View Full Version : Tears on My Pillow

04-08-2005, 16:11
The strain of living in the Big Brother House is getting to Eugene. Derek found him getting tearful on his bed.

Derek was reporting back on his Diary Room visit, in which Big Brother assured him that "outside influences" wouldn't cause him to fail their shooting task. Eugene had been concerned that sunlight was triggering the sensors on their targets.

But Derek then noticed the tears in his eyes and asked him why he was feeling so emotional.

"Things like we're putting the effort in and we can't even bloody well do it because of outside influences. Anthony's putting some effort in. Not everybody is bothering to put the effort in," said Eugene, clearly crying.

Let it all out darling

Derek advised him not to let it get him down, but Eugene had worries beyond the task.

"If I'm not out tomorrow I'll be up for a week of persecution," he said. "Everyone's getting on fine. No one seems to want to bring any dialogue with me. Except Makosi is quite chatty. All Kinga wants to do is sing."

Derek told him, "Well she's completely barking mad."

Derek tried to comfort Eugene as he admitted he hadn't realised how stressful getting to the final week would be.

"I don't care if I win, I just didn't want to make a prat of myself," said Eugene.

Derek assured him he hadn't and Eugene agreed he probably hadn't.

"Sorry to be upset," Eugene said. But Derek was only too happy to comfort him and advised him to go to Diary Room and get it off his chest.

Who's going to cry next?

04-08-2005, 16:51
aaaawwww poor eugene he is far too sweet and innocent to be in with that lot

04-08-2005, 16:58
Poor Eugene. God love him.