View Full Version : the millers

05-04-2005, 17:52
does any one else feel sorry for the millers espc keith

05-04-2005, 18:07
i do in a way, but keith coulda told every1 earlier and got help.
then got a job, but i feel sorry for rosie

05-04-2005, 18:10
Nope, not in the slightest. Well thats not strictly true, i feel for ALL of them EXCEPT Keith!! If you look around for a thread entitled 'Axeing' on the spoiler section. You will see just how much i DISPISE him!!! I like the others tho.

05-04-2005, 18:11
i feel sorry for them in a way but i realy do not see how they can be so badly off!! i think that keith should get off his bum and go and find out about courses for him to learn to read! rosie is doing everything she possibly van to help the family.

05-04-2005, 18:19
Yes I do feel sorry for them mostly Keith.

The reason why Keith kept it away for so long was because he didn't want to be looked upon as ‘stupid’ and for his children think any less of him. Darren's initial reaction proved his worst fears. Having a disability like this is not to be laughed at and there are lot of prejudice people out there. I feel that on some level Keith believed that he would be discriminated against because of it. When he first arrived I thought he was a lazy sod who just couldn’t be bothered to work and get his wife to slave her guts out instead. Now though, I can see why he has continued to be unemployed for so long. It's no excuse, but it is understandable. In is eyes, the fear of being taken the mickey out of is just too much of him. Judging by his conversation with Rosie a couple of months ago, he very clearly expressed that he was taunted because of his impairment as a child. These sorts of memories haven’t gone for him and passed onto his adult life. Does Keith have the emotional strength to go through that again? Right now I don't think he does but it would good to see him confront this issue than leaving it buried.

It's good to see eastenders covering a storyline like this as disability ranges from a large variety of impairments and Keith’s situation is certainly not out of the norm.

05-04-2005, 18:45
i feel sory for them in a way, but in the beginner i couldnt stand them, the kids where totaly out of controll, now i do feel sorry for them as none desserves to live in povity espesialy with a baby in the house.

05-04-2005, 18:56
I feel sorry for Keith. Just by looking at last nights episode you can see that he really wants to work and be the Bread winner, but no matter what he tries not being able to read and write gets in the way. Sure people go to courses to learn that sort of thing, but he has no money, and these things cost, and secondly he is proud. No body wants to admit the things that are wrong with them, do they? i think its a shame, brill acting though

05-04-2005, 20:30
Yes I feel sorry for Keith, I don't think he's just a lay about. And he really wants to provide for his family, he tries to work but even a job in the vic involves some reading, as he found to his disfortune.

He should learn to read, anyone of any age should be able to better themselves. I think some people's attitudes on the square are ones of ignorance, Pauline and Ian especially. Keith is intelligent, just because he can't read doesn't mean he isn't, I think the only reason he watches tv is because it his way of learning something, and everyone else knows there are far more important ways to do that.

Because people on the square don't understand why Keith doesn't work, they don't see him as anything else but a scrounger. I don't know if their minds would change if they knew the truth, but they shouldn't judge him anyway, what he does with his own life is nobody else's business. People shouldn't interfere.

05-04-2005, 23:56
i'm afraid to say after their interesting start,their now beginning to get on my nerves,rosie's eternal whinging is just boring,and if you think there are thousands of people out there caught in the same poverty trap,who tune into tv to get away from their problems for half an hour they want to be entertained and take their minds of their problems not see a docu soap that reminds them just how bad things are at the moment.I do beleive though if they get keith to go to adult education and learn to read and write they could be giving a message out to help people in his position that their not alone,the help is there and if it gives them the confidence to seek help then that peticular storyline would be very worthwhile.

06-04-2005, 09:53
i'm afraid to say after their interesting start,their now beginning to get on my nerves,rosie's eternal whinging is just boring,and if you think there are thousands of people out there caught in the same poverty trap,who tune into tv to get away from their problems for half an hour they want to be entertained and take their minds of their problems not see a docu soap that reminds them just how bad things are at the moment.I do beleive though if they get keith to go to adult education and learn to read and write they could be giving a message out to help people in his position that their not alone,the help is there and if it gives them the confidence to seek help then that peticular storyline would be very worthwhile.

well said :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

06-04-2005, 10:15
but going back to what littlemo said, sure he could go to an adult education centre, but anytime someone goes to the centre on Eastenders, Derek ALWAYS turns up. He lives with Pauline, so he is bound to tell her. She already hates the Millers, so she is bound to go around telling people. Its like... imagine you had a crush on your teacher, and you had private lessons and you moved in for the kill, then someone walked in and told the whole school. Imagine how you would feel? I know that i would rather it not happened in the first place then have the hassle and shame, and i think its sort of the same with Keith and him not being able to read. Sure there is people you can talk to in both situations, but all stories on soaps are meant to reflect reality, and although some people do, a great number of people fear peoples reaction so much that they dont bother to learn.

I dont know if that made sense, but it takes strong people to admite they cant read and write, and not everyone is

and as for the annoying so called "poverty trap" callummc spoke about, well i dont think the story with Keith not being to read would work without their money problems. When the Millers came into the soap, they didn't have any problems, so we didn't know that Keith couldn't read or write. However, when their debts built up, it was obvious he couldn't as he couldn't get a job. Personally, i think that both stories are brilliant, and that Eastenders have intertwined them really well. Its a fact of life that some people wont have any money, and i think showing it on Eastenders will help these sort of people understand that there is wasys out of it, and all it takes is hard work.

06-04-2005, 12:52
well because keith cant read or write he has a disability in a kind of way he would be put on a course by the job centre and would get extra pay on top of his income support for going on a course, i know you normally have to be on income support 6 months before you can do a course but with his disadvantage im sure he would be able to do it sooner....who knows!!!!!

06-04-2005, 13:56
When the Millers came into the soap, they didn't have any problems, so we didn't know that Keith couldn't read or write. However, when their debts built up, it was obvious he couldn't as he couldn't get a job. Personally, i think that both stories are brilliant, and that Eastenders have intertwined them really well. Its a fact of life that some people wont have any money, and i think showing it on Eastenders will help these sort of people understand that there is wasys out of it, and all it takes is hard work.


One thing this story has is realism. There are many people who can identify with Keith’s situation. I don't think Keith is lazy. If it wasn't for his disability, he would have a job. When Sam offered him work yesterday, he seemed reluctant to take on her offer. It was only when he was given that sheet that he lost it and walked out and I feel that’s completely understandable.

It's very easy for people to say 'he should go and do a course'. Even though, I agree that this is a postive step it's not as simple as that. When a person has suffered severe discrimination because of their impairment, their earlier memories play a significant part and override the practicalities. There are all sorts of negative effects which are not easy to eradicate. Loss of self-esteem, confidence, and straight into the downward spiral are classic examples. The sheer fear of being faced with that again sounds daunting. I have no doubt that a course of such kind can offer the practical and emotional support he needs but in circumstances such as Keith’s, who most of his life got thrown insults because of his inability to read he has very little reason to tbelieve that it won’t happen again.

A couple of months back, I did an essay on disability and statistics overall concluded that those who have an impermanent are likely to live in poverty (absolute or relative depending on their conditions) and/or be unemployed. In addition one of the main causes for this oppressed group not seeking help or job prospects is down to their own previous personal experiences and subsequesntly being marginalised against. Keith not wanting to work so long highlights this and it’s why I find it very realistic. In time though it would be good to see Keith take a reading and writing course but currently I feel the progression of the storyline is spot on and believable. When the Millers first arrived, I liked them but I wasn't all together keen on them toa massive extent. However of late they have become interesting and their characters are developing at a great pace. If anything, the lastest storyline is painted them, particularly Keith in a better light.

06-04-2005, 18:05
well because keith cant read or write he has a disability in a kind of way he would be put on a course by the job centre and would get extra pay on top of his income support for going on a course, i know you normally have to be on income support 6 months before you can do a course but with his disadvantage im sure he would be able to do it sooner....who knows!!!!!

he would be able to do it sooner my other half did a course when he was unemployed. he asked to go on one whern he had been unemployed for 6 months but they said he couldnt unles he was a recovering drug addict, had been in prison or was disabled! he had to wait for a year!!

06-04-2005, 18:11
i feel well sorry for them especially keith and rosie they try their best tho

06-04-2005, 19:06
You can't put down keith miller! He has funky old man long hair! Its Funny this discussion came up now becase about 3 days ago i created a keith miller fan club!lol its at

it also inclues my mate billy. Its appoved membership but i'll approve you all don't worry!lol

06-04-2005, 19:07
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06-04-2005, 19:08
i really do especially as they have a baby in the house

06-04-2005, 20:32
he would be able to do it sooner my other half did a course when he was unemployed. he asked to go on one whern he had been unemployed for 6 months but they said he couldnt unles he was a recovering drug addict, had been in prison or was disabled! he had to wait for a year!!
really! the system is wrong totally wrong

07-04-2005, 09:31
really! the system is wrong totally wrong

I think we all know that but there is very little anyone can do about it.. shame really

07-04-2005, 18:51
i'm afraid to say after their interesting start,their now beginning to get on my nerves,rosie's eternal whinging is just boring,and if you think there are thousands of people out there caught in the same poverty trap,who tune into tv to get away from their problems for half an hour they want to be entertained and take their minds of their problems not see a docu soap that reminds them just how bad things are at the moment.I do beleive though if they get keith to go to adult education and learn to read and write they could be giving a message out to help people in his position that their not alone,the help is there and if it gives them the confidence to seek help then that peticular storyline would be very worthwhile.

yep :thumbsup: