View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 30th August - 2nd September 2021

22-08-2021, 11:50
Neighbours Aust TV Listings Erinsborough News Spoilers:

Monday 30 August (UK: Monday 20 September)

Many of the staff at Lassiter's aren't happy about Harlow's new role, and things are only going from bad to worse.
After their brief moment, Rose confesses to Toadie that she's back in Erinsborough for him.

Tuesday 31 August (UK: Tuesday 21 September)

With the hotel staff on strike, Jesse spends the day helping out and as Terese expresses her gratitude she makes a confronting Freudian slip.
Jane and Chloe open a package addressed to Nicolette, finding the engagement ring meant for Chloe.

Wednesday 1 September (UK: Wednesday 22 September)

Harlow blames Chloe for her demotion, determined to get her job back.
David is still stewing on Paul's request to keep Terese in the dark over the loan with Leo, sure there's something else going on.
Rattled by her slip of the tongue, Terese quickly smooths things over with Jesse, but when Paul confronts her she's defensive.

Thursday 2 September (UK: Thursday 23 September)

Terese supports Jesse's decision to not visit Julie in jail, but Paul is worried she's letting her own feelings about the Quills cloud her judgement.
Evelyn furiously reveals to Levi that she's discovered his relationship with Amy and she's not happy.
Paul comes clean to David, telling him he paid Nicolette to stay away after she handed over Isla.

22-08-2021, 11:54
TV Week Soap Diary

- Toadie has two women in his life: Rose and Melanie. What to do?
- Paul appointing Harlow to a new role ignites a disaster for Lassiters.
- Terese makes a confronting Freudian slip regarding Jesse.
- Chloe is thrown by a poignant reminder. What is it?
- David dances dangerously close to the truth.
- Starting at the bottom - in the laundry room - is proving a challenge for Harlow.
- Can Levi keep his secret about Amy from his mother?

TV Week article:

"Coming Up Roses
Does this kiss spell the end for Toadie and Melanie?

After Melanie's fall at the film festival launch party, Rose landed in some insurance trouble. Toadie agreed to help and when he gets her off the hook, Rose can't help but thank him with a kiss.

Toadie is startled and pulls away. He chooses to tell Melanie what happened as soon as he can and understandably she's devastated. Toadie and Rose have crossed the line from flirting to cheating.

Toadie desperately tries to make it up to her, but deep down Melanie feels Rose has already won his heart.

Although Toadie tries to patch things up with Mel, he knows he felt a spark with Rose as they locked lips. Toadie knows it was wrong but he can't deny the chemistry between them. Now he's more perplexed than ever as to which woman he feels most strongly about.

When things go well with Mel, they're awesome, but when they're bad, they're really bad. Things just seem so light-hearted and fun with Rose."

And the DS article:

Neighbours' Toadie Rebecchi betrays Melanie Pearson with shock kiss
Toadie is torn between Melanie and Rose.


23-08-2021, 23:03
These are the Digital Spy extended spoilers for next week in the UK ie 30 August - 3 September 2021 (the corresponding air dates in Australia were 3 - 10 August 2021):

UK airdate: Monday 30 August 2021 at 13:45 and 18:00 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Tuesday 03 August 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach


Terese's protectiveness of Jesse is piqued when she learns that Shay Quill is pinning the downfall of the family company on him.

Terese confronts Shay: while business is important, it should never come at the expense of family.

Meanwhile, determined to prove her worth, Harlow makes the radical proposal that Terese and Paul invest in the financially troubled Quill Group and make themselves a killing. Terese admits it could be a great option and Harlow's chuffed by the win, pointedly excluding Chloe from the project.

Elsewhere, Mackenzie is determined to help Melanie with her job hunt and ignorantly emails prospective employers the resume Mel had previously discarded. Everyone's shocked when Dr. Anna Buke publicly accosts Melanie. How will Toadie react to finding out the truth about his girlfriend's past?

UK airdate: Tuesday 31 August 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Wednesday 04 August 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Amy wonders whether her time with Levi and Ned is coming to an end.

The trio are trying to get back to their casual fun since Amy made it clear she's not keen on the idea of polyamory, but Levi and Ned have expressed they both want more than something casual, so Amy has to make a tough decision.

Meanwhile, Melanie doesn't think Toadie needs to know the details of her affair with Justin, but Toadie insists Mel explain for his own piece of mind.

As she does, Mackenzie's in the midst of a discovery that's about to make everything much harder for Mel and Toadie.

UK airdate: Wednesday 01 September 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Thursday 05 August 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Toadie's thrown when Melanie admits the full extent of her romantic history.

Despite Mel's insistence that her relationship with Toadie is different from any she's had before, Toadie can't help worrying he's just another notch on her impulsive belt.

Meanwhile, David's feeling increasingly helpless as Nicolette remains missing. While at the hospital, David plans to use the electronic patient file system to find her himself. It's a risky move and when Karl catches him in the act, a fragile David fears his career, along with his family, is now over.

Elsewhere, Amy, Levi and Ned officially begin their polyamorous relationship by establishing ground rules. But when Sheila learns of the development, she's outraged. Despite Sheila's doubt, Levi and Ned maintain a positive outlook. They are committed to making it work with their mutual girlfriend.

UK airdate: Thursday 02 September 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Monday 09 August 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

With Aaron and David unaware that Paul is on a secret mission to find Nicolette, they struggle to deal with the loss of their daughter.

David is exhausted and at breaking point. He lashes out at Aaron, in a shocking way. Guilty, David breaks down in Terese's arms, finally hitting rock bottom.

Meanwhile, Paul flies to Canberra to find Nicolette. He contacts Audrey, who's adamant she only saw Nicolette once and has no idea where she's staying.

Audrey suggests he go to a park where Nicolette is known to exercise. It's his only lead, but Paul's patience is rewarded when he finally spots Nicolette.

UK airdate: Friday 03 September 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Tuesday 10 August 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

In Canberra, Paul is stunned when Nicolette takes off her coat and reveals she's had the baby. He demands to be taken to his granddaughter, but Nicolette refuses, insisting the child is safe.

Realising that he needs to play a trump card, Paul hands her something that could change her life forever.

Meanwhile, as David remains angry with the world, Leo cooks up a peace offering ? some Japanese pancakes, once cooked by their great grandmother. David slowly begins to thaw and the brothers talk through their issues. This relationship might not be doomed, after all.

Elsewhere, Chloe feels excluded from the Quill group deal, as Harlow isn't keeping her updated. After an encounter with Jesse, Terese decides to proceed with the buy-in. She remains drawn to Jesse and it seems the warm feeling is mutual.