View Full Version : ITll be alright on the night

08-08-2005, 20:03
Housemates have been practising their roles for the Big Brother Play and promising to unleash some stunning theatrical talent. Possibly.

Makosi told Big Brother that she would be playing Kemal, Vanessa, Mary and Sam in the production. Craig is to play Lesley, Anthony and Saskia; Eugene will be Big Brother, Derek, Science and Kinga. Anthony is playing Maxwell, Craig and Roberto, and Kinga will perform as Eugene, Makosi and Orlaith.

Early rehearsals have been rough and ready, but revealing. Anthony tackled his role as Craig, shouting, "Why don't you help me? Anthony, help me!"

Kinga asked Craig to 'do' her and Craig responded with, "Let's get drunk and talk about sex."

Cor blimey guv'nor, indeed!

Anthony's Maxwell was a little Dick Van Dyke unfortunately, but played with a lot of enthusiasm.

Eugene practising Science's catchphrases of "Standard, man" and "Power to the people" sounded like a vicar trying to be 'street', but he's only warming up, bless him. You may be convinced The Entertainer himself has returned by the time the curtain falls.

Kinga summed up the areas she'd be concentrating on for her Eugene impression. "Teabag talk, stuttering, thank you times a million..." she told him, then said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," as Eugene laughed nervously.

They may not hear the roar of the crowd, but our luvvies are preparing to tread the boards with all they've got. Whether that's a good thing remains to be seen