View Full Version : New Cast Member

Sam Nixon Fan
05-08-2005, 16:03
According to Teletext (page 133 on ITV1), Gary Lucy IS set to join The Bill. He'll play PC Will Fletcher, and he starts filming next month, and his first episode should air in December.

No other information available other than he has "an eye for the ladies". There's a shock!

05-08-2005, 16:06
Well I will wait and see about him. I think his acting is okay so we wont be getting another Lance or gabriel... also he is certainly pleasing on the eye....


05-08-2005, 16:07
This is also in the BIZ section of todays SUN newspaper btw

samantha nixon
05-08-2005, 17:16
i read it in the sun aswell im glad hes joining

05-08-2005, 20:54
Nice bit of Eye Candy for us Ladies!

05-08-2005, 22:48
ohhhhhhh I liked him in Hollyoaks and FW nice to have a bit extra eye candy

06-08-2005, 17:16
who cares about his acting(which is good)... another piece of eye candy is truely a pleasure... hehe

06-08-2005, 17:55
he was good in hollyoaks, but not so keen on him in FW. I think he will be good in the Bill though, will be intresting to watch

10-08-2005, 13:02
i can't wait for him to come in it as i like him in hollyoaks and fw

phils little sister
10-08-2005, 13:03
i liked Gary in Hollyoaks and FW i think he will be good in The Bill :cheer:

10-08-2005, 13:07
I never watched him in hollyoaks but ill see what i think of him when he joins the bill

11-08-2005, 09:59
cool cant wait

11-08-2005, 10:01
oh i really like him he'll be brillaint in the bill

11-08-2005, 10:05
yay :cheer: although i heard this a while ago but only as a rumour im glad its true

11-08-2005, 10:12
It will make a change to have a good looking guy as a PC who can also act. When one thinks of looks one thinks of Cameron and Steve... the two planks of TB. Bring on the acting totty... superificial but what the hey :cheer: :cheer: Still like Smithy best though. :wub:

11-08-2005, 10:17
Oh come on there have been some goodlooking lads on it. Mickey being one of them

Johnny Allen
11-08-2005, 14:01
Gary Lucy isn't a fab actor, but he's a fine good looking one, can't wait to see him in uniform, now I can watch two good looking cops, him and Dan Casper. Although its a step down I thought Lucy was hoping to crack Hollywood? another actor who's ambitions fail.

14-08-2005, 08:57
he is birl

Crazy Gal 88
14-08-2005, 15:44
sounds cool!

17-08-2005, 15:45
sounds great

17-08-2005, 19:16
oh i really like him he'll be brillaint in the bill

thats alright then the bill could really do with some more excellent characters