View Full Version : mutual admiration society

01-08-2005, 12:41
Makosi and Craig are getting closer in the absence of Orlaith and Kemal, if this morning's chat is anything to go by. They congratulated each other for making it this far and both thought the other had done really well.

Makosi made it clear she was not impressed by Orlaith's walk out though. "I still think Orlaith shouldn't have walked away," Makosi told Craig. "I'm a bit disappointed and I told her."

Craig had some sympathy for Kinga, entering the House at this late stage. "We've all lost a lot of friends. We're emotionally drained. We've nothing left," said Craig, though he appeared to have plenty left for Kinga last night.

However Craig thought the current make up of the House was a healthy one. "The mentally unstable people have probably all gone now," he said, which was a nice way of putting it.

Already thinking about their exit, Makosi said she wanted to see Vanessa, Kemal, Lesley and Sam, in that order.

Craig suggested having a drink with Makosi when they get out so he can tell her what it's really been like to be Craig. "How I was treated was a disgrace compared to some people in here," said Craig. "You'll understand what I've been through."

My, how he's suffered...