View Full Version : housemates get there spurs

03-08-2005, 13:33
The cowboys and cowgirls of the Big Brother House divided up their Wild West tasks and practiced their rodeo skills this morning.

Makosi read the laminate out which included some advice from Big Brother, "A cowboy should never squat with his spurs on".

Anthony was chuffed to pieces with the task, especially when he heard there would be a bucking bronco. "This is going to be mint," he said.

As they changed into their cowboy and cowgirl gear, not everyone was impressed. "I don't look like a cowboy. I look like a drag queen," said Craig.

Makosi suggested they each attempt the skill they would be best at and Derek immediately chose shooting, as did Eugene. Anthony wanted to dance but when Makosi said she wanted to, he went for lassoing.

In the garden they found the equipment for their task. There were two lines of bottles, each with a Housemates' photo on the label, reading 'Wanted'.

"Who's that?" asked Makosi, before Craig told her it was Orlaith. How quickly they forget!

"Who's that?" asked Makosi again.

"Me?" answered Kinga.

Makosi and Craig did a spot of line dancing while Derek and Eugene practiced their shooting. Derek struggled, but Eugene showed he had a dead eye and a steady hand, knocking over bottle after bottle like Clint Eastwood.

Lassoing proved more difficult. Anthony had a go and said, "Oh, ******* off! What's the craic with this? Every time you swing it, the circle goes smaller."

Oh well. Practice makes perfect.