View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 3rd Jan - 7th January 2022

22-12-2021, 16:47
Coronation Street's Tim Metcalfe will face a worrying start to 2022 as he receives some big news about his health, which he tries to keep a secret from wife Sally.

The soap previously worked with the British Heart Foundation on a storyline that saw Tim (Joe Duttine) have a heart attack in 2019, causing him to rethink his habits and lifestyle, and now his heart health will be revisited again as part of a new storyline.

As the new year dawns, Tim and Sally (Sally Dynevor) decide to embark on a new health regime and kick things off with a vitamin-packed smoothie.

Tim also reveals to Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) that he has booked both himself and Sally in for thorough health checks with Dr Gaddas (Christine Mackie) as part of their new regime.

After the couple has been for their health checks, Sally reckons that they deserve a treat for successfully passing all the checks. However, Tim is reluctant and it becomes clear that he's hiding something. He later furtively takes a call confirming another appointment, with Sally none the wiser.

Later in the week, Sally's disappointed when her husband refuses to join her for a run, telling her that he has to work instead. Later, he receives a text confirming that he has a cardiology appointment booked at 3pm.

When Sally then finds out from Peter that Tim lied about having to work that day, she feels troubled.

Meanwhile, a nervous Tim attends his appointment with the cardiology consultant, who explains that he is going to need an angiogram. Tim rushes out of the appointment, dropping his wallet on the way.

When nurse Aggie Bailey (Lorna Laidlaw) later returns Tim's wallet to him at home, he asks her not to say anything to Sally about the appointment as he doesn't want to worry her. Sally, meanwhile, is concerned that Tim might be too embarrassed to be seen out with her.

She later insists that Tim come out on a run with her but, worried about his heart, Tim makes slow progress and lets Sally go on ahead of him.

After Tim continues to refuse to share his health news with Sally, Aggie secretly attends his next medical appointment with him.

Tim is shocked when the consultant informs him that he needs a triple heart bypass, adding that if he doesn't have the operation, his next heart attack could be fatal. Tim struggles to cope with the unexpected diagnosis and remains in denial about the situation, despite Aggie imploring him to listen to the consultant's words.

Back at home, Sally feels hurt when Tim turns down her invitation for them to enjoy a sexy night together.

Will Tim find the courage to confide in his wife or could his secrecy cause trouble in their marriage?

Coronation Street airs these scenes in the week commencing Monday, January 3 on ITV.

Digital Spy

24-12-2021, 00:18

FAye drives Emma home but ends up running over an old man
Abi meets with Imran and reveals she may be pregnant
Tim and Sally kick off the New Year with a healthy regime

5th - Two episodes

Adam wins his case but then finds someone has keyed his car
Tim keeps his important appointment a secret
....yet Sally begins to wonder what's really going on with him!

7th - Two episodes

Yasmeen and Stu prepare for the restaurant's reopening
Tim struggles to cope with his devastating diagnosis
Marrium tells Zeedan she wants to move to Manchester

28-12-2021, 11:29
Monday January 3rd

As Faye drives a still tipsy Emma back from their New Year's Eve party, they knock over Ted, an old man carrying his shopping. The girls are relieved when he opens his eyes and states he is fine and invites them into his flat for a brew. Emma is shaken when back on the street Imran spots Emma is worse for wear and says she shouldn't be in charge of a learner whilst under the influence and if they had an accident she would be in trouble. Emma and Faye decide to return to the flat to check up on Ted and apologise.

At No.13, Abi is wondering what on earth she's going to do if she is pregnant. When Toyah questions where he disappeared to last night, Imran lies that he was watching the fireworks. Abi meets up with Imran in Victoria Garden and tells him she plans to do a pregnancy test and if it's positive, Kevin deserves the truth. Neither of them spots Kevin approaching, what has he heard?

Tim and Sally kick off the new year with a smoothie as part of their new healthy regime. Tim tells Peter that he's booked both he and Sally in for health checks with Dr Gaddas.

Adam offers to take Harry for a kickabout. Sarah agrees but remains frosty towards him. When Adam tears a strip off Lydia for bitching about him to Sarah, Daniel's taken aback. Nick leaves Sam in the cafe watching Mary play a game of chess. Sam listens to Hope chatter away over the walkie-talkie but still doesn't talk.

2nd Episode

The girls vow to keep the accident a secret. Craig is keen to make plans for moving in with Faye.

Abi lies convincingly to Kevin and makes out that she and Imran were rowing over Kelly. Abi calls at the builder's yard flat. As Toyah buzzes her up, Imran's heart is in his mouth.

Having successfully passed their health checks, Sally reckons they deserve a treat, but Tim's reluctant and it's clear he's hiding something. As a furtive Tim takes a call confirming an appointment, Sally's none the wiser.

When Mary suggests Sam might like to come back tomorrow and have a lesson Sam smiles and nods. Sarah calls at Adam's office. Adam assures her that he only cares about her and Harry and couldn't care less about Lydia. Sarah thaws towards him.

Tuesday January 4th (1 hour episode)

Having won his case, Adam is furious to see that someone has keyed his car and accuses Lydia of keying his car and trying to drive a wedge between him and Sarah. Lydia assures him she had nothing to do with it, but as Adam leaves, she's clearly shaken and arrives at the factory for a business meeting clearly drunk. Gavin, her boss, is furious whilst Sarah's concerned for her. Adam is quietly pleased when Sarah tells Adam about Lydia turning up for the meeting drunk but he is shocked when Craig says that it was the disgruntled loser of the court case who keyed his car. Sarah is furious to hear how Adam accused Lydia and lost her her job. He apologises to Lydia and says he will speak to her boss but she refuses his help.

Sally's disappointed when Tim refuses to join her for a run, making out he has to work. Tim gets a text confirming his cardiology appointment at 3.00pm. When Sally finds out from Peter that Tim lied about having to work, she's troubled. A nervous Tim attends his appointment with the cardiology consultant. The consultant explains that he'll need an angiogram. He rushes out dropping his wallet, when Aggie returns it to the house he asks her not to tell Sally about the appointment as he doesn't want to worry her. Sally meanwhile thinks he is embarrassed to be seen out with her.

When Marrium offers to help with the decorating at Speed Daal, Zeedan's pleased. Alya's deeply unnerved. As Sam settles down to a game of chess with Mary, Nick watches, pleased to see his son enjoying himself at last. Zeedan assures Alya that Marrium will be returning to London very soon and out of their hair.

Wednesday 5th January

Sally insists Tim goes on a run with her but worried about his heart he is going too slow and lets Sally go on ahead. Aggie secretly goes with him for his appointment after he refuses again to tell Sally but Tim is shocked when the consultant tells him he needs a triple heart bypass.

As Yasmeen and Stu get the restaurant ready for tomorrow's reopening, Alya reminds Zeedan that it's time he got shut of Marrium. In Victoria Garden, Zeedan and Marrium admit they're going to miss each other and kiss tenderly.

When Daniel wants to know why Lydia lost her job, a frosty Sarah suggests he asks Adam.

2nd Episode

The consultant warns Tim that without an operation, his next heart attack could be fatal. Tim struggles to cope with the diagnosis and remains in denial despite Aggie imploring him to listen to what the consultant has said. Sally is hurt when he refuses her suggestion of a sexy night in.

When Craig reveals that he?s arranged for them to move into the salon flat with Tyrone and Emma, Faye does her best to hide her unease. Emma heads home to find Craig and Faye on the doorstep with their bags. Shes not happy to discover they're moving in.

Zeedan confesses to Marrium that he?s still in love with her and reckons they should give their marriage another chance. Marrium admits she feels the same and suggests she moves up to Manchester, Zeedan's taken aback. How will Alya react to this development?

When Lydia reveals that Carla's given her the PA job at the factory and it was Adam who sorted it out, Sarah's pleased for her and Adam's relieved to have finally got something right. Sarah finds Adam busy cleaning the word 'scum' off his office window. Adam reckons it must be Jeremy Bremner's doing and he still hasn't got over his boundary dispute.

In the cafe Mary sets about teaching Sam some famous chess moves. Having borrowed Hope's walkie-talkies, Nick plays chess with Sam in the bistro and Sam talks to him for the first time since his Mum?s death. Nick's overjoyed.

29-12-2021, 00:06
hope doing good with sam