View Full Version : What A drag

05-08-2005, 15:47
Makosi's opinion of Kinga dropped again this morning when the busty blonde requested they put cigarettes on the shopping list.

On a tight budget of only 35 pounds this week, Makosi started drawing up the list without Kinga as she knew what luxury she would be after.

"We're not doing fags this week," decided the nurse as she scribbled on the blackboard.

Kinga soon joined in and as predicted asked for her nicotine fix, but a strict Makosi ordered that they couldn't have any luxuries. "I'd rather not eat!" whined Kinga in despair.

Yet Makosi ruled they hadn't made any exceptions for smokers in the past and they weren't about to start.

In need of a fix

Taking pity on Kinga, Anthony pointed out, "It's hard for someone who smokes you know." Makosi remained unmoved so the Geordie and Craig started working out what they could do without.

This was the final straw for Makosi who snapped at the 70s dancer. "Two seconds ago you didn't want to *******ing do the shopping! Where are you coming from?"

"I can sort it out if I *******ing want!" growled Anthony in reply.

Eventually, Craig decided to sacrifice some cheese, and although Makosi obliged she still seemed unimpressed.

Kinga watched as the list was returned, complete with cigarette request, to the Diary Room. "You don't think she'll rub it off do you?" she wondered.

Nah, Kinga. She wouldn't do that. Or would she...?

05-08-2005, 17:36
bet she kept the cheese off too and added something for her

05-08-2005, 17:50
yeah i bet she did!! wonder if cherryade is on the list??