View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 31st January - 4th February

18-01-2022, 14:56
One resident is rushed to the hospital - but what's happened?

Craig makes a decision about his future with the police force

Tim's in his element being care for by both Elaine and Sally

25-01-2022, 00:39
Monday 7-30pm

Craig Tinker risks his life and career for Faye in tonight?s first episode of Coronation Street

When Craig Tinker reveals that the police are going to conduct another thorough search of Ted?s house, Faye?s horrified. Will she reveal that she may have left something behind in Ted?s house that will link her to his death? And if she does, will Craig be willing to cross the line of duty to help her?

Daisy is disparaging when Lydia suggests to Daniel he should use the workshop to teach the boys about the history of feminism.

Feeling a little dejected, Daniel is pleasantly surprised when Max arrives and suggests that the reason he turned up for the workshop was because of David. When Max quizzes David about Daniel?s earlier comment, David?s unease is evident. Will Daniel tell Max the truth about his dad?s past?
Sally and Elaine fuss over Tim and when Elaine presents him with a little bell to ring if he needs anything, Tim?s in his element. But is Sally ready to wait on him hand and foot or is it time for Elaine to hit the road?

An upbeat Fiz tells Evelyn that Hope?s therapist reckons that her recent antics were just those of a naughty girl and nothing more sinister. But it?s clear that Evelyn?s not convinced, will she tell Fiz about her reservations?

Asha confides in Aadi and Summer that she wants to apply to Glasgow University but worries that it?s too far home and she doesn?t like leaving Nina when she?s so vulnerable. Can Aadi and Summer convince her to follow her dreams?


Sally Webster is sick of Elaine? behaviour in tonight?s second episode of Coronation Street

Elaine continues to fuss over a delighted Tim after giving him a little bell to ring if he needs anything. But it?s clear she?s getting on Sally Webster?s nerves and she has had enough.

When Tim reveals that Elaine?s going to stay until he?s fully recovered, Sally bites her tongue but her patience with both Elaine and Tim is starting to wear thin?

After Max questioned David about Daniel?s comment, David?s unease continues to grow. He suddenly realises that he will have to tell Max what happened to him but he is furious with Daniel for putting him in this position.

Tyrone steals himself and suggests to Fiz that there?s more to Hope?s behavioural problems than they first thought and it?s time they got a proper diagnosis.

Will Fiz accept the truth or will Evelyn need to step in to back up Tyrone?

Asha continues to worry about leaving Nina when she?s so vulnerable. When she later reveals to Dev that she?s having second thoughts about Glasgow University, he suspects that it?s because she doesn?t want to leave Nina. Can he persuade his daughter to put herself first?

In the cafe, Roy beats Sam at chess. But Sam is furious and heads out in a strop. It?s clear Roy is concerned about his prot?g? but can he get to the bottom of why he is so upset?

Will Craig continue to protect Faye or has the pressure of lying become too much to deal with?

TUESDAY 1hr Episode. 8-00pm

Daniel Osbourne pushes Max down the stairs in tonight?s hour-long episode of Coronation Street

David apologises to Max for not telling him the truth about what happened to him in the past.

Meanwhile, in the shop, Dev places the keys to Daniel? Osbourne?s flat on the counter and while he?s distracted, Max swipes them.

Later, Max lets himself into Daniel?s flat and sets about smashing the place up, accidentally breaking a clay imprint of Sinead?s, Daniel?s, and Bertie?s hands. Daniel returns home to discover his flat trashed with Max emerging from the bedroom. When he discovers the broken clay imprint, he furiously shoves Max out of the door where he trips and tumbles down the stairs.

Daniel stares at Max?s seemingly lifeless body and calls an ambulance, will he be okay?

The police question Daniel about Max?s fall and he lies, making out Max fell and he had nothing to do with it. When Daniel later comes out of his flat, an officer explains that he?s investigating what happened with Max Turner. Has Max pointed the finger at Daniel?

As Dev sets off for Daniel?s flat to take a look at the leaky sink, he hands Asha a guide book for Glasgow hoping that it might make her more enthusiastic about leaving.

Having spotted the prospectus in Asha?s bag, Nina puts on a brave face and encourages her to enjoy a day out in Glasgow. Having ascertained that there are floods expected in Glasgow, a panicky Nina shares her fears about Asha?s train journey with Roy.

Also, Kelly finds Liam struggling with his French homework, and, picking up his football, she teaches him to count in French; however they accidentally knock over a bottle of water, soaking Maria?s portfolio. Maria returns home to find her portfolio ruined and Liam confesses to her that he?s to blame for the mess.

As Audrey heads home from the shops after buying Sam?s new school books, Shona comments on the clanking of bottles coming from her shopping bag. Gail arrives home to find Audrey with a glass of wine and when Sarah suggests that she?s been drinking all evening, she takes offense.

Elsewhere, Beth overhears Faye enquiring about a job at the factory for Craig and she?s shocked to learn that he?s resigned from the police force. She confronts Craig, demanding to know why he?s quitting but can he tell her the truth?

Later, he assures a guilty Faye that leaving the police force was his choice and he?ll talk to Sarah about the job in packing tomorrow.

Dev presents Bernie with chocolates and flowers and apologises for failing to believe her side of the story.

Wednesday 7-30 pm

Daniel Osbourne and Daisy?s anger turns to lust in tonight?s first episode of Coronation Street

Daniel Osbourne maintains Max tripped by accident and he had nothing to do with him falling down the stairs. Who will the police believe with just Daniel?s word against Max?s?

David accosts Daniel in the street and accuses him of lying and Lydia intervenes, while Daisy watches with concern.

Later, Daisy calls at the shop flat to check on Daniel but when she admits she thinks he?s hiding something, he gets defensive. Daniel and Daisy hurl insults at each other, but Daisy admits she wants Daniel and they kiss but are forced to leap apart as Lydia enters.

When Adam tells Sarah that he?s taking her to the bistro for her birthday and has bought her a smart oven as a present, Sarah?s utterly underwhelmed and storms off.

Asha calls in at the cafe to see Nina before setting off to Glasgow but while she?s distracted she pockets Asha?s phone. Later, Asha?s shocked to find Nina?s taken her phone and is refusing to let her go to Glasgow. She?s further alarmed when Nina locks the cafe door to stop her leaving!

Still fretting over the mishap with the portfolio, Kelly overhears Maria moaning to Gary that she?s reached the end of her tether. Kelly skulks away, failing to realise Maria was actually complaining about Sally.

Audrey complains to Gail and Shona that nobody trusts her with anything anymore. Shona suggests Rita has a night out before urging her to ask Audrey to do her hair. Rita?s dubious but agrees.

8-30 pm

Rita has had enough of Audrey Roberts in tonight?s second episode of Coronation Street

Rita persuades Audrey Roberts to put their quarrel to bed by giving her a hairdo. Audrey?s relieved when Rita clocks her bottles of wine but merely asks for a glass.

Finding Audrey and a freshly-coiffed Rita getting on famously, Shona smugly takes the credit for getting these two back on track. But when Audrey bridles at being set up, Rita?s patience snaps and, with a parting shot about her daytime drinking, she flounces out.

Is this the end of their friendship for good?

Mrs Crawshaw summons a worried Daniel to the school?s head office and accepts that he didn?t push Max down the stairs and is telling the truth. She invites him to apply for a permanent post at the end of his placement, but David and Shona are outraged to hear that nobody believes Max. Meanwhile, will the guilt get too much for Daniel, forcing him to confess to someone close to him?

Asha feels terrible about leaving Nina despite her erratic behaviour. Will she decide to go to Glasgow university or will she stay behind and support a venerable Nina?

Meanwhile, will Kelly and Maria be able to sort out their misunderstanding or does Kelly feel it?s time to leave the Street where she clearly isn?t wanted?

There are no Friday episodes of Coronation Street due to FA Cup Manchester United vs Middlesborough.

Watch the next episode on Monday at 7.30pm.