View Full Version : Derek fascinated by bb luggage!!

01-08-2005, 18:27
Derek has confessed to having an illicit fascination with the BB suitcases.

Speaking to Eugene this afternoon, Derek admitted that he was fascinated by the style of their specially-made cases and wondered if he could get his home luggage adorned with the BB logo to be "different".

"I like being different," he mused. "There wasn't a great deal of difference between Maxwell and Saskia and there wouldn't be much difference between Anthony and other people from Newcastle."

"The bags I've always used when I go on foreign flights have always survived as they're sports bags," Eugene revealed.

Still fascinated by the suitcase, Derek continued: "What amazes me about these bags is the amount you can get in it."

"Are you a folding or rolling person?" enquired Eugene.

"I always fold," Derek replied, leading Eugene to scorn those who do not have a packing routine: "Some people just throw stuff in there and wonder why they can't find anything. I'm rather regimented when I pack my suitcase - that's why I can get so much in."