View Full Version : Do you think Dennis and Sharon will always be close?!

05-08-2005, 23:23
I'm developing a thread I saw on Walford Web about Sharon and Dennis's relationship. Some people said they were more like brother and sister, and others said Sharon treated Dennis in a motherly way rather than anything else. I thought I'd see what anybody else thought of it. I happen to think they have a very passionate relationship, but will always have a family connection. I don't think there's anything odd about that. I think it makes them closer than any other couple.

If the writers didn't have anything to do with it, I think they'd stay together forever. They seem like the kind of coupling, that even if their marraige didn't work out and they broke up, they would still have a close bond. Dennis would die for Sharon, it's similar to the way Den felt about her. If they got divorced and Sharon was in trouble, I'm sure that Dennis would still come to her aid. Likewise if it was the other way round. I just think it's pretty incredible what those two have.

I think family will always be a factor in their relationship.

05-08-2005, 23:52
i dont think it will be now that den is dead.

06-08-2005, 00:08
I think they do seem slightly like brother and sister which can be a bit weird watching them acting like a couple one minute then like brother and sister the next lol x

06-08-2005, 00:18
I guess I feel the same way ....that Sharon some times acts motherly towards Dennis,, I do not see them in a long term marriage, theres just too much baggage between them, unless Sharon lets go of this unhealthy relationship she has/had with Den , she will never be able to come to terms with her marriage with Dennis.
Don't know if I can take them seriously as a couple,, I also see Phil playing a part of rocking the boat between Dennis and Sharon ...:searchme:
Given the history between Sharon and the Mitchell brothers:eek:
Just my 2 eurocents worth

06-08-2005, 00:40
i agree - i dont necessarily think theres anything wrong with them as a couple but its just not convincing.

i thought dennis was much better paired with zoe, and his character suits the love/hate relationships much like den and angie

I also think sharon could be much better paired as well, I just find the whole sharon/dennis storyline a bit bland and unrealistic.

06-08-2005, 03:24
Now Den's out the picture I don't see why they won't be happy.

06-08-2005, 08:32
Now Den's out the picture I don't see why they won't be happy.

They do not know Stinky Den is out of the picture YET...these two are going to have a really really rough time and Stinky Dens death is going to put Sharon and Dennis relationship to test,,,

06-08-2005, 08:43
I disagree with everyone who say they have a brother and sister relationship and a mother/son one. To me, I never saw any mother/son relationship between the two but a realistic portrayal of two lovers. The sexual chemistry was apparent from day one and this built up until they gave into their temptation during September 2003. If anything, Sharon mothered Vicki an awful lot with Vicki chasing Dennis for some attention. I remember when Dennis first arrived, he was distant from everyone and did his own thing but Sharon didn’t follow him and expect him to be home under certain hours and have his tea etc. This was in fact Vicki, while Sharon took a back seat and accepted that Dennis didn’t want to the attention.

If you look at the dynamics of their relationship and the way it’s been built up, Sharon has been the more dominant out of the two (when together). She has also offered a sympathetic ear to Dennis, given him advice and been there for him at the time of Dalton’s death (when he was questioned). You could argue that this is an approach that mothers adopt to their off springs but I feel it equally applies to lovers too. I mean isn’t that what relationships are based on – trust, talking & listening and caring for each other? Dennis is quite a vulnerable character too and therefore any woman he’d end up with would have to empathise with him on some level. This is why he and Zoe never worked out –she simply could not understand him and was too content of painting this fairytale existence to acknowledge the real Dennis. Sharon doesn’t understand him fully either but at least she can identify him, seen him at his worst and has accepted him. This forms part of their attraction because they are both in a way outsiders and been abandoned. Therefore there is a common connection which binds them together, which I like to think of them as soulmates. I can see them having conflict though as partners do and given the way Sharon and Dennis are it’s natural but it doesn’t diminish their love. The passion is more than obvious too imo and the pair of them are smitten. If anything its Dot that fills the role of mother and of course Sharon as lover.

Sharon and Dennis have a unique bond and this is the first women that Dennis has ever loved. Undoubtedly Den will always be an overriding factor in their relationship, even from beyond the grave but that just creates the tension. Once he is declared dead hopefully they will move forward with their lives. Sharon and Dennis to me are two people in love when I look at them sometimes I forget that they are from the same fasmily (because of how well they portray their love). As for Zoe and Dennis...don't even go there. They were terrible together beyond belief. No chemistry at all and if anything it was she that looked more like Dennis’s sister.

Littlemo, why don’t you join? Get an account at myway.com and become a member instantly. Your views are really good to read.

06-08-2005, 09:34
i dont think they have a brother sister relationship at all it was only the other day when dennis asked sharon to join him in the shower lol , they definately have a steamy relationship

06-08-2005, 12:06
i think that Dennis and Sharon will always be close and i agree with what you said Ailsha, it was Viki acting like a mother to Dennis.

06-08-2005, 13:14
i think that Dennis and Sharon will always be close and i agree with what you said Ailsha, it was Viki acting like a mother to Dennis.

So you guys are saying cos the SEXUAL CHEMISTRY is there it makes them a match :confused: Lust is fleeting,, love lasts forever ( if they were meant to be ) I do not mean to shoot down your favorites, but when people say a couple has SEXUAL CHEMISTRY,, to me it automatically means failure after the NOVELTY wears off,,,TIJMHO

06-08-2005, 18:57
So you guys are saying cos the SEXUAL CHEMISTRY is there it makes them a match :confused: Lust is fleeting,, love lasts forever ( if they were meant to be ) I do not mean to shoot down your favorites, but when people say a couple has SEXUAL CHEMISTRY,, to me it automatically means failure after the NOVELTY wears off,,,TIJMHO

no thats what we are saying, well I'm not.

I'm saying that sexual chemistry forms thier attraction and therfore the mother/son thing doesn't come into play.

However what Sharon and Dennis have runs deeper than sex and lust. They are in love and found each others soulmate and its been that way since they first slept together. For both Sharon and Dennis, it's love point blank.

06-08-2005, 20:31
Ok gotcha.. just wanted to be clear,,

06-08-2005, 22:12
I'm developing a thread I saw on Walford Web about Sharon and Dennis's relationship. Some people said they were more like brother and sister, and others said Sharon treated Dennis in a motherly way rather than anything else. I thought I'd see what anybody else thought of it. I happen to think they have a very passionate relationship, but will always have a family connection. I don't think there's anything odd about that. I think it makes them closer than any other couple.

If the writers didn't have anything to do with it, I think they'd stay together forever. They seem like the kind of coupling, that even if their marraige didn't work out and they broke up, they would still have a close bond. Dennis would die for Sharon, it's similar to the way Den felt about her. If they got divorced and Sharon was in trouble, I'm sure that Dennis would still come to her aid. Likewise if it was the other way round. I just think it's pretty incredible what those two have.

I think family will always be a factor in their relationship.i couldnt agree more! i absolutely 100% agree with every single word you have just said. they will always have that family connection and i dont think there is anything wrong with that at all. like when they broke up before,and dennis was staying at the B&B and sharon told him to come home because she loved him, it didnt matter in what way but she loved him. as lovers or sister/brother i suppose they still loved each other and even if they do break up(hopefully not!) they will always be close and look out for each other, if one of them is in trouble.

i just hope the writers dont ruin them and split them up! :angry: i will not be a happy bunny if they did that, im telling you now i will be so angry! i think their relationship is so passionate and it is not like any other in a soap and because of all the problems they have faced, i suppose thats why they interest me so much. like dennis said before, he wont bore sharon (lol!) and they definately wont bore me, anyways im going off topic lol. but their relationship is so amazing and because it is like no other in any soap i hope they stay together, it is so obvious to everyone how much they are in love and i hope they stay together forever and grow as old as dot and jim and be happy and have lots and lots of babies! :D

06-08-2005, 22:24
oh yeah and i agree with everything Alisha has said aswell! i completely forgot about that, when vicki was acting like his mother and following him around like a little lost dog, she was so annoying then lol! i dont think sharon acts like his mum at all, far from it infact. they do have a special, unique bond and i think the foundation of their relationship has always been love (like Tish said once in an interview) and love wins all at the end of the day! the fact that there is sexual chemistry there between them makes them even closer, after all that was what attracted them to each other in the first place. when people fall in love, they always have to be attracted to each other first, then commitment comes later. and that is what has happened with them, they've got past the 'doing it in the office whenever they can' phase now and are genuinlly in love and are happy. anyways they are so cute and adorable i hope they do last forever as i believe they truly are soulmates.

07-08-2005, 17:38
i think that shron and dennis are the greatist couple ever and they will always be together no matter what and i tink that dens death will bring them closer together. and i agree with ailsha to they do have a very good bond.. and i also agree with shannis rules they do not have a brother and sister bond at all. they are just a norble couple who fell in love with each other

07-08-2005, 19:18
I think that after Sharon completly lets go of Den, they will be really happy. There is no reason why they shouldn't be together for a long time, and i hope they are.

07-08-2005, 19:56
yeah hopefully when den is found they can move on quickly and it should bring them closer together. at the end of the day we cant choose who we fall in love with and they both didnt set out to fall in love it just happened. i hope they stay together forever and are happy and...erm i dunno what else to say lol so i wont blab on like i did yesterday, but i had a lot to say!