View Full Version : protection racket

06-08-2005, 12:46
Kinga made the mistake of suggesting to Craig that he might be a tad possessive of Anthony.

Joining Craig who was sulking on his lonesome in the lounge, Kinga tried to get the hairdresser to see things from Anthony's point of view.

The blonde felt Craig could be possessive and very overprotective. The hairdresser didn't understand and demanded she explain.

"Depends on the situation," stumbled Kinga. "You don't like anybody to be too close."

But Craig still felt she was talking nonsense. "It's not that at all," he retorted. "If you'd been here 10 weeks you'd have seen it."

Craig clarified that he wasn't being smothering, he just liked "looking out for friends whether they like it or not".

Enraged by Kinga's opinion, Craig politely made his excuses and headed for the bedroom to bitch with Makosi.

"She won't leave me alone!" cried Craig to an understanding Makosi.

So are you saying Kinga's clingy, Craig?

06-08-2005, 13:30
at least someone has finally told him what everyone else can see

06-08-2005, 13:49
dont think he will realise what he was actually like until he comes out then hel make up the excuse of it being cus he was trapped in thew house and it messed him up etc