View Full Version : DCI Morell

04-08-2005, 21:14
So when did DCI Morell undergo this complete personality change from a reasonable competent officer to completely unreasonable and incompetent officer?

Johnny Allen
04-08-2005, 22:57
No idea, she always appears to be like that around Sam.

05-08-2005, 09:48
i know she was a complete b***h last night, all this about "do you want me to say u were right and i was wrong, well i'm not!" i was screaming at the tv!!

05-08-2005, 10:03
i know, she used to be reasonable and now, ka-boom she's getting murderous. mind you, shes always been nasty to sam, i wonder why?

Sam Nixon Fan
05-08-2005, 11:30
maybe she feels threatened by Sam cos after all it was Sam who solved the case last night sghe found out about Russos DNA she found the girl and she found Ramani and realised that they had another suspect all Morrel did was give orders

05-08-2005, 12:50
yeah, although sam is a profiler and trained to do that, but yeah, she is proboably feeling threatened

samantha nixon
05-08-2005, 14:00
yes as most cases dci morrell comes in to solve she hardly ever solves them so she might be jealous that sams such a great copper

05-08-2005, 14:01
yeah. maybe it should be the other way round, sam is DCI and morell ds??

samantha nixon
05-08-2005, 14:03
yes but sam as dci in sun hill not just appearing every no and again like morrellas what would we do with out sam in it

05-08-2005, 14:04
oh yeah, no sam= :( and could you imagine morrell in CID??

samantha nixon
05-08-2005, 14:09
i think shed be good but not to overplace sam as i kinda like her and sam bickering

Sam Nixon Fan
05-08-2005, 15:21
Morrel is a heartless bitch really isnt she! Where as Sam is ment to be cold and bitchy at least she has another side to her that she doesnt like to show!

05-08-2005, 17:11
in last nights peter baxter storyline morrel was useless and it was mostly ramani and sam who cracked the case. i dont like her much at all.

samantha nixon
05-08-2005, 17:14
why isnt she in mit on mondays if she is from mit

05-08-2005, 18:11
good point! it would make it more consistant wouldnt it?

samantha nixon
06-08-2005, 16:08
yes and id like it if she was in mit as i dont like anyone whos in it

06-08-2005, 16:23
Who is she? Is it the one with short dark hair?

I'm useless with knowing the names of people on 'The Bill' if it is her though then I like her :)

samantha nixon
06-08-2005, 16:28
its tanya franks and here is a pic

06-08-2005, 17:33
Oh no that's not who I was thinking of I don't like her.

The one I was thinking of has short dark hair.

06-08-2005, 19:33
i think she's ok actually, but i agree that she would be better in mit on mondays but only if she didn't replace any of the girls because there isn't enough as it is.
i think she is very jealous of sam because sam is more clever than she is.

06-08-2005, 20:48
I don't like her attitude and think it's pointless having her in the show :)

10-08-2005, 12:59
i agree ther is no point in her being there

20-08-2005, 16:17
shes ok for ocassional visits but imagine her every wed and thurs?? argh. too much to bear!

20-08-2005, 18:37
well it could be way worse, at least she can act better than alot of the people who get mugged or whatever

21-08-2005, 16:45
yeah i suppose, but she was still really evil to sam, even when sam managed to solve the case

22-08-2005, 22:43
i think she is a annpyin t**t, and sam should do something horrible 2 her but i cant think what thats for the writers 2 decide!!!!!!!!!!

23-08-2005, 14:50
um. isnt morrell higher than sam, so wouldnt sam just get fired? as much as we hate her, i think she's staying unless she get promoted again!