View Full Version : Horoscope July 31st - Aug 6th

03-08-2005, 15:56
Aquarius to Cancer Only


You're definitely the Star of Communication this week, Aquarius! It seems like you have all the right words when you need them and people are really listening to you! Just be sure that you're really clear about not letting others take credit for your hard work.

You're open to all sorts of possibilities, Aquarius, which is why this week will be an interesting - and exciting - one for you in the romance department. You know that the right guy for you needs to have a brain and know how to use it!

Shimmer and summer are a great combo, but bring out the sparkles after the sun has gone down. Adding make-up to heat, sun, and lotion will just give you an icky mess!


This is a great week to start a new project. Whatever you choose - scrapbook, sewing, art, or writing - just let yourself go with it and don't be so critical of yourself, Pisces! One of the important things about being creative is letting yourself have fun, ok?

Instead of canceling at the last minute, let your friends know that you want to wait a day or two before you decide what to do on the weekend. You don't have to be wishy-washy but it wouldn't hurt to be a little flexible in your planning, just in case a really cool invite shows up!

Summer casual is great but summer sloppy isn't! You don't have to spend hours and hours getting ready but be sure that everything looks sharp. A cute pony tail will keep you cool and neat!


Hey, Aries, it's summer and that means vacation time! Whether you're going on a trip with your family or people are coming to visit you, this will be a really amazing week! Don't forget to keep writing in your journal because you don't want to forget all the great times you're going to have!

If you can't decide whether to send that e-mail to your crush, think about whether it's something you can say - or want to say - in person. Or maybe you want to wait a little longer. Once an e-mail is out there, you need to be ready to deal with the consequences (good or bad!)

"Bling" is fun but if the look is casual, don't overdo the glitz. Somehow the combo of shoes, purse, t-shirt, and jewelry can add up to a whole lot of nothing if there's too much sparkle going on.


Even if the last few weeks were sort of lazy, this one is full of activity! If it's too hot to go outside, don't worry - you can get a lot done inside like maybe redecorating your room. By the weekend you may feel like having a last-minute party! Good thing you did all stuff earlier in the week, Taurus!

You're always Ms. Dependable (which is one of the wonderful things about you) but sometimes it doesn't hurt to be a little spontaneous. Being steady is good but being predictable may not be how you want your crush to think about you. (Remember, it really is okay to say "no" sometimes!)

If you're planning to do something active like swimming, hiking, or playing sports, don't worry about styling your hair! After a few minutes in the hot sun, you'll be reaching for the scrunchy, so be smart and fix it at home so that you don't have to stop in the middle of the game!


Everyone may be supporting you but you have to believe in your own dreams to make them happen, Gemini! It's good that you're being practical, but sometimes you have to be willing to trust that you have what it takes to make it creatively - and you do!

Not sure whether he's flirting with you or not? Or whether he likes you or not? Instead of asking everyone, use that energy to figure it out for yourself! Really listen to what he says and watch what he does. You'll be able to figure it out, Gemini!

Even if you're not planning to be in the direct sun, don't forget to use sunscreen! And a hat! People think that a mega-tan looks great but your skin doesn't happen to agree, so protecting it now will make it happy later.


You're the one who steps up and takes charge this week to finish work that others may have not been ready to do. Won't that be a surprise for people who think you live with your head in the clouds all the time! In fact, with you in charge, the work will be done and people will actually have fun doing it!

No hiding in your shell this week, Cancer! Instead of comparing yourself to everyone else, it's time to start appreciating who you are. Chances are that cute boy really is flirting with you... so have some confidence, ok?

Before you load up on jewelry for a day at the beach, think again. Sometimes metal doesn't mix so well with heat and sunscreen, and can turn your skin green. Plus you don't want to be taking the really good stuff off where you can't keep an eye on it. Save it for something special in the evening!