View Full Version : sing it back

01-08-2005, 15:06
Housemates have erupted in song, led by the unlikeliest Housemate, Eugene, but carried on enthusiastically by Kinga and Derek.

Eugene told Kinga that a friend told him he looked like Marc Almond, so when he went to an 80s karaoke party, he donned leather trousers, a black shirt and eyeliner, as well as colouring his nails black with a permanent pen and sang "Tainted Love".

He admitted he was "not a dancing person", so his performance was limited to singing. But he had been unable to remove his eyeliner for several days, not having any make up remover.

Kinga thought Eugene was more movie star than 80s icon. "You look a bit like Kevin Costner," she said.

"I'll take that as a compliment," said Eugene, though Kevin was unavailable for comment.

Derek agreed there was a likeness. "Until you smile, of course."

Eugene then treated them to his version of "Tainted Love", despite the lack of make up and leathers, and Derek danced around to it like he was at a tea dance.

Kinga sang a couple of numbers, to Derek's evident pleasure, before he joined her in song, with debateable results. They were enjoying themselves so much they discussed having a karaoke night in the House.

You have been warned.