View Full Version : No thanks for the memories

04-08-2005, 17:27
Orlaith may have left the Big Brother House, but Kinga and Derek haven't forgotten her. Today, as Kinga massaged Derek's feet, they had a good old bitch about her as if she was still around. Not that she was the only one to get the treatment.

Kinga told Derek she was fond of Eugene, but didn't get on with Orlaith. "I didn't like her. Fifty years ago I was Miss Northern Ireland," she scoffed.

Derek pointed out that she actually came second.

Kinga continued speaking for Orlaith. "You have to fancy me because I'm a stick," she said.

"I do think she's a pretty girl," Kinga admitted.

"I'm not so sure she is," said Derek.

Kinga made a swift u-turn. "You're not? I'm not. I think she's plain," she said.

"She has to put on a lot of make up," Derek told her.

"Without make up she looks crap," she said.

"So much about her was fake anyway," said Derek, who was surprised to hear that Anthony had a thing for her.

"But he's a ignorant, you know. He's not very intelligent. He's not an intelligent, sophisticated person. He doesn't see what's going on," Derek said.

He also said he thought Orlaith came in to raise her profile, prompting Kinga to ask: "What? As a bitch?"

"Yes, exactly. I thought she was ghastly. Not an idea in her head," said Derek, approvingly. Kinga told him that Craig liked her, which didn't surprise him as much.

"Craig is an idiot isn't he? He needs to be on the rugby fields of England to toughen up," he suggested.

Kinga said she felt uncomfortable when Craig and Anthony argued. "They call each other every name in the alphabet," she said.