View Full Version : Anthony and Craig

08-08-2005, 22:15
It's the same old with these two but it's kinda funny innit? :D

08-08-2005, 22:18
its getting kind of boring now though dont you think? they ought to give it a rest,its like groundhog day!!!
i think ant keeps getting narky with craig as hes so peed off with him and has spent too much time in his company.its like if me and my other half were to spend 24/7 together,we'd kill each other!!

08-08-2005, 22:38
They are so entertaining though I love it when Anthony flips! :) It is kind of boring now though but atleast Craig hasn't cried yet in tonights show :D

08-08-2005, 22:44
not yet anyway but give craig time im sure he might fit in a few tears before the shows over.i love it when ant flips too

08-08-2005, 23:06
Oh god Craig needs to get a grip.

08-08-2005, 23:09
Yeah like lil Dakota there aww ^^

Johnny Allen
08-08-2005, 23:16
Im fed up with it now, its dull the whole house is dull, Bring back Derek.

09-08-2005, 00:13
yeah im bored of craig and anthony!! why dont they just get it on and get it over with!!!!

09-08-2005, 19:16
Craig needs to get over the fact that even if Anthony was/is gay then he would still not go near Craig.