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10-08-2005, 22:09
awwww! Eugene getting put on the spot like that!
Makosi , OMG! she so stupid! shes like, o yeah if it was me i wouldnt of done that ! yeah rigghhtt! she wants that money!

:cheer: :wub: Anthony to win!! :wub: :cheer:

:heart: xx kelly xx :heart:

10-08-2005, 22:11
i totally agree she would just walk straight out with the money

10-08-2005, 22:12
yep she would have and rubbed evryones faces in it

10-08-2005, 22:14
yep she would have and rubbed evryones faces in it

yeah she would the bitch :thumbsdow

10-08-2005, 22:16
I'm a selfish person just like Makosi I would have took the dosh within 2 seconds of being asked!

10-08-2005, 22:18
Yeah i probs would of too.
But everyone knows makosi would of took too. But she reckons wouldnt of.

10-08-2005, 22:18
yeah i would have taken it and then sat next to makosi and rubbed her nose right in it!!

10-08-2005, 22:20
yeah i would have taken it and then sat next to makosi and rubbed her nose right in it!!

Lol yeah that would be great :)

10-08-2005, 22:20
I'm a selfish person just like Makosi I would have took the dosh within 2 seconds of being asked!
Me 1 second lmao. Makosi the liar..

10-08-2005, 22:21
makosi!! liar liar pants on fire!!!!!

10-08-2005, 22:21
makosi makes out she is this big imporatant person,
But when it comes down to it kinga is a more deserved winner than her because she does nt like she admitts when she would do stuff.
Kinga said she would of done the same and makosi knows deep deep down she would of to

10-08-2005, 22:23
makosi makes out she is this big imporatant person,
But when it comes down to it kinga is a more deserved winner than her because she does nt like she admitts when she would do stuff.
Kinga said she would of done the same and makosi knows deep deep down she would of to

Yep so true

10-08-2005, 22:26
she acts like she is this big diva when she gets out of here she is going to be so shocked when she gets booed.
And the comment about her being platunuim.
She needs to wake herself up from this big dream

10-08-2005, 22:28

cheap gold plated more like!!!

10-08-2005, 22:28
she acts like she is this big diva when she gets out of here she is going to be so shocked when she gets booed.
And the comment about her being platunuim.
She needs to wake herself up from this big dream

I couldnt agree more :) glad someone thinks the same as me :thumbsup:

10-08-2005, 22:29

cheap gold plated more like!!!

Cheap gold plated :rotfl:

10-08-2005, 22:31
she has reall got on my nerves this past week.
She would of took that money cause she needs to sort her afro out

10-08-2005, 22:31
Ithink makosi is not very happy about eugene taking the money
she will be talking about him later..

10-08-2005, 22:32
yeah she probably already is. poor eugene will be suffereing for 2 days

10-08-2005, 22:32
oh but makosi does nt bitch about anyone

10-08-2005, 22:33
no of course not she is just very honest and will alwyas say it to their faces!!!!

10-08-2005, 22:39
yes right she is the biggest two faced person been in the house

10-08-2005, 22:42
yes right she is the biggest two faced person been in the house

:rotfl: iwas being sarcastic

two faced???

try 6


10-08-2005, 22:43
are you sure? i think shes got more than 6 faces! lol :rotfl:

10-08-2005, 22:44
are you sure? i think shes got more than 6 faces! lol :rotfl:

i think it may be impossible to count how many faces makosi has :rotfl:

10-08-2005, 22:46
have you got a year

10-08-2005, 22:46
have you got a year

:rotfl: :rotfl:

10-08-2005, 22:48
i think it may be impossible to count how many faces makosi has :rotfl:

:rotfl: lol very true!

10-08-2005, 22:48
then probably only got threw couting half of her faces

10-08-2005, 22:49
i would have took the money in seconds ....well i would have been a bit worried though because it could have been a trick . And yes Makosi the liar!

10-08-2005, 22:51
the thing is eugene keeps apologising and saying he has done a wrong thing.
The thing is makosi and ant and kinga would of took that money and not one of them three would of felt sorry for the other people.
Where as eugene does he is such a nice person.

10-08-2005, 22:55
the thing is eugene keeps apologising and saying he has done a wrong thing.
The thing is makosi and ant and kinga would of took that money and not one of them three would of felt sorry for the other people.
Where as eugene does he is such a nice person.

yup he is lovly :) but i think anthony is a nice person too

10-08-2005, 22:57
yes but why is he saying he would nof took the money

10-08-2005, 22:58
did he say that?

10-08-2005, 22:59
aaaww he looks as if he's going to cry *hugs eugene before debs gets there*

10-08-2005, 23:02
grrrrrrrrrrrrr lunalee you just to fast

10-08-2005, 23:02
grrrrrrrrrrrrr lunalee you just to fast

lol :D

10-08-2005, 23:08
aaaaww he is crying now...but kinga is comforting him....well as best she can lol

10-08-2005, 23:12
aaaaww he is crying now...but kinga is comforting him....well as best she can lol

lol aw, i thougt kinga was annoying but shes been really good with eugene

10-08-2005, 23:13
she can smother him a bit though....think she is trying to mother him lol

10-08-2005, 23:15
lol yeah true
but at least she gives him a chance

10-08-2005, 23:36
i agree kinga is good with him she does listen to his stories when all the others roll there eyes or fall asleep

10-08-2005, 23:41
yup . but i have to admit some of his stories lol they get boring, it makes me love him more lol i just feel sorry for him

10-08-2005, 23:42
yes and at the end he laughs and everyone just like looks at him ethen he goes all serious

10-08-2005, 23:43
lol yeah bless him!

10-08-2005, 23:47
OMG ive just watched it from being recorded was @ a Virgin V Party there was loads of us and we had to keep pausing it, having a hugeeee debate about tonights twist, lol. Some thought if it was Ant he wouldnt have took the money as he thinks his gonna win anayway, then i made the point of, if he believed he was going to win, he would have took the money anyway then he still would have won the other £50K either way, most of them said they werent in it for the money any ways. But fair play to Eugene, i think anyone would have took £50k if it was handed to them on a plate.

10-08-2005, 23:48
wonder if this is goin to hinder him winning now? people will be thinking to themselves oh well hes got £50 000 already,let some one else get the other £50 000 where as if he hadnt of taken it i think hed of been a definate to win

10-08-2005, 23:50
i am not sure maybe people think like that but maybe he has got enough votes over the past few days to well be a winner he deserves it

10-08-2005, 23:51
id of taken it,makosi is a flippin lying bint

10-08-2005, 23:52
Think about it though, he has no idea what the public think of him anyway, he has already said he thinks his a geek etc, so if you think that poorly of yourself and believe thats what everyone else thinks about you why not take the money? I sure hell as would

10-08-2005, 23:56
wonder if this is goin to hinder him winning now? people will be thinking to themselves oh well hes got £50 000 already,let some one else get the other £50 000 where as if he hadnt of taken it i think hed of been a definate to win

Hmm im not sure because alot people just feel sorry for him. i think anthony will win it because he will always get the ladies votes

10-08-2005, 23:56
suppose and with big characters like kinga and ant and makosi he is going to be thinking maybe i will not win so will take the money.
I bet derek is loving tonights shows

11-08-2005, 00:01
Just out of interest does Eugene still stand a chance of winning, as his name hasn't been removed as walked or anything from the c4 bb website. Was just curious.

11-08-2005, 00:01
Yes he does

11-08-2005, 00:02
Yes he does OK thanks Charlie for that. That'd be pretty extraordinary if he won as well - I reckon he will.

11-08-2005, 00:03
maybe that would of been a better twist if they choose the money they then would be evicted

11-08-2005, 00:04
OK thanks Charlie for that. That'd be pretty extraordinary if he won as well - I reckon he will.

i think people will think hes got the money now and vote for someone else (anthony!)

11-08-2005, 00:06
i am glad he took it but i am know thinking maybe he should not be able to win he is a nice guy and stuff.
Maybe they should give the other 3 a chance to win

11-08-2005, 00:07
I do believe Ant will win now, but £50K is a lot of money anyway, i think if Eugene knew it would double he wouldnt have taken it, he has to much pride, but good on the fella, a least Kinga and Makosi will walk away empty handed, until there paper deals!

11-08-2005, 00:25
I hope Eugene wins. It would be the first time a housemate that comes in half way through has won it as well! He deserves it much more than the others, especially Makosi grrrrr.

11-08-2005, 09:37
I hope Eugene wins. It would be the first time a housemate that comes in half way through has won it as well! He deserves it much more than the others, especially Makosi grrrrr.

I agree he really deserves it

11-08-2005, 09:54
would have been great if kinga would have gone in the diary room and got the 50 000 then eugene had won that would have been excellent!