilty that she's going to be leaving her. She also feels guilty that she's breaking the law, even though she's doing it for April. On top of that, Donna is deceiving people like Marlon and Bob, who she loves. But she's ploughing on because she feels it's the best thing to do for her and April."

How does Adam find out that Donna is involved in the upcoming job?
"Ross tells Adam that he's got a bent copper on side, to make him feel confident that he's in safe hands. Donna arrives at the house and Adam is very, very, very surprised to see that it's her! It's a complete shock to him and he doesn't understand why Donna has gone to the dark side."

Donna takes her emotions out on Marlon, doesn't she?
"Yeah, she always takes it out on Marlon because she knows that she can. Their relationship runs deeper than anyone else's and she'll always love him because they were married and he's the father of her child. If you're going to take it out on anyone, it's going to be him!"

Why hasn't Donna told anyone else the truth?
"Donna doesn't want her last weeks to all be about dying, death and upsetting people. She wants the last weeks to be as happy as possible and for people to be oblivious, so she can have normal conversations. Donna also has a job to do and she needs to focus on that. She needs to get that done before she can let the world know what's going on."

Does Donna feel guilty about lying to people like Ross and Bob?
"Yeah, she feels really, really guilty because she loves them all. She hates the fact that she's lying, but she's doing it for them. She doesn't want to implicate any of them in her business that she's doing for April, and she knows that she wouldn't have Ross with her for this job if he didn't think they were going to be together at the end of it."

Does Donna trust Adam not to mess it up?
"She's furious that Ross told Adam her idea, but actually he comes in really handy and is really helpful on the day. She trusts him in the end."

But Aaron does turn up and threaten the job…
"Yes, Aaron tries to stop Adam in a protective sort of way. He thoroughly gets in the way, so Adam has to be quite brutal to get Aaron out of the way so that he can complete the job. He knows that Ross and Donna need him and he can't risk anything going wrong. Adam sorts Aaron out, really!"

What happens in the club?
"Donna and Ross walk into the club and easily get into the office. They're dressed in police uniforms and claim they need to see the books in the office. They also claim that they've heard about counterfeit goods in their safe and they'll need to do a search.

"It all goes well until they get to the safe and the manager won't open it. He knows there are photos belonging to Gary North in there, who is the bigwig."

Does anything else go wrong?
"Yes, Ross doesn't know how to work the police radio, and he doesn't know where his baton is either, so that gives the game away! Ross is clearly not a real policeman and when we see the photos and we don't arrest the nightclub guy, he knows we're up to no good. It all goes wrong!

"It's really scary as it becomes a hostage situation. Their hands are tied, there's a bag over Ross's head and he is badly beaten up with a baton. Donna is threatened by two men, which is really intimidating.

"It all kicks off and Donna has to get really fierce. She brings out her taser and gets fierce! They have to act very, very quickly. They're in absolute danger and lives are at risk…"

This will be your last week on screen. Have you enjoyed being back?
"It's been the most amazing job and the best time ever. Emmerdale is just the most amazing place to work. Everybody is so warm, friendly, lovely and professional. I've been blessed with this amazing, juicy storyline, showing all of this heartache and danger. The levels I've been able to play as an actress have been a real treat.

"Working with Mike Parr, Mark Charnock, Charlotte Bellamy, Tony Audenshaw and everyone else - all of my favourite people - I've felt very lucky. I've been so looked-after by all departments and I'm going to miss everyone so much. It's really sad to leave!"

Read more: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s12/emmerdale/scoop/a588177/emmerdales-verity-rushworth-on-exit-week-donnas-plans-go-wrong.html#~oM1bm1I5IzvmL5#ixzz39TKZeH5i
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05-08-2014, 01:15

12-08-2014, 00:18
Kate Oates has spoken about the aftermath of Donna Windsor's death, promising emotional times ahead in the village as her tragic demise impacts on a number of characters.

Donna's exit airs on screen in Thursday night's double bill (August 14), and although the exact circumstances are being kept tightly under wraps, her final scenes will see the popular character lose her life.

Viewers have already seen Donna receive the devastating news that she only has weeks left to live as she is terminally ill, but there are surprising twists and turns ahead in her final two episodes - including a big stunt scene.

Speaking about the drama to come in the aftermath, Oates explained: "One of the interesting things when a character like Donna dies is that because she's been in the show for so long, you've got all of those links with characters that are really well-established.

"You'll see stellar performances from people like Tony Audenshaw who plays Bob, along with others who worked with Verity for such a long time. When you're doing a death and funeral for a character who has so many links in the village, it really does enrich it - so hopefully that will come across."

As well as exploring how Donna's death affects her lover Ross Barton (Michael Parr) and ex-husband Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock), there are tragic scenes ahead as her young daughter April has to adjust to life without her mum.

Oates added: "We just absolutely adore Amelia who plays April. You can't help but be blown away by that little girl. She even improvises in some of her scenes and she's fantastic.

"Because Amelia can run with anything, we wanted to work on characterisation and give her a proper standout personality. When April grieves for her mum, some of the bubblier sides of her personality are suppressed slightly and that's part of her journey. But it's a real treat to have a 6-year-old child you can give a journey to, because that doesn't happen very often."

Meanwhile, Verity Rushworth - who plays Donna - admitted that she was nervous when she heard that her final episodes would involve stunt work.

She laughed: "I'm scared of everything! I've never been on a rollercoaster, I've never had any piercings or anything like that. I play things very safe in life! I was absolutely petrified."

12-08-2014, 00:18

14-08-2014, 22:05
hero exit for donna great episode

14-08-2014, 22:43
Fantastic ep and so tragic. Poor ross

06-09-2014, 17:58
It's been an emotional few months on screen for Emmerdale star Mark Charnock as he has been at the centre of the soap's gripping Donna Windsor storyline.

The show's long-serving cast member is also up for the Best Actor prize at this year's Inside Soap Awards, which are now reaching the final days of voting.

Digital Spy recently caught up with Mark for a chat about the awards, the Donna storyline and what's ahead for his character Marlon Dingle as his wedding day arrives next week.

How does it feel to be up for Best Actor?
"It's always very nice to be nominated but I feel that it's really recognition for our recent storyline, which was really well-told. It's been quite high-profile and it was brilliant to have Verity Rushworth back in the show as Donna, as well as being able to work with Mike Parr who plays Ross.

"There's a real team mentality here at Emmerdale so I think any recognition is the result of everyone's hard work put together, but it's lovely to be nominated."

Emmerdale won Best Soap last year at these awards, so do you think it can do the same again this time around?
"I think the show has got every chance. Last year the win came after the siege storyline and the amazing work that Dominic Power, Lucy Pargeter and Charley Webb had done in the run-up to that. Now we're coming off the back of several very big storylines, so there's no reason why we can't do it again because it's been a strong year.

"It's not just the Donna storyline, as there's been strong work all round. The other story that I think the show has told brilliantly this year is Val's HIV. I think that's been extraordinarily well-acted and told very carefully.

"There have been so many highlights all round, though - the comedy with Dan and Kerry's wedding was fantastic and I've loved watching Joe Gill's work on Finn's storyline. The show is a pleasure to watch at the minute."

Is there anyone you're rooting for in particular?
"I think all of the Emmerdale actors in each of the categories have been absolutely superb, but having worked so closely with Verity, Mike and Amelia Flanagan who plays April, I feel they really deserve their nominations. Working with them directly means I have had the privilege of witnessing their talent day in day out.

"It's funny with Mike as when he first came into the show I didn't think our characters would have much to do with each other, but when Ross carjacked Laurel, it resulted in us having a storyline together. I get on really well with Mike and after seeing the responses to the Donna story, I think the audience have really fallen for Ross."

The past 12 months have seen Emmerdale and Hollyoaks win Best Soap prizes for the first time. Has it come as a surprise to see the underdogs finally getting recognition?
"I think the only surprise is that it hasn't happened before and perhaps should have done for both shows. As a viewer of our show and Hollyoaks as well, it wasn't a surprise to me because both are quality programmes and really good to watch. That's not to say that Corrie, EastEnders and Doctors aren't too, it's just that down the years maybe there should have been more recognition for those shows. We're thrilled to bits about it."

What do you make of the reaction to the Donna storyline?
"It's been better than I could ever have imagined. Once I found out the arc of the storyline and the twists that it would take, I knew that there'd be a good response to it, but I think we've all still been slightly bowled over by how much people have engaged with it.

"People have related to it in different ways, but it's been a lovely, overwhelming reaction. Our audience are a very supportive crowd anyway, but they've really been fantastic over this past six months by championing the storyline on Twitter and other social networks. They've really embraced it and that genuinely means a lot to the actors, the production team and everyone else because it means we're hopefully getting it right."

Did you always know exactly how Donna would die?
"We didn't know early on. When Verity first came back, I knew that Donna was going to be ill, but I didn't know the exact outcome of the storyline and I don't think Verity knew either. We didn't know the twists it would take until later on. As you can imagine, once they told us about the twists it was going to take and we got those scripts, we were racing through them when we were reading them and there was smoke coming off the pages!

"We couldn't believe it and the story was like an emotional thriller. Obviously I wasn't in the scenes where Donna came off the roof, but when I was reading them I was crying my eyes out. The story was superbly constructed and so exciting to be part of.

"It was the same with the siege last year and what's exciting is that no matter how long you've been in the show, you never lose that buzz of being involved in something that you know is really good."

After so many years of experience, is it still challenging to get an emotional storyline?
"Yes it is, and I think that goes for all of the people who've been in the show for a while. You care so much about the work and wanting to get it right. It doesn't matter how long you've been in the cast - everyone still worries about getting it right. You watch the show and wonder, 'Is this scene going to be as good as when I first read it?' I personally take it home with me and desperately try to get it right, so you're still learning all the time.

"Me and Dominic Brunt, who plays Paddy, often say that at no point during our time in the show have we ever taken anything for granted or assumed anything. You still try hard after all these years to do your best. That's what's lovely about the job - it keeps you on your toes because your character is evolving all the time. There's not many other acting jobs where you can say that."

Marlon and Laurel's wedding day arrives next week, but it seems their relationship is in trouble… What would you say their main issues are?
"I think their main issue is that Marlon's grief has become a massive stumbling block for their relationship. That's not to do with any romantic feelings for Donna - instead it's to do with Marlon's absolute fear and terror of getting it wrong with April.

"Marlon has only known April for five months but, along with Leo, she's become his whole world. He's got to create a family environment that April feels comfortable in, which is a massive responsibility.

"The April issue has become the be all and end all for Marlon because he is defined by parenthood and wants to be the best dad he possibly can be. As a consequence of that, he's taken his eye off the ball with Laurel. It's not because he doesn't love her with all of his heart, it's just because his heart has been put through the blender and he's trying to reassemble it."

Is Marlon hurt next week when Laurel tells him that she has shared a kiss with Ashley?
"Absolutely, but Marlon did kiss Donna so it would be hypocritical for him to be too furious about it! He's hurt, but not in the obvious way. Marlon is actually hurt that it got to the point where Laurel felt like she had to do that. He's disappointed with himself in such a profound way.

"Of course Marlon is hurt and his ego is dented a little bit, but he knows that Laurel's kiss with Ashley wasn't a romantic one - just like his own kiss with Donna wasn't. For Laurel it was a cry for help and she was reaching out to Ashley.

"Ashley is a brilliant bloke and he's still her friend, but Marlon knows that Laurel hasn't done this to be unfaithful. Laurel has done it because she feels like she's losing Marlon. It hits him like a hammer-blow when he realises the point that he's pushed her to."
Laurel finds Marlon at Donna's grave
Laurel finds Marlon at Donna's grave

We'll have to wait and see if the wedding goes ahead, but is it true that Laurel's father Doug is slightly wary of her relationship with Marlon when he returns?
"Yes, definitely. Doug is one of my favourite characters! We have to remember that Doug hasn't seen Marlon and Laurel's love for each other and how it all came to pass. He's a bit surprised by it all and he's a bit wary about it. It doesn't help that Sandy is whispering various stuff to him about Marlon!

"I love the way they've written it - they've not made our characters bitter enemies or anything, but they have got us bickering which I've loved. It's a contrast to what's been going on over the past couple of months. Because Duncan Preston is such a master of comedy, he can do the slightest tilt of his eyes and it makes me laugh!

"It's great to see Duncan back - I've seen him in plays while he's been away and he's been fantastic in those, but we're all chuffed to bits to have him back at Emmerdale. He's just a joy to have around and he's a comedy legend."

Do you hope the writers find ways to keep Ross and Marlon interacting?
"I do! I really like Mike - he's one of the good guys and I'm really fond of him. I love doing scenes with him because I think we spark off each other really well, even when our characters are at their worst with each other. I'd love to do more stuff with him and see where it goes next.

"I have no idea if that will happen or not, but I do think their relationship is fascinating as it really could go either way. If anything does happen, I'm sure April will be a leveller for both of them."

We've heard that the autumn will be massive for Emmerdale… Is the best yet to come?
"Yes! There are some stories that are coming up that are action-packed, thrilling and genuinely shocking. By the end of this year, I think it will have cranked up another gear again, so there's fantastic stuff to come."

06-09-2014, 18:32
Sorry wouldn't get my vote for best actor. Long service fair enough .