View Full Version : truth hurts

08-08-2005, 12:10
Kinga pumped Eugene for information again in bed tonight, before revealing Craig is the person she's most wary of.

As soon as the lights went out, she asked, "Eugene, do you think people in here prefer me to Orlaith?"

As ever, Eugene couldn't lie. "I'll be honest, I think they probably find you a bit more irritating, but a lot more genuine."

"Why do they find me irritating?" she asked, irritatingly.

Eugene cited her loudness, then told her not to interrupt him when she asked for a third time if Housemates talked about her.

"Partly that's my perception," he admitted. "A little more annoying."

Is it the questions I ask? Is it my singing?He said Makosi did have a moan about her singing and suggested she might leave because of it, but that was a few days ago.

"I don't think anyone's got a problem with you. If anything, either no one's got a problem with anyone or they've got more problems with me," said Eugene.

"Craig is the one I'm most worried about," said Kinga. "I could talk to him but you don't know if he's 100 percent genuine."

"I think he doesn't like sensible conversation. He's here to have fun and a laugh," Eugene explained. "He doesn't like political dialogue."

Now, if Kinga can just avoid dragging Craig into a political dialogue, she should be happy days.