View Full Version : Holby SPoilers 18th May

11-05-2021, 11:37
The ward is hit with a major incident this week after a bus full of school kids is
involved in a terrible road accident. It's all hands on deck at the hospital although
not everyone is up to the job as Hanssen continues to be plagued by nightmares
of his childhood abuse.

Josh tries to convince the CEO to seek help after catching Hanssen harming himself.
However, will Hanssen listen?
Meanwhile, Kian's torn between treating a crash victim and helping Andrei, who arrives
at Holby terrified by the ruthless drug dealers who forced him to be a drugs mule.

Chloe can't believe it when Kian becomes distracted and almost misdiagnoses
their patient while she's on the operating table. Can Kian save his charge and protect Andrei?