View Full Version : Its raining men

31-07-2005, 15:01
Single gal Makosi is finding life as the lone female in the House quite a tough call. She thinks all that testosterone isn't healthy.

"Too many male hormones for me to deal with," Makosi sighed, after having a little cry in the Diary Room.

Big Brother has suggested that Makosi talk through her bad mood with some of the Housemates, but she thinks that the boys won't get it.

"How's Craig going to understand that I feel fat?" she asked. "All my clothes feel small," she said. We're sure Craig could imagine what that felt like, Makosi!

Derek's also causing Makosi gip. "He asked me why Orlaith left, and I told him it was because of him and he still didn't get it," Makosi revealed.

"Sometimes I think Derek adores me, and sometimes I think he is a dirty skanky old man," she sighed.

"I can't deal with ignorance, nobody here will admit when they are wrong," she said. "Everybody thinks they are perfect."

Chin up Makosi, you could have another Housemate to play with sooner than you think...