View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 28th June - 2nd July 2021

20-06-2021, 11:24
Neighbours Aust TV Listings spoilers:

Monday 28 June (UK: Monday 26 July)

By the time Nicolette is found in the vineyard, she is in danger of losing the baby.
Roxy discovers that The Quill Group submitted an identical pitch for the short film festival and won.
Amy sets Ned up on a blind date, but quickly realises how jealous she is when she sees them together.

Tuesday 29 June (UK: Tuesday 27 July)

Kyle and Toadie set up a Neighbourhood Watch and soon get carried away with the comings and goings on the street.
Roxy discovers Jesse making out with Curtis and breaks the news to Harlow.
Levi and Yashvi are thrown when Mitch approaches them to make a deal in return for immunity.

Wednesday 30 June (UK: Wednesday 28 July)

Dipi rushes to the hospital where Yasvhi has been admitted with serious injuries as a result of a frightening accident.
Levi hunts down Mitch and Nelson through the bush, which provides a perfect opportunity to enact his revenge.
Ned is tempted when Amy admits that she likes him and is up for a bit of fun, but news of Yashvi's accident complicates things.

Thursday 1 July (UK: Thursday 29 July)

Amy is doubting whether she and Ned can continue their uncomplicated fun.
Chloe enlists Aaron and David to take over caring for Nicolette, and their overbearing efforts to help drive Nicolette to the point where she's desperate to escape.

Friday 2 July (UK: Friday 30 July)

A protective Hendrix gives Leo a clear warning to back off, only to have it backfire.
Aaron and David's overbearing concern for Nicolette eventually causes her to snap.
Sheila decides to come clean to the police about Levi's childhood attack.

20-06-2021, 11:48
From TV Week:

Soap Diary:

- Nicolette's tumble leaves Aaron and David with worry.
- Amy's plan to get over Ned backfires badly.
- Yashvi and Levi are thrown when no-good Mitch says he wants to make a deal.
- Toadie and Kyle get carried away with their new Neighbourhood Watch plan.
- Harlow doesn't realise she's being played.
- Leo forces Chloe to face an ugly truth.
- Sheila makes a huge sacrifice for her grandson Levi.


"Who is Roxy spying on?

To Erinsborough residents, Harlow and Jesse are the hottest couple in town. So when Roxy spots newcomer Jesse kissing school teacher Curtis, she feels she has to let Harlow know, worried her friend is being lied to.

Harlow reveals her "relationship" with Jesse is all a ruse to get her grandfather Paul to stop bugging her about her real long-distance boyfriend Brent, and keep Jesse's sexuality a secret.

"A 'showmance' is a godsend for Jesse", Cameron Robbie, 26, tells TV Week. "It helps him get close to the inner workings of Lassiters. At the same time he's getting to know Harlow and having a genuine friendship".

Although both Harlow and Jesse are enjoying their blossoming friendship, Harlow has no clue about his ulterior motive to find out about Lassiters for their rival hotel chain, The Quills. When Roxy catches them together, it makes Jesse nervous."

"High Speed Disaster

From the moment Levi saw his childhood bullies Mitch and Nelson, he had a bad feeling. He soon realised they weren't in Erinsborough to make amends. After they threatened him and his family, he decided to get fellow police officer Yashvi involved. They've developed a strong friendship and all Yashvi cares about is taking Mitch and Nelson down, for Levi's sake.

When Mitch approaches Yashvi in secret to offer information about a crime Nelson is planning, she's surprised and not convinced he's being genuine. She and Levi head to the warehouse to ask Mitch more questions.

They discover Mitch and Nelson moving a stock of high-end drones that were reported stolen months ago. It proves that Mitch was lying and they had already committed the crime.

The stolen goods finally give the police a reason to arrest the pair, but before they can, Mitch and Nelson make a run for it, with Levi and Yashvi in close pursuit.

Meanwhile, Levi's grandmother Sheila is worried about him. Knowing Levi will stop at nothing to make Mitch and Nelson pay for their crimes, Sheila decides to track him down. When she arrives, she is smack-bang in the middle of a car chase.

Before she knows it, Levi loses control of the car, causing it to flip. Sheila rushes to their aid, but it's clear that Levi and Yashvi are in trouble. Suspended upside down and surrounded by glass and debris, it's not looking good for the young police officers. Will they make it out alive?"

21-06-2021, 22:57
Digital Spy articles on the TV Week stories:

Neighbours to reveal the truth about Jesse Porter's hidden agenda
Jesse is keeping more than one secret.


Neighbours spoilers follow for UK and Australian viewers.

Neighbours is set to reveal the truth about newcomer Jesse Porter's hidden agenda over the coming weeks, as it emerges that he has a surprising link to a Lassiters rival.

Jesse (Cameron Robbie) is about to enter into a 'showmance' with Harlow Robinson (Jemma Donovan), in a ruse to cover up her real, long-distance relationship with Brent Colefax (Texas Watterston) and prevent her grandfather Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis) from trying to interfere with it.

Flamingo Bar employee Jesse, meanwhile, has started a secret relationship with Erinsborough High teacher Curtis Perkins (Nathan Borg), meaning that he and Harlow's fake romance works for both of them.

However, in scenes set to air next week in Australia and in five weeks' time in the UK, it will be revealed that there's another reason why Jesse is so keen to get close to Harlow.

TV Week reports that Roxy Willis (Zima Anderson) will stumble on Jesse and Curtis kissing in upcoming scenes and will feel compelled to tell Harlow, worried that her friend is being lied to by Jesse. However, she is in for a surprise when Harlow reveals the truth about her arrangement with Jesse.

One thing that neither Harlow nor Roxy is aware of, however, is that Jesse has another motive ? he is trying to uncover Lassiters' secrets in order to provide inside information to their rival hotel chain, The Quills.

"A 'showmance' is a godsend for Jesse," actor Cameron said. "It helps him get close to the inner workings of Lassiters. At the same time, though, he's getting to know Harlow and have a genuine friendship."

But with Erinsborough being such a close-knit community, Jesse won't find his secret task easy and Roxy's new knowledge makes him feel very nervous.

"Since arriving in Erinsborough, he's been harbouring a few secrets and keeping an ulterior motive under wraps," said Cameron. "His romance with Curtis is fresh and nice, but Jesse doesn't realise just how connected Erinsborough actually is.

"Everyone seems to know everyone and it's beginning to get stressful. He's worried his plan might completely fall apart if his worlds aren't kept separate."

The Quills have caused big trouble for Lassiters before, with Julie Quill (Gail Easdale) even going so far as to cause an explosion at Lassiters back in 2016.

The incident led to the tragic deaths of Josh and Doug Willis and saw Paul in the frame for the crime after being set up by Julie, but she was eventually caught out and arrested.

Could Jesse's plot end up being as dangerous as Julie's?

Neighbours will air these scenes next week in Australia and in five weeks' time in the UK. Neighbours airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 5.30pm on Channel 5 (UK) and weekdays at 6.30pm on 10 Peach (Australia).


Neighbours reveals shock car disaster for Yashvi and Levi
A car chase goes horribly wrong.


Neighbours spoilers follow for UK and Australian viewers.

Neighbours' Yashvi Rebecchi and Levi Canning are involved in a serious car crash on Australian screens next week, as a police chase goes horribly wrong.

The police officers' lives are in danger after they pursue Levi's childhood attackers Mitch (Kevin Hofbauer) and Nelson (Rhys Mitchell).

In upcoming scenes on 10 Peach via TV Week magazine, Levi (Richie Morris) and Yashvi (Olivia Junkeer) continue to monitor Mitch and Nelson, with the pair being nothing but trouble.

"Yashvi desperately wants to help Levi," star Olivia Junkeer tells the publication. "They've developed this really strong friendship.

"They know they're there for each other no matter what. All Yashvi cares about is taking down Mitch and Nelson, for Levi's sake."

Things take a turn when out of nowhere Mitch goes to Yashvi and offers to reveal Nelson's criminal plan. Yashvi is cautious about Mitch's offer.

Yashvi and Levi decide to ask Mitch further questions at the warehouse, but happen to come across Mitch and Nelson in possession of a large number of expensive drones that went missing several months ago. Mitch was lying when he approached Yashvi.

The police officers try to arrest Mitch and Nelson, but the criminals begin to flee and a car chase follows.

At the same time, Sheila Canning (Colette Mann) looks for Levi after becoming increasingly concerned for him. She finds him in the middle of the car chase, and is shocked as Levi struggles to keep control of the car. The vehicle flips, with both Levi and Yashvi in bad shape...

These scenes air in the UK in five weeks' time.

Will this set up Dipi's return to Erinsborough?

Back in March, it was confirmed that Sharon Johal will be reprising her role as Yashvi's mother for a guest appearance, and Yashvi being in hospital would be a good reason for Dipi to come back.

Neighbours airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 5.30pm on Channel 5 (UK) and weekdays at 6.30pm on 10 Peach (Australia).

23-06-2021, 03:13
These are the Digital Spy extended spoilers for next week in the UK ie 28 June - 2 July 2021 (the corresponding air dates in Australia were 31 May - 4 June 2021):

UK airdate: Monday 28 June 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Monday 31 May 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Though Levi is given the all-clear by the hospital after the stage collapse, Sheila and Kyle remain deeply concerned.

Aware Levi is lashing out because he's still hurting, they ask him to find balance in his life and start taking better care of himself.

Meanwhile, after Levi's accident and a harsh scolding from Kyle, Roxy realises she has gone too far with her vendetta against Amy. She promises to give it up, but her jealousy stirs once more. Can Roxy truly ever let her resentment against Amy go?

Elsewhere, Yashvi and Ned agree their relationship needs a fresh start. She offers to move out with him, and a surprised Ned accepts. But Yashvi comes across something very troubling, that proves Ned is not as all in with her as he is making out.

UK airdate: Tuesday 29 June 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Tuesday 01 June 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Nicolette and Chloe are growing increasingly vexed with their overbearing house guest Clive and his high maintenance house plant, Herbert.

Just as Nicolette is about to tell Clive that he has overstayed his welcome, Clive is thrown into fresh grief over the death of the beloved Herbie.

Meanwhile, though grateful for Karl's help getting his driving hours up, Hendrix starts to grow weary of Karl's numerous excursions. But on a drive, Karl admits his pride in how Hendrix has grown up, and a chuffed Hendrix revels in feeling like part of the family.

Elsewhere, Ned's explanation for why he has a sketch of Sheila C doesn't assuage Yashvi, who is coming to the realisation that the problems she and Ned face may be too large and numerous to surmount. Can they survive this, or is this Ramsay Street romance over once and for all?

UK airdate: Wednesday 30 June 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Wednesday 02 June 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

The news that Pierce Greyson is returning to town ricochets around Ramsay Street.

Karl worries Hendrix won't make an effort with Pierce and urges him to spend some time with his dad. Hendrix concedes, but soon feels foolish, as he realises Pierce is actually here for a very different reason.

Meanwhile, when Pierce runs into Paul and correctly determines he's having a few money troubles, Paul couldn't be less amused. Sparring again with Paul, Pierce makes the mistake of revealing the prompt for him to come to town was his business interests, rather than his son.

Elsewhere, everyone's sensitive to Nicolette's feelings about Pierce's arrival, but she assures them all she's fine with it if Chloe is. But when Chloe seems open to hanging out with her ex-husband again, Nicolette begins to feel concerned.

UK airdate: Thursday 01 July 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Thursday 03 June 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Pierce is annoyed to learn Nicolette planted the necklace to ensure Chloe learned of his affair.

Furious, Pierce confronts Nicolette, hitting a weak spot as he tells her that she might have Chloe now, but they both know it will never last.

Meanwhile, Hendrix is upset by Pierce's intimation that he's here only for business. Hendrix reluctantly agrees to give Pierce another chance, only once he is done with his business and can actually focus on their relationship.

Elsewhere, with her staff discount at Lassiters expiring, Amy asks Toadie if she can move into Number 30. Toadie explains he needs to talk to Yashvi first, given she has just gone through a breakup. Misunderstanding, Amy moves herself right in and doesn't get off to the best start in her new home.

UK airdate: Friday 02 July 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Friday 04 June 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Pierce tells Chloe that she's making the same mistake with Nicolette as she did with him: rushing into another relationship to escape grief, without properly considering if it's right for her.

Despite her commitment to Nicolette, Chloe's left troubled by the insight.

Meanwhile, Roxy's worried about her job when she sees Amy meeting with HR, but Terese assures her that Amy can't fire her without due cause. But when Amy later blames Roxy for another mishap at the bar, Amy's confident she has got enough to finally show Roxy the door.

Elsewhere, a nervous Ned pops over to see Yashvi, endeavouring to get their first chat as exes over and done with. But is Yashvi ready to move to the 'talking again' phase so quickly?

25-06-2021, 03:15
Digital Spy article on the car crash:

Neighbours reveals first look at Yashvi and Levi's car crash drama
The police officers end up in serious danger.


Neighbours spoilers follow for UK and Australian viewers.

Neighbours is set to air frightening scenes as Yashvi Rebecchi and Levi Canning end up involved in a terrible car crash that takes place after a dangerous police chase.

On Australian screens next week, Levi (Richie Morris) and Yashvi (Olivia Junkeer) will end up putting their lives at risk after they pursue Levi's childhood attackers.

Mitch (Kevin Hofbauer) and Nelson (Rhys Mitchell) continue to prove that they want to cause dysfunction as the police officers carry on monitoring the troublesome pair.

In a first-look clip above, the Australian soap shows the threat of the two criminals to the police officers, seeing an intense and brutal car accident that flips a vehicle upside down.

Initially, in a surprising twist, Mitch approaches Yashvi and offers to make a deal to reveal Nelson's criminal practice.

Cautious of Mitch's offer, Yashvi involves Levi and the pair question Mitch further at the warehouse. While at the scene, Yashvi and Levi make a surprising discovery.

They find Nelson and Mitch with a load of drones that are worth a considerable amount of money. These drones were also reported missing over the last few months, which proves that Mitch was lying when he approached Yashvi.

As the police officers attempt to arrest Mitch and Nelson, the criminals try to escape, leading to an intense car chase that could have devastating consequences.

Elsewhere, Sheila Canning (Colette Mann) decides to look for Levi as she's become worried about him. Her doubts are confirmed as she finds Levi in the midst of the car chase and is devastated when he loses control of the vehicle.

With the car chase becoming increasingly scary, Levi and Yashvi's vehicle flips with both of them inside. These scenes air in the UK in five weeks' time.

Will Levi and Yashvi get the help they need and will the police catch up with Mitch and Nelson?

Neighbours airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 5.30pm on Channel 5 (UK) and weekdays at 6.30pm on 10 Peach (Australia).

25-06-2021, 23:29
Some short new promos:


