View Full Version : Pun'kd

08-08-2005, 23:38
Has anyone seen the ep with Eva and Jesse yet? Its soo funny, poor Eva doesnt know what to do with herself, was on MTV tonight

09-08-2005, 17:27
no ant seen it wot happerned

09-08-2005, 17:56
oh i missed it that program is brilliant

09-08-2005, 18:19
i know i love it its well funny

10-08-2005, 13:15
no ant seen it wot happerned

Eva and Jesse were on the way back from filming, and the cops pulled over Jesse, he was saying "oh my god" Eva was telling him to chill and it would be ok, so he pulled over and just jumped out the car and did a runner, lol. Leaving Eva in the car.

Cutting a long story short, the cops pulled out his liscence and Jesse's liscence had a completely different name and had loads of cash in his wallet, basically making out he was a drug dealer. They cops caught him and handcuffed him, put him in the cop car, told Eva she was involved as well. Then the cameras come out, was soo funny, she looked so shocked. One of the cop women were saying how great "Desperate Housewives" is and Eva was like "Thanks" hehe

Im sure there will be a repeat show of it, there always is