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View Full Version : A Holiday to Remember (EE- SHANNIS)

eastenders rox
03-08-2005, 22:43
I dunno how this script is gonna turn out, but I’ll have a go….

It’s set some time in the future and is centred around Shannis, on holiday, in Spain. Of course, this happens to be a rather eventful holiday, not at all relaxing and knowing Sharon and Dennis’ past luck, will it end in tears?

It’s a 7 parter….. so here we go

Episode 1:

Dennis was still fast asleep. Sharon lay in his arms wide awake thinking about his claim that he ‘doesn’t get knackered’, and quietly smiled to herself. She shook that memory off. The night he had said that was the night before Andy and Sam’s wedding- the day which had followed saw her making a fool of herself, and more importantly, Dennis had been with Zoe.

Dennis: Mornin’ gorgeous.

Sharon looked up at Dennis, startled.

Sharon: Oh, hi. How long you been awake, then?

Dennis: Not long. You sleep ok?

Sharon: Yeah, fine.

She got out of bed and started rummaging around in an open suitcase, nervously. Dennis looked at her, curiously, for a moment before asking-

Dennis: What ya’ doing?

Sharon: Just looking for my clothes. Hardly crime of the century, is it?

Dennis: Well…… I was hoping we could have a lie in. You know, breakfast in bed.

Sharon carried on anxiously rummaging around in the suitcase, and then turned to face him.

Sharon: Look, I’ve got stuff to do, I-

Dennis: -What stuff?! Next you’ll be saying you have to ‘run down the club’!

Sharon: But we’re in Spain?

Dennis: I know! But that’s what you always say when you’re avoidin’ me!

Sharon: We don’t own the club, and besides, I’m not avoiding you…

Dennis: What, then?

Sharon: … I’ve just upset myself, thinking about…….. you and Zoe.

Dennis' face falls.

So, what do you think? Let me know, plz!

Episode 2: Sharon and Dennis are on holiday together and they see a familiar face.

03-08-2005, 23:15
great start! more soon please :D

eastenders rox
04-08-2005, 00:48
Thanx hayzie, for my first reply!

Here’s the next part……………

Episode 2:

Sharon was lying on a sun lounger and Dennis was in the pool.

Dennis: You gettin’ in some time, today?

Sharon: I will in a bit…..

Dennis: That’s the 7th time you’ve said that this mornin’!

Sharon: Well, I want to get a good tan, don’t I?

Dennis: Typical.

Dennis gets out of the pool and sits down on the edge of her sun lounger.

Sharon: Oi, you! Don’t get me wet!

He splashes her with water and she sits up, in shock.

Sharon: Dennis, it’s not funny!

Dennis: (Laughing) yes it is!

They kiss, then he looks at her more seriously.

Dennis: Look, Sharon about Zoe. Forget about her. It’s like what I said this morning- it’s all in the past, so don’t let it ruin our holiday. Ok?

Sharon nods.

Dennis: Come on. Let’s get dressed and go to the bar.

They get up to leave.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At the bar

Dennis: Well, this certainly makes a change from east London. I reckon a few days in the sun is just what we need- just me and you.

Sharon: Yeah- yeah, you’re right. Look, I’m sorry for acting so depressed this morning. I’ll make it up to you, later.

Dennis: (Cheekily) really? And how do you suppose to do that?

They smile and they snog but are interrupted by a woman’s voice from behind-

? : Dennis?

They turned round, stunned, to see Zoe………………………………………†¦

Episode 3: Zoe tries to get Dennis’ attention then he tells her something important.

04-08-2005, 11:23
:cheer: fab, i'm loving it! wonder what happens when sharon and zoe meet again, maybe another katfight :cheer: write more asap! :D

eastenders rox
04-08-2005, 12:12
Episode 3:

Dennis: Zoe, what are you doing here?

Zoe: Me? I’ve been touring a bit. I mean, it gets a bit borin’ stuck on some small island, like Ibiza. So I flew into the nearest place I could, Alicante in Spain.

Sharon: Yeah, but the same hotel as us……

Zoe: Strange coincidence, I know.

Dennis and Sharon looked at each other and eye Zoe up, suspiciously.

Dennis: So, how long you staying here for?

Zoe: 2 more days. I came last week.

Sharon: Excuse me.

Sharon pushed past Zoe to leave and Dennis stared on after her.

Zoe: Now she’s runnin’ away from you, now (laughing). So, how are things with you and her?

Dennis: Couldn’t be better. You here on your own?

Zoe: Careful, Dennis. Or someone might think you’re chatting me up.

Dennis: Don’t want people thinking that do we? Well, I better go and find Sharon.

Zoe: Wait, Dennis. How ‘bout the two of us meet up for a drink later? Catch up.

Dennis: I dunno, Zoe……….

Zoe: It’s just a drink.

Dennis: I’m here with Sharon.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back in the room.

Dennis: Are you sure you’re not in the mood for a quiet drink. Just me and you?

Sharon: I’m sure, Dennis. Besides, it won’t just be me and you, will it?

Dennis: Do you want me to stay?

Sharon: No, you’re alright.

Dennis: Sure?

Sharon: I’m sure. (Smiling)

Dennis: I won’t be long.

Sharon: Fine.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At the bar

Zoe: Hi Dennis.

Dennis: Oh, hi Zoe. (He stares down at his glass)

Zoe: Do you wanna talk about it?

Dennis: What? (Looks up)

Zoe: What’s wrong?

Dennis: Nothing.

Dennis stares at Zoe, standing there, trying to look seductive. She leans in closer.

Zoe: Come on Dennis, you can talk to me.

He turns to face her.

Zoe: But if you don’t wanna talk……………….. (She smiles)

Dennis: Zoe, I-

Zoe leans in and tries to kiss Dennis. He pulls away and stands back, aggravated.

Dennis: -Zoe, I’m married!

Zoe: What?

Episode 4: Zoe questions Dennis’ commitment, then goes to find Sharon.

04-08-2005, 22:56
:eek: ergh how dare zoe turn up and ruin everything! more soon please tis fabby! what does she think she is doing like he will ever be interested in her again! ok sorry but it is great more now! :D

05-08-2005, 11:08
omg!clear off Zoe!!the cheek of her!!lol more soon plz this is great!

eastenders rox
05-08-2005, 15:58
Thanx 4 my replies!

Episode 4:

Zoe looked stunned-

Zoe: No…no…. not you, Dennis. I know you remember, you’d never commit to marriage- not wiv me, not wiv anyone…

Dennis: -Zoe, it’s different with Sharon. We’ve got something special. Really special.

Zoe: Well, we had summin’ special, too.

Dennis: Zoe, don’t. You’ve obviously had a little too much to drink, because you shouldn’t care. So what if I am? So what if I am married to the love of my life?

Zoe: She ain’t the love of your life, and no, I ain’t bin’ drinkin’!

Dennis: Zoe, this is ridiculous, you accepted us!

Zoe: Yeah, well I tried. I pretended, even. I thought that that If I was off to Ibiza, then just maybe…. maybe I could forget all about you. But then….. Seeing you here today.
I can’t stand it Dennis, I need to be with you.

Zoe reached out and laid her hand on his shoulder. Dennis just looked at her with compassion and removed her hand with his own.

Dennis: I better get off now…………

He turned round and made his way out of the bar. But instead of going straight back to Sharon, he wandered onto the dark sand of the beach and looked out into the night.

He could hear Zoe breaking down in tears, as he walked away. She realised what a mistake she’d made, by just blurting her feelings out. She made up her mind- she was off to see Sharon.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In the hotel room

Sharon: Dennis, is that you?

Sharon had forgotten to lock the door from the inside. Zoe slowly emerged from round the door frame and Sharon noted her tear stained face.

Sharon: Zoe, I-

Zoe: Save it, Sharon. We need to have a little chat…

Episode 5: Zoe and Sharon argue until Sharon makes an announcement as Dennis walks in.

05-08-2005, 16:43
good story keep going

05-08-2005, 17:09
what... what... you can't leave it like that... what's going on... what announcement?... more more more... post more soon...

eastenders rox
05-08-2005, 18:16
Thanx, once again, for all my replies! And thanx to every 1 who likes and supports my script!

Episode 5:

Sharon: A chat, oh come on Zoe! We’re way past that!

Zoe: I just wanna talk.

Sharon: What about?

Zoe: Dennis.

Sharon: Oh, well that figures!

Sharon threw her arms up in the air in distress and walked out onto the sea view balcony, pouring herself a glass of vodka Zoe followed her out.

Zoe: I’m worried about Dennis, I’m not sure he’s entirely happy in this relationship of yours…..

Sharon turned round to face Zoe in alarm, and almost laughed. Then she put on a straight face and things became more serious.

Sharon: You have got to be kiddin’, eh Zo.?

Zoe: Dennis told me that you got married-

Sharon: -Yeah, and?!

Zoe: Dennis would never marry anyone…..

Sharon: Oh, and how do you know that?

Zoe: Did you force him? Blackmail?

Sharon was in utter shock-

Sharon: Is this what it’s come to? You, standin’ here, mouthin off and accusing me of blackmailin’ my husband into marrying me?

Zoe didn’t know what to say.

Sharon: Oh, give up, Zo.! (She goes back inside, slamming her glass down) Just get it into you’re thick head that he ain’t yours and he loves me!

Zoe: But he can’t-

Sharon: Oh? And why’s that, then?

Zoe: ……..well, you can’t give him kids.

Sharon’s face changed from anger to self pity…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the beach

Dennis gazed out to sea, everything was black with night. He turned round and headed back up to the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the room

Sharon: Oh, here we go again-

Zoe: I’m right, Sharon.

Sharon: I don’t have to listen to this-

Zoe: You ought to. A baby’s the one thing you can’t have and Dennis wants one, I know he does. And you know it too.

Sharon: Well, maybe he does-

Zoe: So what then? IVF, adoption? Come on Sharon.

Sharon: Well, sometimes things change don’t they….

Zoe: Not you- you’ll never get pregnant, not by ‘im, not by no one!

Sharon: Shut up, Zoe, things change and trust me, you’re in for a shock!

Zoe: What then?! Go on, surprise me!

Sharon: I am pregnant!

Zoe was speechless and completely stunned. So was Sharon, for telling her.

Suddenly, both their eyes turned their attention to the open door way……… Dennis stood there, mouth ajar. He looked at Zoe, then Sharon and looked confused.

…. She just stood their, gazing at him and nodded, slowly.

Episode 6: Sharon and Dennis talk, while Zoe gets drunk at the bar, but Zoe isn’t through with them yet…

05-08-2005, 18:55
Wow... i'm so glad their guna have a bebe... a tiny ickle bebe... yey yey yey... Zoe can NEVER split them up... they love each other and they got married... yey yey yey...

06-08-2005, 22:17
lovin every word lol

eastenders rox
06-08-2005, 23:17
As always, thanx for my replies!

Episode 6:

Dennis kept his eyes on Sharon and spoke slowly……….

Dennis: Zoe, I need to talk to Sharon.

Zoe: I’ll see you later, then.

She left them alone and closed the door on her way out. Sharon sat down on the bed with her head in her hands.

Dennis: What was all that about?

Sharon: You know what that was about- (she looked up) – and who…

Dennis: So, Zoe starts screamin’ blue murder at you for marryin’ me, she brings up the infertility and suddenly you make up some unconvincing lie about being pregnant?!

Sharon: It wasn’t a lie! IT WAS THE TRUTH!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the bar

Zoe: Another one of them cocktail-fings over here, mate! Wiv double the alcohol!

She slurs her words and then lies her head down on the bar, drunkenly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the room

Dennis is, now, sitting on the bed trying to comfort Sharon.

Dennis: Why, what- how could you be pregnant?

Sharon: I dunno. A few weeks back, I weren’t feeling too good-

Dennis: A few weeks back!? How far gone are you!?

Sharon: Well….. they reckon about nearly three months, but I found out ‘bout two weeks ago.

Dennis: Who, exactly, is ‘they’?

Sharon: Well, if you let me finish!

Dennis: …..sorry. This is hard for me to understand.

Sharon: How’d you think I feel, eh?

She sighs

Sharon: I spoke to Walford Surgery, and they referred me to Walford General, as they had all my past history and notes. They did a few tests, you know; blood and things….. Then said that it was almost certain ……except…… I had to do a pregnancy test. To make sure.

Dennis: I can’t believe I’m hearin’ this….

Sharon: I’m sorry, babe. I should have told-

Dennis perked up-


Sharon: (Smiling) I only plucked up the courage to do the test last night……

She stands up and Dennis follows her with his eyes as she walks over to the chest of draws and removes a thin, white, plastic stick, from the top draw. She sits back down.

Dennis: (Taking the test from her) it’s incredible (he half-laughed)

He turns to face Sharon and they pause, before kissing passionately.

They are interrupted by a knock on the door. Sharon answers it to a drunken Zoe, who waltzes straight in.

Zoe: Well I hope you’re happy!

Sharon: (Sarcastically) Believe me, Zo., we are…

Zoe: Infact, I hope you’re both bl***y ecstatic!!!

Dennis: Zoe (Standing up) I think you’ve had a little too much to drink-

Sharon: (Whispered-) you don’t say………

Dennis took Zoe to the door-

Dennis: Night, Zo.

-and slammed it in her face.

From behind the door you could here her whine ‘Dennis…’, but he didn’t care, neither did Sharon. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her with his (classic) grin on his face.

Dennis: (Gesturing towards the bed) come on.

They fall onto the bed in a passionate embrace, wanting to immediately free each other of their clothes. Sharon paused-

Dennis: What?

Sharon: Dennis (Smiling)

Dennis: Mmmhmm…(grinning, cheekily)

Sharon: Be careful of the baby.

Dennis: Course.

Then they resumed……………………….

Next time (Last eppie! :crying: ) Episode 7: Zoe leaves and Sharon and Dennis prepare to tell the square the good news when they get back.

P.s. I loved writing the end bit about Zoe! :lol:

07-08-2005, 17:29
yey yey yey... good ridance Zoe... HE DOESN'T want you... yey yey yey... their HAPPY... lovin' it... more more more...

07-08-2005, 19:46
cool these are great

07-08-2005, 20:58
wahay!a shannis baby!! :cheer: haha zoe - in ur face :moonie: !!this is great. bt the next one is the last part?? noooooooooooooooooooooo :crying:

20-08-2005, 13:48
When are you going to post part seven? I seem to have been waiting for it forever!

di marco
25-01-2006, 11:08
that was great, zoes so stupid! :D are you going to post the last part?

25-01-2006, 16:29
yeah i used to like reading this

26-01-2006, 19:45
I loved this story last time you posted it and I've read it through again this time but there still doesn't appear to be a part seven!