View Full Version : help!!! - i missed tonights episode 6/8 05!!

06-08-2005, 22:02
you have got to help me, i missed tonights episode - due to cleaning!!! (i wish it could have been more exciting!!) can anyone give me the gist on what happened!!!

thanks in advance

06-08-2005, 22:26
i missed some bits i was on the computer at the same time but. guppy and harry had an argument and guppy found out he wernt involved in the trials. so guppy felt bit guilty (i think) claire found the tape in lukes car. (im not sure if she watched it sorry) abs shouted and tat new girl kelsie. maggie decided to put her father in a home after he tripped into a pond (he wernt badly injusred) and um well i dont know anything else sorry. maybe someone could give you a clearer veiw

06-08-2005, 22:28
thats cool thanks it has filled in a few gaps!!!!

06-08-2005, 22:29
I watched it today for the first time in years!

Jessie Wallace
06-08-2005, 22:33
Or you could look on the website, it tells you what heppened on there, and shows you a preview of next weeks as well.

06-08-2005, 22:34
Or you could look on the website, it tells you what heppened on there, and shows you a preview of next weeks as well.

good thinking!!! i will do that!!

thanks xxxx

06-08-2005, 22:36
ahh yeah why didnt i think of that!!!

Jessie Wallace
06-08-2005, 22:37
Well you know me, brains of britain!!!

06-08-2005, 22:38
i generally need a kick in the bum to think of things!!!

Jessie Wallace
06-08-2005, 22:39

06-08-2005, 22:42
i am still recovering from the amount of housework i have done today!!!
and all the training i am giving to angel!!!

Jessie Wallace
06-08-2005, 22:44
Yeah you beat me twice and i only played you once!!!

07-08-2005, 18:02
i missed some bits i was on the computer at the same time but. guppy and harry had an argument and guppy found out he wernt involved in the trials. so guppy felt bit guilty (i think) claire found the tape in lukes car. (im not sure if she watched it sorry) abs shouted and tat new girl kelsie. maggie decided to put her father in a home after he tripped into a pond (he wernt badly injusred) and um well i dont know anything else sorry. maybe someone could give you a clearer veiw

yeh claire watched the tape in the staffroom!, it just showed bex pushing pete and him falling down the stairs, then luke walked in and she quickly turned it off ! i missed it too but i got it taped lol...i was working!

Jessie Wallace
07-08-2005, 21:16
I tape them all.