View Full Version : Fantasy Scripts

eastenders rox
05-08-2005, 16:15
I know this isn't the official script board but the official one is full of Eastenders and i thought there might be more of a chance of catching 24 fans, in the general section of 24.

If anyone has 24 scripts please can you post some of them here- EE has totally swamped the script board.

P.s.: - Moderators and Admin, if this is a bad idea- sorry for causing in convenience :o :wall:

Chloe O'brien
14-08-2005, 00:28
I haven't got enough imagination to make up a 24 script but I am a huge 24 and keifer fan. If you go on to the main 24 website there is a lot of scripts on what fans think will happen in series 5 when it returns in January. www.fox.com/24 (http://www.fox.com/24) hope this helps.


Thanks to Twinks for this cool banner of the georgeous Keifer Sutherland