View Full Version : look at me!

02-08-2005, 17:08
Kinga has toned it down a bit today but is still doing things that would normally attract attention. Trouble is, most of the Housemates are taking no notice.

She tried on one of Makosi's wigs and paraded around the bedroom in it, saying "Hi, I'm Lola. Lola Ferrari," until Eugene walked in.

"Does this suit me?" she asked.

"Er, it does actually," said Eugene, who also advised her to ask Makosi about borrowing her things. Kinga went on to ask him two more times if it suited her and his answer remained the same.

As she changed into a new outfit, Kinga proved that her prodigious farting of the previous night wasn't a one-off. It might even be considered a talent.

She put on her make up, added sunglasses and went into the garden where most of the Housemates were lounging in the sunshine.

"What's going on?" she asked. But there was no response. Anthony and Derek continued to talk about computers.

Kinga danced about around the pool and even threw in a couple of kung fu moves. She squealed to get their attention but to no avail.

"I'm going to do something mad," she said as she returned to the bedroom. She plastered her face with crazy make-up, colouring her face with black spots and lines. Then she put a pair of knickers on her head.

How mad is that? OK, not very. Maybe that's why the Housemates continue to ignore what she's doing.

But what on earth will that push her to do next?