View Full Version : sonia

03-04-2005, 08:54
if you were in sonia's posision now what would you do? :hmm:

03-04-2005, 16:25
That's a tough question, as I can't imagine how Sonia must be feeling, and I don't think I could give my baby up for adoption. Once the baby had been born, it would be very difficult to give it away. I also have a lot of family, and I have a full time job. It's difficult to put myself in that position.

I would want to see my child. But it's a very awkward situation. You'd have to think about what is best for your daughter. In Sonia's situation I am torn. Rebecca is 4 years old, Sonia gave birth to her, and Martin is her father. So it's a choice between having her real parents in her life, or her grandmother (adopted). People say that Rebecca's known her gran all her life, but how do we know this? Sue and Neil Miller moved away when Rebecca was 1. How do we know how much she got too she her?

And I know Rebecca's gran could give her more than Martin and Sonia could, but are material things what's important? It's important for ger to get a good education, I'm not sure how Walford Primary fairs in that, probably not as good as the school she will be going too, if she stays with her gran.

I just don't know what would be for the best.