View Full Version : a comedy of errors

08-08-2005, 22:07
Housemates performed the Big Brother Play on a specially erected stage in the garden and gave an interesting insight into life in the House.

It wasn't so much a play as a series of sketches featuring Housemates past and present arguing like crazy.

First up was a clash between Mary and Saskia in which Saskia confronted Sam over claims she had fake boobs. "You're so harem," shouted Saskia, played with enthusiasm by Craig.

Other highlights included Roberto, challenging Anthony. "Bring it on, you mother funky," said Roberto (Anthony), as Anthony (Craig) yelled, "Howay, man."

Kinga was funny as Orlaith, being woken by Science (Eugene). "I'm this close to walking out," she threatened repeatedly.

Maxwell and Saskia were revisited in a bedroom scene in which Maxwell (Anthony) got out of bed to drench Kemal (Makosi) when he complained at his "ordeal" of having to listen to them smooching.

Vanessa and Craig, played by Anthony and Makosi had a ding-dong about Team Britney and Eugene played Derek, suggesting Anthony return to a coalmine.

Lastly Craig and Anthony played each other and had a right old barney, before getting warm applause from the rest of the cast. Some things never change.

Taking a bow, applause was played into the garden. Kinga couldn't resist the temptation to flash her baps.

Big Brother then announced the cast could join the after-show party, however neglected to mention that all the drink supplied is non-alcoholic, including the beer and the wine.

It's not like that in the West End, darling...