View Full Version : shop til you drop

30-07-2005, 20:36
A banquet fit for a fat king has arrived in the storeroom, but the gang panicked when they couldn't see any loo roll in the luxury stash.

The Housemates' success in the Spy Task, added to the departure of Kemal and Orlaith, means that there should be more than enough bounty to go round.

Certain mysterious items had also made their way on to the list. No one would take responsibility for a huge bag of crisps, although Derek laid the finger of blame on Anthony.

Eugene immediately noticed that there was no toilet roll in the haul. "We definitely put toilet paper on there," Craig said. Unfortunately there had been a schoolboy error and the Housemates had failed to put toilet roll on the shopping list.

"Regulation two sheets per person then," suggested Eugene.

In other news, Makosi announced that she would not be storing her plums in her drawers.

Sounds like a top plan to us.