View Full Version : Silent Treatment

06-08-2005, 12:21
Anthony and Craig don't seem in a hurry to make up this morning after a night of hurling drinks and squabbling.

Normally inseparable from the moment they awake, the pair went through their morning ablutions by themselves.

The gentle alarm of Bach's Air On G String didn't seem to ease the tense atmosphere.

Craig was first up and immediately stomped outside to try to relax alone in the pool. But the hairdresser still wore a sour look on his face as he floated about to the classical music.

Meanwhile a bleary-eyed Anthony fell out of bed and pulled on some clothes. While he chatted happily to Makosi, the Geordie didn't seem so eager to chinwag with Craig.

Anthony didn't even take up his usual spot in the lounge, where he and Craig habitually meet to discuss their plans for the day.

Instead he sat sulking in the garden, while Craig lounged about pouting on the sofa.

Could this be the end of a beautiful friendship?

Bad Wolf
06-08-2005, 12:22

06-08-2005, 13:50
hopefully anthony will keep it up

06-08-2005, 16:23
he wont though will he he will always go and be nice to craig just to keep the peace. i would make him suffer