View Full Version : fianl countdown

12-08-2005, 11:13
Housemates greeted their final morning in the Big Brother House with screams of excitement when the big guy woke them at just before 10am.

Makosi kicked off the screaming, jumping up and down on her bed like a kid at Christmas.

"Yeeees!" bellowed Anthony, as he stood on his bed. "Get in! Ding dong."

"Well done, everyone," said Kinga, congratulating her Housemates on having survived another night of deep sleep.

"Oh my God. I'm so excited," she said before treating everyone to a brief burst of the 80s hit Final Countdown.

Eugene was the most subdued of the House and set about distributing toilet roll to the needy.

Anthony settled back into bed and reflected on his time in the Big Brother House. "I've done it all," he said, proud to have survived to day 78 after entering the House on day one, along with Makosi.

And Makosi set about her real hair like there's no tomorrow. Hold on, there is no tomorrow...