View Full Version : flop of the pops

31-07-2005, 20:07
Muso Craig condemned the world of pop today - apart from Britney of course.

The hairdresser surprised his Housemates by declaring most of his CD collection was "off the cuff" material that most of them would never have heard of anyway.

Preferring his own exclusive collection, the former Team Britney member sneered at some of the pathetic pop acts scaling the charts today.

Craig scoffed at the likes of Justin Timberlake and Lemar, branding them "overplayed, commercial, manufactured...".

Of course he quickly explained why pop princess Britney Spears was the exception to the rule. "The thing about Britney is," Craig began his defence, "she gets you going, gets your spirits up".

Craig continued to argue that Britney was a better dancer than Madonna, J-Lo and Beyonce put together.

Wow, Craig really is a slave for Britters.