View Full Version : time to think

10-08-2005, 10:16
Kinga has revealed to Makosi that she thought there were 12 hours in a day, but Craig thinks she's putting it on.

During a chat with Makosi about the cameras in the House, the Londoner made the startling revelation.

"When do the cameramen come?" Kinga asked, seemingly unaware that she was being constantly filmed...which might explain a few things.

"They are here 24-hours a day," replied Makosi, only for Kinga to say, "What about at night?"

"How many hours are there in a day?" Makosi asked her in disbelief, and Kinga replied she thought there were 12.

Then Anthony entered the bedroom and was told what she had just said.

"I'm going to ask you a serious question right?" Anthony said to Kinga. "Being honest, how many hours did you think were in a day?"

Once again she said she thought there were 12 hours. "You liar!" Anthony shouted.

"But there's one-to-12," she said meekly presumably referring to the face of a clock. "You're lying, you have to be," the Geordie said, adding: "I'm not the sharpest but you must have known..."

In her defence, Kinga then said she had heard of "24/7" and Makosi asked her what she thought that meant.

"It means 24/7, all the time, day and night," she replied quietly.

"So when I say the cameramen are here 24 hours a day I mean at night as well," an exasperated Makosi replied.

However, Craig was not convinced that Kinga could really believe there were only 12 hours in a day. When Anthony told him what she had said he spat: "Course she didn't, nobody thinks that. For ******** sake! I can't tolerate this House any longer!"