View Full Version : rubbish announcement

03-08-2005, 13:35
Eugene and Makosi fell out over the rubbish and House hygiene today, then Eugene copped an earful for talking about it to Derek.

Eugene was putting in a new bin liner when Makosi said, "Is that bin washed, before you put the bin bag in?"

Eugene said it wasn't but he was going to do it anyway. Makosi told him she would wash it. When she went to do so and saw the mess, she was not impressed. Unfortunately Eugene chose that moment to suggest she wash the bin outside.

"And that is coming from somebody who was going to put the bin liner into this gunge. Eugene, did you see what you were going to put it in?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't my mess," Eugene protested.

"It doesn't mean if it's not your mess you leave it and let it accumulate," Makosi told him.

"I'm the one who's been washing up for the last six weeks," Eugene moaned.

Anthony, sitting by eating a biscuit told Makosi, "Clean it then. Immediately."

He got a response of old fashioned Anglo-Saxon from Makosi, even if he was joking. "Shut up, man. Know your role," said Anthony, perhaps unwisely.

Eugene went to swim with Derek and complained that it was he and Derek who did the cleaning. "I'm here to look beautiful on television not clean for six weeks," said Eugene. "Someone else can bloody well do the cleaning."

Makosi, however, was doing just that and came to Eugene to ask if he had a problem. It soon escalated into her shouting, "If you've got a problem with me, say it to my face, not behind my back."

"Fair enough," said a busted Eugene. "I apologise."

That stopped the row but didn't stop Makosi fuming...

03-08-2005, 13:36
Can she get any worse???

03-08-2005, 14:08
attention seeking cow,notice she keeps making these arguement just because its the final weeks? first derek then eugene.

03-08-2005, 14:16
Yup thats all she's doing it for the attention, she probably think that it's making her more popular

03-08-2005, 14:17
little does she know...

03-08-2005, 14:18
oh i would love to see her face when she finds out what the public really think of her lol

03-08-2005, 14:21
she was gutted that time when she heard them all boo her,cant wait until she comes out and she gets booed! she is so in love with herself and thinks that the way she has behaved and told all those lies has made us all like her,how wrong can one person be?

03-08-2005, 14:22
She think that by doing that we'll all think she's brilliant for playing the game but i honestly dont think that's what big brother is all about. Yes it is a gameshow of sorts but you dont need to lie,cheat and backstabb your way through it

phils little sister
03-08-2005, 14:25
o someone lock her in the loft and dont let her out :lol:

03-08-2005, 14:26
she would only start yelling with that annoying voice of hers through the window

03-08-2005, 14:27
Yes but there'd be no one there after next weeks and no cameras........

03-08-2005, 14:38
lock her in forever? good idea! then we wont have to see her in the papers and mags and on the tv for the next year

03-08-2005, 14:39
actually by saying the next year i think i was giving her a little too much credit

phils little sister
03-08-2005, 14:40
she would only start yelling with that annoying voice of hers through the window

yelling :eek: im talking tie her up and duck tape over the bitc8es mouth you wouldnt hear her yelling through that :lol:

and board up the window too :D

03-08-2005, 14:42
yelling :eek: im talking tie her up and duck tape over the bitc8es mouth you wouldnt hear her yelling through that :lol:

and board up the window too :D

You sound as if you've done that sort of thing before pls????

phils little sister
03-08-2005, 14:43
lol :rotfl: that would be telling